Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 15 The Little Naughty Attachment And Admiration!

Just when Sauron's finger was about to touch the forbidden mountain peak.

Qin, reaching out, stopped him.

Her breathing was a little rapid.

His eyes were also frighteningly hot.

However, those children outside made chaotic noises.

Keep her from losing her mind.

"Sauron, don't!"

"I have not decided yet."

Dark Phoenix is ​​her alter ego.

Dark Phoenix's thirst for lust and violence!

It was the hidden self deep inside her.

Otherwise, in the original novel, could Wolverine seduce her?

How many times have they met?

After the Battle of the Statue of Liberty, Wolverine began her journey to find her roots.

For three long years, there was no Xavier's School at all.

The two of them couldn't even develop feelings.

The main conscious reason suppresses the inner impulse.

Sauron nodded.

He would not force a woman.

Sauron heard the sound of someone coming.

He took his hand back.

"Qin, then go and do your work."

"Although William was caught by us."

"But it won't be easy for him to save the professor."

In fact, America's military has sent people to temporarily take over Colonel William's base.

Currently studying how to break through the illusion of the Master of Illusion.

Jason is the son of Colonel William, and he only listens to him.

Jean nodded.

She stood up neatly, turned and left.

Qin's brows furrowed slightly.

She began to look at herself.

She couldn't understand why she suddenly felt so different towards Sauron.

She could feel that Sauron had a special charm that deeply attracted her!

This has never happened before.

The little naughty boy watched Qin leave without thinking much.

Passing by the door, I saw Sauron sitting on the sofa.

The little naughty boy was delighted.

Opportunities to be alone with Sauron are rare!

There are too many girls who like Sauron in the academy.

At present, only Flicker, relying on himself and Sauron, are both Easterners.

We have many common topics and hobbies, and can often appear around him.

For the rest of the people, every time they wanted to find him alone, someone would appear, compete and destroy him.

When Magneto left, John was dominated by Sauron.

The little naughty boy took a deep breath and looked at his clothes.

No problem, she just went in.

"Sauron, you are here!"

The little naughty boy sat down directly next to Sauron.

A piano left, and a little naughty boy came.

"You're looking for me?"

Sauron asked.

The little naughty boy nodded and said:

"Teacher Ororo, let us all go to an underground shelter to stay."

"I don't want to go, can I accompany you on the mission?"

Sauron shook his head.

The naughty little girl was just an ordinary girl before she absorbed other people's abilities.

There's nothing I can do to help.

"Be good and stay in the bunker."

(Charles's adoptive father, worried that the war would spread to America, spent huge sums of money to build an underground shelter)

"As long as I'm here, it's enough."

Soran reached out and touched the naughty face.

He is the only one who is not afraid of Rugrats Ability.

After being discovered by the little naughty boy, he developed a strong dependence on him.

Bobby didn't care at all about her pursuit.

Could she find a boyfriend with whom she couldn't have skin-to-skin contact?

Just looking for spiritual love?

The little naughty one is obsessed with eyes and enjoys the feeling of skin-to-skin contact.

"Soren, you said before that we were all underage."

"But now, we are all adults."

"Can you do something?"

The little naughty eyes were burning.

Because of herself, she couldn't have skin-to-skin contact with anyone.

There is a strong desire for those intimate behaviors that can make skin contact!

How could Sauron refuse!

The hand that caressed the little naughty face reached to the back of her head.

Pushing towards him, he also pushed forward.

Kiss directly!

The little naughty heart has been longing for it for a long time, and finally it is satisfied!

She hugged Sauron's neck tightly.

Searing response!

The naughty little figure is absolutely domineering!

Three years ago, when she was 15 years old, she was already ahead of most adults.

Three years later, it was even more terrible!

Although this is not a place to do business.

But let’s get over it first, and let’s talk about other addictions later!


Ororo, in the guest room assigned to Magneto.

Magneto and Mystique were talking about Sauron.

"Raven, do you think it's possible for him to come with us?"

Magneto looked calmly at the scenery outside the window.

Mystique said:

"Lehnsherr, he won't go with you!"

"He is young, full of ambition and desire!"

"There are so many young Mutants here."

"He will be here and form his own team."

"And beautiful teachers, and girls!"

Magneto turned his head and looked at Mystique.

"Raven, whoever can win your heart can have all the beauties in this world!"

Mystique can take on the appearance of anyone.

Even those who fantasize.

What man wouldn't like his woman to have such ability?

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