"Hey, it's Mjolnir, not Meowth! Never mind... Although you called it by the wrong name, I still want to congratulate you, you have gained the friendship of Thor."

Facing the extremely confident Thor, Wu Yuyu shrugged and said nothing.

The friendship of Thor?

Now it should be the friendship of the God of Hammer!

Without the hammer, Thor will lose his divine power. What else can he be but the God of Hammer?

Seeing Thor walking towards the base with confidence, Jane walked carefully to Wu Yuyu and asked.

"Is it really okay? The place has been blocked by the FBI, right? Also, is everything you just said true? I mean, Thor, Mjolnir, and so on."

Faced with Jane's series of questions, Wu Yuyu was about to speak when she heard Daisy scream.

"I remember it!"

She rushed to Wu Yuyu quickly, staring at the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

Exactly the same!

The shape of this necklace is exactly the same as the one she saw in the news!

Holding her hands in front of her chest, looking at Wu Yuyu, Daisy's eyes almost became stars, and Wu Yuyu felt uncomfortable all over.

She stretched out her hands and tried to get Daisy to stay away from her.

"Ma'am, I think you need to calm down.……"

Daisy shook her head and grabbed Wu Yuyu's outstretched hands, interrupting her words.

"You must be the god who left a miracle in Harlem!"

He pulled his hand away from Daisy without leaving a trace. She was so enthusiastic that even he, a socially anxious person, became a little socially anxious. He took two steps back and kept a safe distance from Daisy.

"I did what happened in Harlem, but it wasn't a miracle, and I'm not a god."

He did it, so there was no need for him to deny it, nor did he need to play the game of playing the pig and eating the tiger.

But the word god was a bit too exaggerated, and he couldn't accept it with peace of mind.

Unfortunately, his explanation didn't seem to work.

Daisy completely ignored the second half of his explanation, put her hands together, and started praying to him as if he were a god.……


Wu Yuyu looked at Daisy's operation, feeling a little amused.

Does he have his own believers?

This feeling... is very wonderful.

Jane and Eric, who were standing aside, were so upset by Daisy's operation that their faces were wrinkled.

How did a heretic from the next door theology sneak into their scientific team!

After a commotion, the scene returned to silence again.

Wu Yuyu forced himself to ignore Daisy with starry eyes behind him, and looked into the distance, looking at the SHIELD base that had already caused chaos.

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him. What was playing inside was the scene of Thor making a scene at SHIELD.

At the same time, above their heads, a magic shield flashed by. This was Wu Yuyu's preparation for the coming heavy rain.

Looking at Jane,"Your questions will be answered here."

Hearing Wu Yuyu's words, Jane and Eric turned their eyes to the light curtain at the same time.

As for Daisy?

Needless to say, she did whatever Wu Yuyu said...

In the base

"I need someone with a gun to occupy the commanding heights."

In just a few minutes, Thor took advantage of the narrow terrain of the base and knocked down many agents.

In order to better control the situation, Phil had to send people to occupy the commanding heights.

It must be said that although Thor lost his divine power, his skills are still strong. At least there are very few agents of SHIELD who can match him... bullshit.

Wu Yuyu admitted that he couldn't make it up anymore.

As a god, he couldn't use his divine power without the hammer.

His divine body is too lame.


As the first raindrops fell, the rain got heavier and heavier. Wu Yuyu closed his eyes as he watched Thor rolling in the mud with a sturdy agent in the rain.

Although he had known this would happen, the feeling of being upset still made him open his mouth.

"Such a weak god……"


Daisy, needless to say, ever since she recognized Wu Yuyu, she just nodded frantically no matter what Wu Yuyu said, and never objected.

The other two had actually accepted the setting that Thor was the God of Thunder.

But the scene before them really tore the myths they knew into pieces.

It turns out...

God is not as powerful as described in the myths.

In order to help Thor save face in front of his future girlfriend, Wu Yuyu appeased his conscience.

"Thor's power was sealed by his father, so this is the situation now."

Jane nodded, not quite understanding, but the look in her eyes when she looked at Thor did not change.

It's bad.

Didn't I ruin Thor's marriage...

Wu Yuyu gave Thor an apologetic look, he really tried.

On the other side, Thor, who didn't know that his marriage was in turmoil, had broken through layers of obstacles and finally stood in front of the Meowth Hammer he had been thinking about. He didn't know that at the top of the base, a sharp arrow was aimed at him.

His face was filled with the smile of meeting an old friend.

He slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the handle of Mjolnir's hammer

‘Come on, old man, you must have missed me too! '

He exerted his muscles and pulled... again... again.

He pulled with his left hand, and when one hand didn't work, he pulled with both hands.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Mjolnir remained motionless.

It was as if he was saying to him,——

‘That's it?’

‘I haven’t seen you for a few days. How’s your life?’

‘Did you really use all your strength? I didn't even feel it!

Thor fell to his knees helplessly. It was not until this moment that he truly realized that Odin really wanted to expel him from Asgard.

"Let's go, let's go get this big fool back."

Seeing Thor's performance was over and he was about to be taken into custody by SHIELD, Wu Yuyu drew a portal and brought the three of them to Phil's side.

"Excuse me, can you give me this big fool?"

Wu Yuyu patted Phil's shoulder in a familiar manner, completely ignoring the agents who were aiming their guns at him.

He raised his hand to stop the agents from launching an attack.

Phil naturally changed his expression to that friendly smile.

"Of course, if Mr. Wu needs it, he can be taken away now."

As one of Fury's arms, Phil knew very well what Wu Yuyu was.

He had no intention of stopping him.

Even if Wu Yuyu wanted, he could take the hammer away, and Phil would not have any objection.

His eyes swept over Eric and the other two.

"I'm sorry for what happened before. Now, I can return all your belongings, and give you a small gift to express my apology."

As expected of Phil, he did it very well.

Although he didn't know the relationship between them and Wu Yuyu, he still apologized, which fully demonstrated his importance to Wu Yuyu...

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