Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 41 Professor Lizard’S Assistant, Gwen Stacy!

Although Sauron tried his best to maintain the development of the plot.

But the plot of Spider-man changes when it changes!

Toby Spider Trilogy, Green Goblin has been recruited as a team member. Dr. Otto also conducted research on artificial suns with funding from Norman.

In addition, there was also an unexpected harvest of MJ spiders!

The rest, Sandman and Venom, are all unimportant!

Sauron didn't care at all.

The soft MJ is enough of a surprise!

With such an explosive figure, she is only 18 years old! There is still a lot of room for growth!

Soren asked Norman to arrange a job for MJ's father.

This made MJ like Sauron even more.

He even took the initiative to reward Sauron and agreed to some ideas that he had not agreed to in the past.

But these days, MJ has been avoiding Sauron.

Originally, MJ, who was passionately in love and a little confused, no longer thought about why his body had become so powerful.

But while she was taking a shower, she made a certain movement and cobweb ejaculated from her wrist.

Such a change of events frightened her out of her wits!

No matter how dull her brain is, she can still react.

She was very scared and wanted to find her boyfriend, but she was also afraid of Sauron and thought she was a monster!

It's not like there's no Mutant by her side. But what she saw was that if a child becomes a mutant, he or she will suffer discrimination and bad treatment.

Being called a monster!

She thought that she was also a Mutant, but that she Awakened later.

Her wrist can shoot cobwebs, and she worries that she may have spider legs.

She made excuses not to let her boyfriend come to her.

How could Sauron not understand what MJ, a silly girl, was thinking.

Sauron decided to follow MJ's idea. ,

He spends most of his time with MJ these days, and Dark Phoenix is ​​no longer happy.

Twinkle, little naughty, also need to be comforted.

Very busy!

Osborn Company, inside the biogenetic laboratory.

Become a Superman-like Norman, targeting members of the board of directors.

Win over one group and attack another group.

Not only did he take back a lot of shares, but he also completely eliminated those who were working against him.

Then, split it up and sell off some of the company's assets.

Put all your energy into biomedicine and energy.

Many people thought Osborn was crazy.

But at this moment, Norman was laughing like crazy!

Connors's eyes on the thirteen spiders have reached the point of madness!

The mysterious mutations that occurred in these spiders gave Connors hope of integrating genes across species.

Today, we achieved success on a disabled mouse!

The lost front legs of the white mouse have grown back!

Norman seemed to have seen the great prospects in his eyes!

Osborn will become the most profitable pharmaceutical company in the world!

Connors looked at the newly grown leg of the white mouse greedily.

He seemed to see his lost arm growing back.

Beside them, Gwen Stacy was also taking observation records seriously.

Gwen wears a ponytail and looks very serious and very cute.

Just the type that Sauron likes, a bit fleshy.

Toby Spider Gwen and Super Spider Gwen both look like Super Spider Gwen.

She is one year older than MJ and is a biology student at Columbia University.

He is also Professor Lizard, Connors' most valued student.

Therefore, Connors took her to join his research on cross-species gene integration at Osborn Company.

For this white mouse, orderly observation and recording must be carried out.

In the evening, Professor Connors had gone home, but Gwen stayed.

She needs to keep recording.

At night, the entire Osborn Building was almost deserted.

Only the company's security guards patrolled every floor.

Gwen sat back on a chair and hugged the back of the chair.

He stared at the white rat moving in the cage.

Thirteen spiders have now become precious treasures in the laboratory.

Placed in a special glass box.

Gwen didn't see an invisible hand open the glass box.

Stealing, those thirteen spiders.

Black spider! Miles!

It has the ability to mimic the environment and achieve the effect of invisibility!

He comes from the multi-dimensional Spider-man Alliance!

Came here specifically to steal these thirteen spiders.

During the testing of the Multidimensional Spider-man Alliance, there was a problem with the fifteen super spiders of Columbia University in this universe.

Each one creates a Spider-man.

In other multi-universes, there is a Spider-man in each universe.

In the world of Miles Spider, Peter died, leaving only Miles, the black spider who just became Spider-man.

One, two, three...

Just when Miles was about to catch the thirteenth one.

The white mouse that Gwen had been observing suddenly had a problem!

The eyes of the white mouse that was eating suddenly turned red.

It hit hard!


The strengthened glass was hit with a crack.

Gwen was shocked.


The strengthening glass hit the opening, and the white mouse disappeared.

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