"Pah" Wu Yuyu covered her face with her hands.

Who did she learn this from? She even made a transformation move.

Especially Yelena, who complained that shouting"armed" was awkward at the time, but now she is the most serious in posing!

Although Wu Yuyu was so embarrassed that she dug her toes into the ground, Banner didn't react.

At this moment, he was staring at the armor that appeared on the girls.

He was thinking seriously about how these armors appeared.

‘Nanotechnology? Space technology? Or some unscientific technology? I really want to study it.……’


Betty's call brought him out of his thoughts.

Looking at the expression on Betty's face, Banner realized that he seemed a little rude.

He scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, sorry, your armor is so amazing that I forgot that we are in a battle... Hulk... Wait a minute, I'll take off my clothes first."

Just when he was about to call out Hulk, Banner suddenly realized that he still had a piece of clothing on him that he had just worn for a few minutes.

He quickly raised his hand and asked for a timeout.

Under the gaze of everyone, he took off his clothes with an unnatural look on his face, and then clasped his hands in front of his chest, trying to prevent the"brilliance" from being exposed.

It turns out that not only smiles can be transferred, but also embarrassment.


When Banner was in an awkward mood, Wu Yuyu returned to his leisurely look.

"Hulk, please, come out quickly."

In order to get out of the embarrassment as soon as possible, Banner kept urging Hulk.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the field fell into a strange silence.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

In just a few seconds, Banner felt that several years had passed.

"Hulk! Attack!"


With a roar, Hulk appeared in front of everyone.

Banner was completely relieved.

He really didn't want to experience this again. He didn't feel so embarrassed when he transformed from Hulk...

No one paid attention to his feelings. As soon as Hulk appeared, he excitedly waved to Wu Yuyu.

After getting a response, he squatted down and suddenly exerted force with his legs.

In just a moment, the whole person appeared in front of Yelena and others.


Without holding back, he smashed the ground into a deep pit.

Yelena and the others who had escaped the attack looked at the destruction caused by Hulk, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

‘Don't be touched at all! '

All those who can become members of the combat team are the best trained by the Red House.

Without any communication, a set of combat methods targeting Hulk was performed in their hands.

Yelena and Antonia, the two with the strongest combat power, directly fought with Hulk head-on.

The others surrounded Hulk and continuously shot out spider silk, trying to restrict Hulk's movements.

Although Hulk's physical fitness is extremely strong, he was treated like a toy in front of more than a dozen weakened versions of Spider-Man. It was completely impossible to make an effective attack.

Every time a fist was swung, it was swiftly avoided by the girls, and at the same time, there were a few punches or kicks from behind.

As time passed, Hulk's body was covered with spider silk.

Movement became more and more difficult.


This kind of battle made Hulk more and more angry.

He grabbed the spider silk wrapped around his body, tore it, pulled it, and threw it. With three simple movements, he instantly threw all the girls away.

It was like"I am bound, but I will not surrender."

His body fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Under the protection of the armor, the girls did not suffer any harm.

Looking at the clenched fist and roaring Hulk, he got up from the ground and launched an attack again.

"Get him up in the air and limit his power!"

On the way to attack, Yelena gave the command for the second round of battle.……


Hulk roared, causing the girls to stop instantly and prepare for his next attack.

But the next scene made them wonder what to do.

After Hulk roared, his figure suddenly shrank and he threw Banner directly in front of them.

They couldn't hit him or catch up with him. Hulk, who had been beaten, began to get upset.

No matter how Banner called out, he refused to come out of his body.

Was this... not going to fight anymore?

Looking at Banner with an awkward smile on his face, the girls didn't know whether to continue attacking or not, and they all cast their eyes on Wu Yuyu.

"That's it, you did a good job, you deserve praise!"

Wu Yuyu praised without hesitation.

The fighting power displayed by Yelena and the others was already amazing. Although they did not cause any damage, they were facing the Hulk, and not the Hulk weakened by Mr. Blue.

Being able to beat the Hulk and make him"escape" back to the body is also a skill.

(PS: I always feel that the Hulk has become much weaker after Mr. Blue injected the potion.)

Reaching out and taking out a large can of Coke, he came to Banner

""Hulk, you feel uncomfortable... The battle is over, come out and have a drink~" like coaxing a child.

Attracted by the drink, Hulk finally appeared again and complained to Wu Yuyu a little aggrievedly

"Hulk hates fighting with them, he can't beat them!"

"No fight, no fight, drink some drinks~"

Listening to the conversation between the two.

Yelena and the others who were disarmed had the same expression on their faces - subway, old people, mobile phones.JPG

Was the one who had just been fighting with them really the big baby in front of them?

Not to mention them, even Betty beside them had a question mark on her face.

If her father had not used bullets but snacks or something, would he have been able to trick Hulk back?

At this moment, she really wanted to take a photo and mock that rigid old man!


……She did exactly that.........

"So, one���Drinks, you kidnapped Banner?"

In a restaurant, Ross looked at Wu Yuyu opposite him in disbelief.

"Hulk, thank you. They are different personalities."

Looking at Ross who was smoking fiercely, Wu Yuyu wiped the corner of his mouth slowly.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and a portal to Mount Everest became Ross's ashtray.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Ross shuddered suddenly.

He sighed with a complicated expression, no longer hiding his inner emotions.

In the moment just now, he figured out a lot.

For so many years, he regarded Hulk as a weapon and a monster, but he never regarded him as a person.

"Banner's pursuit ends here……"


Ross's transformation made Wu Yuyu a little confused.

He originally wanted to use the future situation to make Ross give up the pursuit, just like what Tony did.

Now it seems that he has saved a lot of trouble.

"I take back my opinion of you. It seems that you are not a stubborn old man."

"Stubborn old man?"

Ross shook his head helplessly. This word was really unfamiliar...

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