Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 38 Green Goblin Is Born! Erase The Green Goblin Personality!

Norman's heart suddenly became tense!

The reason why his human body strengthening project was lost to space exploration.

One is that his human strengthening agent has not passed human trials for a long time.

The second is that the person in charge of the military has changed. The new person in charge is obviously on the side of exploring and aerospace.

If the human strengthening agent can pass human experiments.

Then, he is still confident that he can win back the military's order.


Sauron placed the thirteen spiders in his hand in front of Norman.

Norman also looked at the spider.

He doesn't understand, what's the point of showing him a spider?

"This is a super spider created by the genetic integration project of Columbia University's biological laboratory."

"These spiders have undergone a magical mutation."

"They can integrate the special gene fragments born in their own bodies with human genes through toxins."

Listening to Sauron's words, Norman locked his eyes on these thirteen spiders.

"You can only join my team if you become Superman."

"You can use your own body strengthening agent. Although an evil personality will be born, I can help you erase it."

"You can also use these spiders, but whether the integration is successful or the gene collapses depends on your life!"

"You can also take it for research and integrate it with your body strengthening agent."

"Norman, there is no future in cooperating with the military!"

"When you become a Superman, a superhero, you will know what a truly promising career is!"

After Soran finished speaking, he waited for Norman's reaction.

Tony is still a swinger now.

Although he has abilities that surpass Norman, Sauron prefers to cooperate with Norman.

Norman has no bottom line! There are some things that Norman can do beautifully as soon as Sauron says it!

Norman believes that Sauron, a person with powerful super abilities, will not just find a few spiders to deceive him.

But he is a scientist, a very good biologist.

He knows that the probability of becoming a Superman through this kind of super spider is too low!

Science is rigorous!

"I will give these spiders to Professor Connors for study. He is the best at Osborn Company and the world's top expert in cross-species gene integration."

"I choose to use body strengthening agent, please help me erase the evil personality I was born!"

More than eighty human experiments on human strengthening agents have been conducted.

Only once did the experimenter engage in serious violent behavior.

However, although the remaining experimenters did not engage in violent behavior, there were many strange behaviors in subsequent observations.

After research, it is believed that a second personality was born.

If there was only one eighty-eighth chance of something like a human body strengthening agent, it would have passed the military's acceptance long ago!

For the military, soldiers are the least valuable.

Even if it’s a one-tenth chance, it’s all worth it.

This was the company's top secret, but Sauron said it straight away.

Osborn believed that he was not lying to himself.


Sauron agreed happily.

Soran took Norman to the laboratory of Osborn Company in an instant.

Norman took out the green body strengthening agent and put it into the equipment cabin.

He drank the catalyst and lay down in it.

The computer automatic program starts.

Even without Sauron's appearance, he decided to use the body strengthening agent himself.

The green strengthening agent begins to evaporate.

The equipment cabin was filled with thick green chemical mist.

Norman took a big breath and inhaled these strengthening agents into his body.

Then he fell into an epileptic state.

But computer testing showed that his body muscles were being strengthened.

Sauron knew that nothing would happen to him and didn't care.

Soon, Norman's body stopped shaking.

His body returned to calm, but there was an evil look in his eyes.

An evil personality is born!

Computer program that automatically clears the green strengthening agent mist.

Opening the strengthening glass hatch, Green Goblin walked out of the equipment cabin, but suddenly launched an attack on Sauron!

Although the Green Goblin was very fast, in Sauron's eyes, it was extremely slow.

Sauron just thought, and his huge mind Psychokinesis bound the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin, who could not move at all, fell into panic for a moment.

"What power is this?"

"Why can't I move?"

"Damn it! Let me go! Otherwise I will kill you"!

Sauron shook his head, and huge spiritual power poured into Norman's brain.

The Green Goblin screamed in terror.

"no no!"

"You can't erase me!"

"Damn it! You can't do this!"

"Please, let me go!"

"I am willing to recognize you as my master!"

Norman fainted instantly, and the newly born evil personality Green Goblin was erased by Sauron!

Soon, Norman woke up.

He felt the powerful power in his body, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Am I successful?"

Sauron nodded and said:

"I have erased your evil personality, so you don't have to worry about it in the future."

Norman felt his power with his face full of information, and he suddenly made a decision.

He entered his highest authority and deleted all information about human body strengthening agents.

Then, he took out a portion of the popularity strengthening agent and destroyed all the rest.

"It's better not to hand over such a powerful force to the military"!

Norman sees a greater future!

Sauron nodded approvingly.

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