Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 65: Divine Person! Odin's Struggle Against Thor's Fate

Sauron was immediately attracted by Odin's words!

The gods in the Marvel universe are very complex!

Some gods are symbols of certain concepts, such as the goddess of death, the symbol of the concept of death!

Some gods are powerful and special energies.

Some gods are the embodiment of certain rules or powers!

Some gods are some kind of high-dimensional creatures!

Some gods are special beings created by extremely powerful beings.

Some gods are races with certain powerful bloodlines.

Some gods are beings with a certain high status.

Some gods are called gods because their individual power is so powerful that they can affect the reality of the universe!

The divine person mentioned by Odin is actually the high person mentioned above.

In layman's terms, it's the godhead!

The god of Asgard is a god composed of two elements.

The Aesir Protoss originally had a powerful bloodline! But at the same time, they also possess some godhead.

After several generations of blood inheritance, the Aesir clan can no longer become gods by relying on their own blood alone.

Only those with strong royal blood, such as Odin, whether he has godhead or not, he is the King of God!

The same goes for Thor later on.

The early Thor, although he was Thor, his original strength could not match that of the gods.

But he is a prince and the heir to the throne, so he can possess the status of Thor.

The elite nobles of Asgard can only be granted godhood if their strength reaches a certain level and they make sufficient contributions to Asgard.

For example, Sif, the future queen chosen by Odin for Thor! Her role as goddess of the land and harvest was not something she was born with.

The divine personage, no matter who is in the hands, is an extremely precious thing.

Today's Asgard is far less powerful than in the past, and Odin has accumulated some divine personalities in his hands.

Among them is the person of the Sun God.

There is not the only divine person with the same power, such as the person of the sun god and the person of the god of love, which can be found in almost every mythological civilization.

Divine persons of equal power are also divided into strong and weak ones.

It can also be integrated to improve!

Sauron's mind started spinning rapidly.

If he obtains Asgard's sun god status, then he will have another powerful route!

Personality integrate, evolve and improve!

As far as he knows about the personality of the Sun God, there is another place that he must possess!

The Almighty City, the territory of Zeus!

In the hands of Zeus, he must have the personality of the sun god or the sun god!

He doesn't need to kill the opponent. If he defeats the opponent, he can still have a chance to drop the Sun God's status.

After acquiring and integrating all the sun god personalities in the universe, Sauron could not even imagine how far his godhead would grow!

There is no doubt that gods also have strengths and weaknesses! Perhaps, it is not known that gods can grow to the level of eternity, death, and infinity!

"Okay, I agree"!

Sauron happily agreed!

Odin also smiled.

"I will cast a spell on you. As long as you stand in the open space and call Heimdall's name, he will listen to you."

"He will use the Bifrost to bring you back to Asgard"!

After Odin finished speaking, he cast this magic on Sauron.

Sauron is going on a big mission, and the matters on Blue Star need to be properly explained.

He said goodbye and left, and Odin and the Ancient One sat across from each other drinking tea.

"What did you see from the future?"

Odin looked at the Ancient One. On the Ancient One's chest, the energy of the Time Gem was glowing green.

"I saw chaos! I can no longer see his future clearly!"

"Odin, do you really want to defy fate?"

Ancient One said with helplessness on his face.

Odin's single eye was so deep that he seemed to see the end of the universe.

"Am I going to let Thor become the most tragic Thor? Gradually grow through constant loss?"

Odin learned too much about the future from the Ancient One, and he felt sorry for his son.

"If there is any backlash from fate, let me bear it!"

"I just want Thor to be able to escape his damn fate!"

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