"Yes, she is my goddess."

Hela looked back at Rhodes with a happy face.

Although Hela is indeed a goddess, at this moment, Hela only wants to be the goddess of Rhodes alone.

Then Hela happily took Rhodes to buy clothes.

Rhodes didn't care about Hela buying those expensive clothes at all. Rhodes could directly manufacture as much currency as he wanted.

It is simply an infinite humanoid money printing machine, and it is not short of money at all.

Hela was in a good mood this time, and she bought quite a lot of clothes, almost filling up a warehouse.

Although it was said that Hela might never wear these clothes again after buying them back, but Rhodes didn't care, as long as Hela was happy at this moment.

So Hela and Rhodes became legends in the Asgard Mall.

On that day, countless stores acted like crazy, frantically recruiting Hela to shop in their stores. If any store is patronized by Hela, it can basically complete the performance of more than ten years.

After a shopping spree, Hella almost got a considerable part of the goods in the entire Asgard shopping center.

Rhodes heaved a long sigh. Although Rhodes' current body doesn't feel tired at all, Rhodes still feels a kind of exhaustion that goes deep into the soul.

Going shopping with a woman is definitely one of the most tiring things in the world, especially after a man tells the woman, buy whatever you want, and write these words casually before he goes shopping with a woman.

That simply opened the seal of women's unlimited physical strength. Basically, no matter how long they go shopping, women will not feel tired.

Even if the other party is wearing high heels.

Rhodes rested on a chair beside him, but he was surrounded by a group of men carrying big bags and small bags, waiting for their wives to shop.

Rhodes and the group of men looked at each other, all showing the same bitter smile.

But Rhodes was obviously more miserable than these men, and he entered an extremely excited state after Hela finished shopping.

Then he took Rhodes back to his temple to work hard.

At that time, Rhodes just wanted to say, God, someone will save me.

In this way, in the next year, Hela basically worked hard except when going out to play and deal with affairs. Whenever she was free, she would pull Rhodes to work hard.

God knows how Rhodes passed this year. If Rhodes' physical strength had not reached the level of the multiverse, otherwise he would have been sucked up by the heavenly father-level Hela.


One day, Rhodes was lying by the lake reading a book and drinking tea. At this time, Hela suddenly teleported to Rhodes' side. Seeing Hela's figure, Rhodes trembled all over.

Obviously, after more than a year of hard work, Rhodes is a little allergic to seeing Hela now, for fear that Hela will say, let's continue to work hard.

Seeing Rhode's allergic reaction, Hela smiled.

"Don't be afraid, this time I have something to say, not something about working hard."

"Oh, then tell me."

Hela sat beside Rhodes and said.

"The space in the Nine Realms seems to be very unstable recently."


"Yes, according to the report of the patrolling guards in Asgard, some people on Earth have entered the territory of Asgard without opening the space channel..."


Rhodes was stunned when he heard the news.

"With such a long space distance in the Nine Realms, humans can actually reach Asgard?"

Hela was very able to understand Rhodes' expression at this time.

When she first heard the news, she thought it was a fantasy.

Although the distance between the Nine Worlds is the same for Rhodes everywhere, it is a teleportation effort, but for the technological civilization on the earth in the 21st century.

1001671055 transit group

To cross the distance between the planets in the Nine Realms, there is no way for human beings to travel a few light years. Even if there is such a spaceship, when human beings fly to the place, they will probably become old men, or directly turn into ashes.

This means that the space has been distorted, infinitely shortening the distance between the Nine Realms.

That's why the fragile human body can withstand the huge load of space transmission and come to Asgard unscathed.

The distance between Asgard and Earth is not that close.

Rhodes said.

"Go, go and have a look."

Rhodes and Hela went to find those earthlings gathered by Asgard's guards.

People on Earth can't mix with Asgardians or other aliens casually without management. It's not that they are afraid of what will happen to these aliens, but Rhodes and the others are afraid of these aliens. What do people do with these 2.9 pitchers.

Rhodes glanced wide, and there were people from all regions, countries, and skin colors of these Earthlings.

Just wearing very ordinary earthling clothes.

These people on earth are obviously very scared that they have come to such a completely unknown and unprecedentedly developed space for no reason.

Fortunately, the appearance of these earthlings also shocked these aliens. Although it caused a little commotion, it did not cause more serious consequences.

Rhodes asked these earthlings, but these earthlings were also confused, they were doing all kinds of things, and they had nothing in common.

There is no connection or intersection between them, and they don't know what's going on, they just said that they came to Asgard in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 115: Reality Gem Appears

With a wave of his hand, Rhodes sent away all the earthlings who did not belong here.

Each went back to each house, each looking for each mother.

They're only going to cause confusion if they stay here, let them go back.

After Rhodes sent the Earthlings back, Rhodes enveloped the entire Nine Realms with his divine sense.

Rhodes soon discovered that the space in the Nine Realms became abnormally chaotic, and even without any space magic or technological means, creatures in the Nine Realms could enter other worlds without restriction.

And it was a random event without warning.

Now Rhodes was a little confused, what happened to the space of the Nine Realms? Out of your mind?

Play Unlimited Chaos.

Rhodes thought of one thing.

"My God, it can't be that the gem of reality hidden in the space rift is about to appear."

Hela was taken aback when she heard Rhodes' words.

Rhodes spread out his divine sense, and quickly searched for traces of the Reality Gem in the universe.

Soon Rhodes found the energy traces of the Reality Gem, and the place with the strongest Reality Gem aura should be where the Reality Gem 05 is located.

Rhodes teleported to the place where the reality gem had just existed.

It's just that Rhodes searched many times, but he still couldn't find the location of the Reality Gem itself.

Rhodes was puzzled for a while.

"Could it be that this reality gem has been taken away?"

"Impossible, in this universe, who can be faster than mine?"

Rhode looked at the remaining aura of the Reality Gem in front of him and fell into deep thought. The Reality Gem that seemed to have finally appeared was gone. This made Rhode very helpless, and Rhodes continued to search for the Reality Gem.


At this time, the fluctuation caused by the reality gem also acts on the earth.

Thor's little girlfriend on Earth, Jane Foster, followed a group of friends to an abandoned factory.

At this time, a very strange and magical situation appeared in this abandoned factory.

In this abandoned factory, weight and space seem to completely violate the principles of physics, and there are completely different reactions.

A half-year-old boy can easily lift a truck in this abandoned factory, and he keeps tossing the truck with his companions for fun.

I don't know when any unlucky kid will be smashed into meat paste by this truck after the mysterious power in this factory disappears.

And at the guardrail of the abandoned factory, there is a hollow in the center where you can see the sky.

Throwing items into this space, the items thrown in will fall, but they will not fall to the ground and stop, but will fall from the sky again.

Then it fell into an endless cycle of space, going round and round, repeating the miraculous things of falling from the sky and disappearing from the ground.

It attracted many people to watch.

Among them, a spirited guy thought it was very interesting, so he threw his car key into it desperately. As a result, the spirited guy waited happily for his car key to fall from it.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, the car key did not fall from the top.

The spirited guy's expression gradually became awkward, this is good, he lost his car keys, and now he has nothing to drive when he goes back.

Jane didn't pay attention to these, she seemed to be looking for something, when she passed a long and narrow passage of an abandoned factory, a gust of wind blew onto Jane.

Jane's whole body trembled when she blown it.

Jane was a little puzzled, so she walked towards the narrow passage.

But before Jane understood what it was, she only felt a strong suction drawing her in.

And there were some space fluctuations in the place where Jane was sucked in just now. After Jane was sucked in, it completely returned to normal. It was still the solid concrete wall, without the slightest abnormality.

Jane, who was sucked into the mysterious space, sat up from the ground, patted the dust on her clothes, and found that something was wrong around her.

At this moment, Jane saw that she was in another space completely. This was not the scene in the abandoned factory. This was a very dark place, only some rare light sources did not know where they came from.

Bring a little light to this vast space.

Jane saw a stretch of steps under her feet, and she didn't know where it led.

With courage, Jane walked up the steps in front of her step by step, and found that it was a very wide altar, and there seemed to be something strange on the altar in the center of the altar.

Jane walked towards the center of the altar step by step.

Jane walked towards the object in the center of the altar with the help of the tiny light source of the mobile phone.

Jane gently reached out to touch the thing in front of her, but the next moment Jane's body was surrounded by a dark red substance.

A large number of ether particles instantly enveloped Jane's body completely.

All poured into Jane's body.

Jane only felt that her body was not under her control at all, and she wanted to call for help loudly when she panicked, but she couldn't do anything, she could only watch these ether particles pour into her body.

Right now, Jane has been parasitized by the power of the Reality Gem, and at this time, the Reality Gem uses Jane's body as a carrier, and quickly pours into 780.

After Jane's body was invaded by the power of the reality gem, she passed out directly.

And at the edge of the universe.

Somewhere in an extremely dark place with no light, a dark elf with a pale body and pointed elf ears was awakened by the appearance of ether particles.

The black armor retracted by itself, revealing the face of the Dark Elf King Malekith.

The dark elf king Malekith tried to use the power of ether particles to bring the Nine Realms back into darkness.

Only in an absolutely dark environment is it suitable for the development of the dark elves. However, the dark elf king Malekith used ether particles to launch a war, but was snatched away by the Asa gods at that time.

Right now, the ether particles that have been sleeping in the gaps in the universe for a long time are active again, and the activity of these ether particles has awakened the former dark elf king Malekith who has been sleeping on the edge of the universe for countless years.

The awakened Dark Elf King Malekith began to observe the nine planets in the Nine Realms.

The dark elf king Malekith found that the planets in the Nine Realms just formed a straight line at this time, and there happened to be a space folding between the nine planets in the Nine Realms.

This is why the Earthlings appear directly in Asgard.

Chapter 116: The First Earth Father

At the same time, many creatures in the Nine Realms reached other worlds for free under the effect of space folding.

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