Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 57 Recruiting Winter Soldiers! Let Winter Soldier Poach Captain America

So the question is, if Captain America goes back in time, he actually comes to another timeline or another parallel universe.

Is the lover in front of me, who I have spent half of my life with, still my Peggy?

For a moment, this question came to mind in both Peggy and Captain America.

But the next second, the two hugged each other tightly.

There is no point in dwelling on this issue! The best times of their lives were spent together.

"Master, a bad guy came to steal something, and Dr. Otto and I caught him."

Gwen Spider called Sauron excitedly. His words were full of arrogance.

"Really? Gwen is so awesome."

Sauron is obviously one year younger than Gwen, but he still coaxes her.

It just so happens that they both like this kind of master-disciple relationship.

The next moment, Sauron teleported into the laboratory and saw the Winter Soldier whose limbs were fixed by Doctor Octopus.

Winter Soldier can be said to be a typical representative of whitewashing and weak points!

When he was the HYDRA Winter Soldier, the bald braised egg, Captain America, and the Black Widow all almost died at his hands.

But once he becomes Bucky again, he will simply be reduced to the role of a soldier.

Kill him? Sauron really doesn't like the little things that fell.

Go back? There is no way Sauron would let the bald braised egg become SHIELD Director, that would make no sense.


Sauron snapped his fingers, and the brainwashing device in Winter Soldier's mind was completely decomposed!

Then, the power of the mind invaded the depths of Winter Soldier's consciousness, completely resurrecting the hidden memories.

How can it be possible to completely clear the memory if the memory is clear? Human memory is deeply imprinted on countless cells in the brain.

Just like a computer hard drive, it seems to have been deleted, but in fact the deleted data can still be recovered.


Winter Soldier let out a cry of pain, which was the recovery of huge memories, impacting his consciousness.

Sauron looked at Otto, and Otto let go of the mechanical tentacles.

Winter Soldier fell directly to the ground, his whole body curled up in pain.

After more than ten minutes, the pain in Winter Soldier's mind dissipated, and he recalled all the erased memories.

"I am Bucky, my brother is Steve, I was transformed into a super killer by HYDRA, and I am here to carry out the robbery mission."

Winter Soldier stood up while muttering to himself. He looked at Sauron and thanked him with his eyes: "Thank you!"

"If it weren't for you, I would have continued to be enslaved and forced to become a cold-blooded killer!"

Winter Soldier's strength is not outstanding and not enough to become a member of the Super Seven. But his fighting skills are at full level, enough to become the fighting coach of the Super Seven, and he can barely join the reserve team of the Super Seven.

Winter Soldier is a bit like black, and he can do some dirty work very well.

"You are a person who is out of touch with the times. As a Winter Soldier, you have assassinated many people over the years. Once you leave here, you will face a double pursuit by HYDRA and HYDRA's enemies."

"I'm forming a superhero team. I lack a good fighting master. Join me and you can live a stable life."

Sauron recruited directly.

Winter Soldier knows himself, and he remembers all the assassination memories clearly over the years.

Those people he assassinated, any force behind them would make their scalp numb!

After all, for ordinary characters, HYDRA would never use him.

"Can you really provide me with protection?" Winter Soldier asked excitedly.

Sauron did not explain, but directly transmitted the scene of his battle with Sunfire into the consciousness of Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier's eyes widened instantly, and he immediately made a wise choice.

"Boss, I will be yours from now on."

Sauron smiled and said:

"Your old friend is not dead either. I'll give you the coordinates. Go dig him out!"

Winter Soldier suddenly became extremely excited.

He has been in a dormant state for a long time, and the total memory of his activities only lasts a few years.

In his mind, he and Captain America had only been separated for a few years.

"Boss, is he really still alive? Where is he now?"

Sauron understood their emotions and felt that they were brothers in life and death, which was too deep.

"Man is in the North Pole, he is in a frozen state, and the Super Serum puts his body into sleep."

"From now on, your superhero name will be the Winter Soldier!"

"Once Captain America is dug out, you two will form a superhero team."

Winter Soldier, no, the Winter Soldier nodded seriously, he just wanted to find his good brother now.

Hill agent looked through the telescope and saw that Winter Soldier was so respectful to Sauron, and his whole body felt numb.

She wanted to report to the director several times, but she held back.

"No, I have to talk to Sauron!"

"What's going on between him and Winter Soldier? Winter Soldier must know who sent him!"

Hill gritted his teeth, turned around and went downstairs. Go ask now!

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