As the two were preparing to communicate, the radio was still reporting the game.

Hearing the familiar team name and score, Captain America glanced at the radio. He was at the scene of this game. Noticing his reaction, Wu Yudama raised his head and his eyes collided with Fury's gaze outside.

"It seems that you are not well prepared. The captain seems to have discovered it."

"This is our mistake."

The door opened and Fury entered the room.

He nodded to the American captain who was alert again,"Calm down soldier."

He went to the radio and turned it off.

"After careful consideration, we think it's best to let you slowly accept the fact that this game... is something we are not prepared for."

"Accept? Accept what?"

Captain America...Steve couldn't quite understand the meaning of Fury's words.

Looking around the room, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

At the same time, a bad premonition gradually enveloped his heart.

Looking at Steve who was getting more and more anxious, Wu Yuyu turned his head and said,"I think we should believe in the captain's ability to accept, don't we?"

Fury did not comment on this statement.

Their preparations had been discovered by Steve, and it would not be so easy to continue. It would be better to do as Wu Yuyu said and believe in Steve's ability to accept.

He spread out his hands and motioned Wu Yuyu to give it his all.

The exchange between the two made Steve even more confused.

Why should he believe in his ability to accept?

"What should I accept?"

He asked again.

But this time, the target was changed from Fury to Wu Yuyu.

Facing his questioning gaze, Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.


In an instant, cracks appeared in the surrounding space, and then suddenly shattered.

In front of them appeared the military camp where Steve had been before.

With the help of the Time Stone, Wu Yuyu pulled the previous scene over completely.

With a clap of his hands, he drew the attention of the two people beside him.

Pointing to the 'skinny version' of Steve who was training in front, he looked at the 'Captain America version' of Steve,"This is the period you are training." He stretched out his hand and waved.

The surrounding scene started to speed up, and in a flash, it was already the period when Steve was injected with serum.

"This is when you inject the serum"

"Although I don't know how you did it, it should have nothing to do with what I want to know."

Steve frowned. This scene was amazing, but what he wanted to know was where he was and what the two people in front of him wanted him to accept.

Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and pressed down.

"Don't worry, just watch it calmly."

With a wave of his hand, the picture accelerated again.

This time, time directly jumped to the stage where Steve was flying the plane.

The familiar cockpit and the scene of saying goodbye to Peggy appeared in Steve's mind again.

For him, it happened just a few minutes ago.

Thinking of what Wu Yuyu had just said, he suppressed his doubts and concentrated on watching the progress of the picture.

Soon, just as he remembered, the plane crashed quickly.

And he also disappeared in a glacier.

The picture accelerated again.

The room fell into a long silence for a while.

One second, two seconds... countless seconds, and finally, the picture stopped when the SHIELD exploration ship dug him out of the glacier, and then slowly disappeared, and the surrounding environment returned to the room again.

After reading this, Steve seemed to know what Wu Yuyu wanted to tell him.

He opened his mouth, and his throat was dry.

He couldn't make any sound.

According to this passage of time... How many years has he slept in the glacier...

Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to calm your heart that is about to jump out of your chest.


He opened his eyes again, his eyes were filled with complicated emotions, and he said in a hoarse voice:"You want to say……"

Roll your throat a few times and open your mouth again

"How many years have passed since the plane crashed and you rescued me?"

""Seventy years, soldier."

Fury added.

Seventy years... this terrifying number, he still has a date to go, Steve can't accept this result.

He glanced at the two of them.

His body slowly retreated,"You must be lying to me. Although I don't know what the scene just now is, I won't believe it."

After saying that, Steve broke through the door and knocked down all the agents who gathered around with three punches and two kicks, and rushed out of the building.

"It seems that your method didn't work either."

Looking at Wu Yuyu sitting on the chair, Fury stepped over the damaged door and chased in the direction Steve left.

However... did it really fail?

Wu Yuyu picked at his nails and a light curtain spread out in front of him.

On it was Steve's fleeing figure.

Steve didn't doubt the authenticity of those pictures, but the number of seventy years...he couldn't accept it. Driven by the desire to escape, he broke through the agents' defenses and fled outside the building.


Dodging the vehicles coming towards him.

Steve looked at the unfamiliar buildings, the people and cars coming and going.

No matter how much he didn't want to accept it, he had to admit that he had missed the date when he woke up...

A circle of light opened beside him, and the figure of Wu Yuyu sitting on the chair reappeared.

Looking around, Steve didn't see shocked expressions on the faces of the people around him, as if they were already accustomed to this phenomenon.

Is technology developing so rapidly?

Shaking his head, he stepped into the circle of light.

When he passed by, the circle of light disappeared instantly, and no one noticed that there was a person here just now.

In addition to Fury

""Fuck it!"

Fury, who had made a wasted trip, turned into a fucking hero, and kept complaining about Wu Yuyu's lack of manners.

But Steve had already disappeared, so he had no choice but to lead the team back.

In the room,

Wu Yuyu threw a can of Coke to Steve, holding another can in his hand as a demonstration.

He watched him take a big gulp, and then his facial features wrinkled together.

Wu Yuyu's face showed a smile of a successful prank.

"It seems that you have accepted this fact."

Steve showed a bitter smile on his face and took another sip of Coke. After being mentally prepared, this drink tasted quite good.

"If I don't accept it, can I go back to seventy years ago?"

"Obviously, no."

Wu Yuyu shrugged and directly rejected Steve's question.

"Yes, I can't...but...I still owe a date……"

The past events, one by one, revolved in his mind like a revolving lantern.

How could it be that seventy years had passed when he woke up after sleeping?

He fiddled with the Coke can in his hand, and in a trance, Peggy's face appeared in front of him.

He didn't know if she was doing well now, or if she still remembered the date.

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