After a round of cheers, everyone wanted to thank the gods who bestowed this miracle.

But Wu Yuyu's figure had disappeared long ago... and with it, Tony, Mordo, and the blood samples and information in Stern's laboratory. It is better to destroy such dangerous things as soon as possible.

Otherwise, who knows when other types of green fat men will appear.

While Wu Yuyu was destroying the samples and information.

In the battlefield just now.

Fury looked at the cheering crowd in front of him silently, turned away silently, and at the same time tore up the page belonging to Wu Yuyu in the notebook in his heart.

Instead of becoming an Avenger, it is better to let Wu Yuyu develop as it is now, anyway, it is all for the protection of this planet.

Although the guardian of this planet is a bit jumpy... on the other side

"What is going on?"

Banner, who had arrived late, looked at the crowd cheering in the flames and wreckage, and was full of doubts.

He was just a little late, so why did he feel like he had missed a lot?

After Ross's explanation, Banner and Betty finally understood what had just happened.

"Gods... that's all they are."

Looking at the people on the battlefield, Banner began to think about his next research direction, whether he should turn to theology.........

At this time, Wu Yudama didn't know that Banner had been led astray by him.

Just after completing the destruction work, he turned around and saw a portal opening behind him.

Gu Yi was standing on the other side of the portal, looking at him with a smile on his face.

""Your Excellency."

After paying her respects to Gu Yi, Wu Yuyu looked at the mother and son lying beside her - Casillas' wife and son.

"Possessing the body of a deceased person is taboo, you should know this"

‘No wonder……’

Wu Yuyu suddenly realized, no wonder the Ancient One appeared here.

Looking into the eyes of the Ancient One, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,"You also said, it is possession."

He emphasized the pronunciation of the word possession.

Just like Strange, the soul forcibly occupies the isotope in the parallel universe, which will attract the demons of hell and even the gaze of eternity.

But what he has to do is to let the souls of these two bodies return to their original positions.

It can be said that he took advantage of a loophole.

The fan in the hand of the Ancient One paused slightly, and with a"pop", Wu Yuyu's head was instantly hit.

He looked at the body on the side, and then at Wu Yuyu who was scratching his head and laughing.

"Now that you have decided……"

Open the portal and step into it.

The second half of the sentence echoed in her mind, 'Even if I really attract the attention of that being, my old bones still have some mercy.'

At this moment, Gu Yi seemed to have noticed something.

He frowned and looked at the light passing by the horizon.

Wu Yuyu, who was following behind her, raised his head and looked in the direction of Gu Yi's gaze.

‘Could it be that the landlord's stupid son is coming?……’

In order to confirm his guess,

Wu Yuyu turned his head and cast a questioning look at Gu Yi.

"Venerable, what is that?"

"The transportation of a certain God King's family, the other side should be connected to Jotunheim."

The fan was shaking gently, and Gu Yi looked at the fast-moving light, and sighed in his heart.

The current God King can no longer withstand a complete battle, and his child... looked at Wu Yuyu beside him.

The frequency of shaking the fan increased a bit, revealing that she was in a relatively happy mood at the moment.

‘Fortunately, I have found a good successor.’

"Ton ton ton~"

The action of Wu Yuyu beside him made Gu Yi silently add a sentence

‘Just a little naughty. '

The reason why Wu Yuyu started to tut tut was to reward himself for guessing correctly, not because he was greedy!

While tut tut, he recalled what exciting things to watch next.

The battle for the throne, the explosion of the rainbow bridge...

The most classic scene should be the scene of the hammer god howling to the sky in the rain.

He threw away the empty can of Coke in his hand and bowed to Gu Yixing.

""Your Excellency, I'm going to go and watch the fun first. I won't accompany you for a stroll~"

After being fanned on the head again, Wu Yuyu smiled and turned around and stepped into the portal.

When he appeared again, he was already in a hidden corner of Jotunheim.

Although he was not sure whether a peeping Tom was watching him, he still waved his hand towards the sky and then hid himself in the mirror space.

"The apprentice who exists?"

In Asgard, a sword-wielding figure looked at the place where Wu Yuyu disappeared and murmured.

He had heard of the name of the Ancient One, a terrifying existence that forcibly blocked all kinds of dimensional demons from entering the door...

Although it was unclear why the apprentice of the Ancient One came here, there had never been a conflict between the two sides, so Heimdall did not care too much and instead focused his attention on Thor.

We can't let this impulsive little prince die in that cold place.

Beside Thor, Wu Yuyu's figure slowly appeared.

Looking at the high-spirited hammer god in front of him, he shook his head. He still felt that the future Thor looked more pleasing to the eye.

Well... not the Thor with cheese sauce flowing in his blood.

Seeing Thor leading the team to Laufey openly as in the original play, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but cover his face.

Who gave this child such courage!

A certain Ms. Liang?

Even if Laufey didn't take action, the frost giants under his command would spit enough to drown Thor and the others.

The existence with the lowest IQ in Marvel is indeed well-deserved.

"Go home, little princess."


In a space where no one could see, Wu Yuyu silently pressed the shutter, recording the scene of Laufey mocking Thor, Thor laughing in anger, and Laufey being smashed by Thor.

This scene is worth watching again and again.

As Laufey flew backwards, the war between the Asgard team and all the members of Jotunheim began.

Compared with ordinary frost giants, the individual strength of Thor's team was obviously much higher. In just a few minutes, many enemies had fallen in their hands.

However, as time passed, the number of frost giants they faced not only did not decrease, but increased.

"This is the result of impulsiveness."""Click."

Although Wu Yuyu sighed, his hands were not slow at all.

He quickly raised the camera and recorded the scene of the army surrounding the team.

As soon as the shutter was pressed, a huge white light appeared.

Wu Yuyu almost thought that his camera had mutated. After a closer look, he found that it was Odin who rushed to rescue his son on the Rainbow Bridge.

He summoned the Rainbow Bridge to force Laufey to retreat.

Odin glanced at Wu Yuyu's position vaguely, took Haodaer and his subordinates, and disappeared in the light of the Rainbow Bridge...

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