Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 13 Drinking With Magneto Like Old Friends!

Charles' office.

Magneto and Mystique are both very familiar with this place.

Sauron is here, meeting with Magneto.

Magneto was looking at the familiar layout in the office, nostalgic for the past.

He was a little surprised to see a young man come in.

"Why doesn't Qin come?"

Eric frowned.

Sauron's eyes were looking at Mystique aside.

He has always been curious about how Mystique can transform into someone else, even through his clothes.

So the question is, when she becomes someone else, can she take off her clothes?

If you could take it off, would the clothes turn your skin blue?

After taking it off, Mystique becomes another person. Will she still have clothes on her body?

Mystique frowned. She felt that Sauron's gaze seemed to offend her!

She has long been accustomed to her appearance and other people's eyes.

But Sauron's gaze made her feel very different.

No discrimination, more like exploration, and eagerness to try?

Magneto also saw Sauron's gaze, but he didn't care.

"Child, why did you come to see me?"

Magneto's eyes softened.

Sauron, however, walked to the sofa and sat down.

There is no chair behind the professor's desk.

"Magneto-senpai, please sit down."

Sauron is very natural.

Magneto suddenly realized the young man in front of him.

Very unusual.

He shook his head and smiled, sitting opposite Sauron.

"I am in charge of the academy now."

Sauron spoke directly.

"Colonel William invaded the college last night and was captured by me."

"Jin is interrogating her while Ororo arranges the evacuation of the students."

Sauron looked at the clean tabletop.

No tea!

As an Oriental, how can I live without tea when chatting?

He snapped his fingers, and John, who was standing outside the door, immediately walked in.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

Sauron said:

"Go find Shuang and ask her to go to the East and get a tea set."

"Bring back some more Dahongpao."

It’s not that there’s no tea in the academy.

But they are all tea bags.

What kind of tea is that?


John turned and left.

Magneto frowned slightly.

Through John's performance, he confirmed that this was not a show for him.

The young man in front of me said that he was now the head of the college.

Didn't lie to him!

This made Magneto very curious!

He and Charles are both leaders in Mutant.

For decades, Magneto wanted to find a successor to his philosophy.

However, outstanding young Mutants with leadership qualities and abilities are so rare.

Although Charles has X-Men, Magneto is not optimistic about people like Scott.

Able to become the leader after Charles.

Soon, Shuang Shuang walked in carrying a Kung Fu tea set.

She squatted in front of Sauron and placed the tea set.

Rinse the tea set with boiling water and start brewing Dahongpao.

The familiar aroma of tea.

Sauron was satisfied.

He put his hand on Twinkle's head.

Rubbing his twinkling little head.

Suddenly, her cheeks turned crimson.

"Go and do your business, I want to talk about something."

Twinkle left obediently.

"What a wonderful grade!"

Magneto looked at this scene and said with some sigh.

He had had many women, and those women had all given birth to children for him.

But fate always plays tricks on him.

Some children he didn't know existed.

Some children died young because of him.

"Magneto-senpai, please have some tea."

Magneto is no stranger to oriental tea either.

The two drank together.

Like a pair of old friends.

Sauron, but did not talk about business.

Soon, Qin and Ororo arrived.

How could they not care about Magneto's arrival?

They were very worried that Magneto was caught while the professor was taking advantage of him.

Came to cause destruction.

But when they arrived at the professor's office.

But I saw John guarding the door.

And in the office, Soren and Magneto.

Like a pair of old friends, drinking tea and chatting.

Magneto has a wealth of life experience.

Sauron even knew the many secrets of this universe, and his knowledge was extremely broad!

Qin and Ororo were both stunned at the door.

Sauron didn't stand up when he saw the two teachers.

Instead, he patted his sides.

"Teachers, come and sit down!"

This is not the attitude of students towards teachers.

Ororo was about to have a fit, but Qin pulled Ororo's hand.

How can the contradictions among the people be expressed in front of outsiders?

The two walked over, one on the left and the other on the right, and sat on both sides of Sauron.

Sauron poured them tea.

"Taste the tea that Twinkle brought from the east."

Ororo really didn't understand.

What on earth is Sauron doing?

The college is suffering from the biggest crisis since its establishment!

But here you are, drinking tea and chatting with your old enemy, Magneto!

Is it necessary to hire a three-star Michelin chef to prepare a table?

Opening a bottle of 1982 Lafite?

"Qin, please share the situation of your interrogation with Senior Eric."

Sauron leaned back, feeling very comfortable.

There was a slight black mist in Qin's eyes.

The influence of Dark Phoenix is ​​still there, but it's just very shallow.

She turned her head and glanced at Sauron before she started talking.

Ororo clenched her fists.

【Like this again! 】

[In the end, who is the teacher! 】

Magneto's eyes were also full of surprise.

Sauron ordered Qin, and Qin really obeyed!

Is there really a young leader in Mutant?

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