Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 10 F16 Interception! The X-Fighter Was Hit By A Missile!

Because Sauron, Xavier's School, is not the same as in the original book.

Some students were arrested.

Some students, along with Colossus, escape through a secret passage.

Wolverine and Iceman, Pyro, and the Rugrats, escape to Bobby's house.

Although there is Sauron, fluttering the wings of butterflies.

But what has changed is only part of the plot.

Many things are still going on as in the original work.

The X-Men's vehicle, a supersonic stealth aircraft.

It was built by Beast, the genius scientist of the X-Men!

Definitely, inseparable from the financial support of Charles, the super rich man.

Supersonic Flight, radar stealth, optical stealth!

There is no doubt that this fighter jet has deeply attracted the attention of the military.

Colonel William, was able to convince the president.

This plane is one of them.

Phoenix and Storm, borrowing communications from Colossus.

You know, what happened in the academy.

Then he hurried back.

But as they approached the academy, they were targeted by America's air force!

Two F16 fighter jets appeared behind the X-Fighter.

Ororo discovered it from the radar immediately.

"Two fighter planes have appeared and are flying in quickly!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a voice sounded in the radio system.

"The unidentified aircraft immediately lowered its altitude to 20,000 feet!"

"We will escort you back to Hanskanu Air Force Base!"

"You have 10 seconds to do it!"

Ororo was confused.

Say it to Phoenix.

"What are they going to do?"

Another sound came from the radio system.

"We will approach both sides of you and escort you immediately to Hanskanu Air Force Base!"

This time, there was a tone of voice that said no one could refuse!

At the same time, two F16s were also flying parallel to the X-Fighters.

"Please lower the altitude immediately!"

Ororo looked out the window.

The flight attendant on the opposite side made a gesture to lower the altitude.

"Repeat! Please descend immediately! This is the last warning!"

But obviously, Ororo and Qin still haven't figured out what happened.

The military's F16 began to retreat.

"They retreated."

Ororo frowned, and then the computer issued a warning.

"They've got us!"

Then, a piercing siren sounded.


Ororo's spirit instantly became tense.

"They're launching a missile!"

Nightcrawler tightened himself with the seat belt, held the cross in his hand, and began to pray silently.

Ororo and Qin began to cooperate with each other.

Increase the horsepower and maneuver urgently to avoid the lock of the fire control radar.

However, the F16 behind is holding on tight.

You run, I chase.

Ororo and Qin already cooperate very well.

Jean takes full control of the driving.

Ororo's eyes turned white.

She uses her super ability to control the weather outside!

Dark clouds began to gather.

Tornadoes formed one after another, penetrating the sky and the earth!

Qin piloted the X-fighter and survived in the cracks of the tornado!

The two fighters at the back were avoiding the tornado while pursuing the X-Fighter.

Soon, a fighter plane passed through a tornado.

The fighter plane fell into a stall and tail spin.

In this bad weather, there is no way to save yourself or escape!

Flight crew, skydive!

Only one left!


The fire control radar reminds me of the target lock tone.

The pilot decisively fired two Sidewinder missiles.

Fly towards the X-fighter!

The flight crew jumped decisively!

Ororo saw the plane disappearing from the radar.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she used her Super Ability to disperse the storm she had gathered.

The X-Fighter flies into the sunshine again.

Qin also breathed a sigh of relief.

But it only lasts two seconds.

The computer alerts again!

"Oh God! Two missiles are flying over us"!

Horror appeared on Ororo's face.

She controls the X-fighter and dodges!

However, the director's speed is always far faster than that of an airplane.

This time, it's Ororo's turn to take full control of Flight.

Various evasive actions are being carried out.

Qin, on the other hand, uses her own Ability!

She exerted all her strength, and Phoenix force emerged from her eyes.

The tail jet of a Sidewinder missile was redirected.

The Sidewinder missile rolled sideways and exploded in the air!

"One more"!

Ororo reminded.


But, this one is too close!

"Oh! God!"

Jean's control failed!

Sidewinder missile explodes!

A hole was blown open on the top of the X-Fighter!

The plane is out of control!

Start spinning and fall at a very fast speed!

In Xavier's School, Sauron is sleeping.

But with his super hearing, he heard the explosion.

He woke up instantly.

Super Vision activates.

I saw the X-fighter stalling and falling.

Due to changes in the plot, the X-fighters did not go to Bobby's house.

Naturally, the time of return was advanced.

Sauron's figure disappeared instantly.


The deafening sonic boom resounded throughout the entire academy!

Sauron flew towards the falling X-fighter at top speed!

This time it's early, Magneto hasn't come nearby yet.

Ororo and Qin tried their best to control the plane, trying to pull the plane back from a stall!

However, the number on the altimeter plummeted rapidly!

The forest canopy is right in front of you!

Ororo and Qin looked at each other in despair.

However, the X-Fighter went straight in an instant!

If it weren't for the seat belts, the two of them would have been thrown away due to the huge inertia!

Ororo and Qin couldn't help but look ahead.

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