Although Banner tried his best to pounce on Bronski, he was easily kicked away by Bronski due to his thin body.

‘As long as we kill this old man who is in the way, the monster will appear. '

With this thought.

Bronski slowly pulled the trigger.

The excited Bronski, the grieving couple, and the terrified and relieved Stan.

The four people's eyes were all focused on this small bullet.

At this moment, the passage of time seemed to be particularly slow.


? ?

It seems that the word"as if" can be removed.

The passage of time is very slow.

Looking at the bullet slowly"creeping" in the air, Stan silently moved his feet to avoid its path.

"Oh my, don't play with such dangerous things in other people's territory. It's not good to hurt people, it's not good to hurt flowers and plants~"

A hand suddenly appeared and took the bullet out of the air.

Then, ripples appeared in the space, gradually spreading outward with this hand as the center, and a portal slowly opened.

The owner of this hand, Wu Yuyu, walked out of the portal with the bullet in his hand.

The green light emitted by the necklace on his chest seemed to indicate to everyone that the strange situation of the bullet's deceleration was caused by it.

"Who the hell are you, you guy?"

Bronski aimed his pistol at the suddenly appearing Wu Yuyu.

Because he used too much force, his hands shook slightly.

He had never seen such a strange situation in all his years of missions.

No matter how strong the Hulk is, he is just a product of technology, but the bullet deceleration... it can't be explained by technology.

Affected by the serum, he seemed to have regained his sanity at this moment and slowly put down the gun.

But his finger still didn't leave the trigger... didn't answer his question.

Wu Yuyu nodded at Banner, aimed the bullet at the ground, and released his control over it. In just a moment, driven by kinetic energy, a dark hole appeared on the ground.

Betty touched Banner, her eyes revealing a hint of inquiry.

‘Do you know this person?

Banner nodded, and the green in his eyes slowly faded.

Although it was unclear what faction Wu Yuyu belonged to, one thing was certain.

Wu Yuyu had no ill will towards him.

Pulling Betty and Stan, he quickly walked to Wu Yuyu's side.

""Thank you."

Hearing Banner's thanks, Wu Yuyu knew he was talking about saving Stan.

Without saying anything, he reached out and patted Banner on the shoulder.

Watching the two's actions, Bronski understood why Wu Yuyu was here.

His fingers moved imperceptibly.

He looked up at Wu Yuyu and threw the pistol at his feet to show that he was not a threat.

"So you are also after that monster. Why don't you cooperate with our military to study it? With General Ross as our backer, no one can influence us.……"........

On the other side, Ross and Fury sat together, facing many staff members, constantly looking for clues that Banner might have left behind.

"It's been so long, and there's still no discovery. It seems that launching the snake-catching program has severely damaged S.H.I.E.L.D.……"

Facing Ross's ridicule, Fury's emotions did not fluctuate at all.

It would be strange if he could find anything, after all, all the clues were hidden by him.

"Isn't it normal that we can't find him for a while since he has been hiding for so long under your military's search?"

These simple words seemed to have dealt a heavy blow to Ross.

His breathing stagnated, and he immediately wanted to start a debate with Fury.

Before he could start


The vibration in his arms made him temporarily give up the idea of arguing.

Glancing at the black-hearted boiled egg in front of him, Ross took out his phone and saw the text message from Bronski.

It was just a simple coordinate, without any other text. He calmly put away the phone and slowly got up from his seat.

"There is a meeting to be held temporarily, so I am leaving first."

This coordinate may be where Banner is.

He does not want Fury to get involved.

Otherwise, it is uncertain who will take Banner's hand in the end...

Leaving Fury's sight, his pace gradually quickened.

When he was about to walk out of the building, Ross's face darkened when he saw the figure in front of him.

Fury, who was wearing a black windbreaker, had used some method to walk out of the building before him.

"I think you need my help……"........

Ross, who was sitting in the passenger seat of Fury, had no change in expression, but the low pressure emanating from him fully proved that he was extremely unhappy.

Fury was driving the car and seemed not to notice the abnormal atmosphere.

He glanced at Ross who put away his phone.

"What are you going to do this time? There are many civilians nearby.

As an old agent, how could he be fooled by Ross's crude excuse?

From the brief change in his expression when he saw the message, Fury had guessed that he must have known Banner's movements.

Ross stared at the road ahead.

He snorted coldly.

"Since you chose to come here, the job of evacuating civilians is left to you."

"I'm afraid not. As you know, our SHIELD has just been badly damaged. I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower to carry out the transfer mission."

The arrow shot a few minutes ago.

At this moment.

Pierced Ross himself.

A breath choked in his throat. He wanted to question Fury, why did he come here without manpower.

Of course, he also knew that this was Fury's excuse to perfunctorily deal with him.

The two sides were not in the same system, and he couldn't force Fury to do anything. He could only lean back depressed and ignored Fury.

And Fury didn't continue to ask.

The two of them suddenly fell into a strange atmosphere of tranquility.........

At Stan's Pizza, Bronski was still racking his brains, telling���The benefits of cooperation.

He didn't notice the smile hidden in Wu Yuyu's eyes at all.

Trying to play tricks under his nose is simply ignoring his investigation.

If it weren't for the purpose of solving this matter thoroughly.

He would have knocked out Bronsky and left with Banner and Betty.

He waved his hand.

Bronsky's eyes were dull for a moment. He entered the illusion and continued his brainwashing.

Wu Yuyu turned his head, his eyes swept over Stan and Betty in turn, and finally stopped at Banner.

He raised his eyebrows, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"The conditions he offers are so good, aren't you afraid that I will really agree to it?"

Banner shook his head, his expression very serious.

"I believe you and I believe Hulk, and...your inquiry further confirms my judgment"


Unable to get the answer she wanted, Wu Yuyu curled her lips and turned to look outside the pizza shop.

The sound of engines and propellers was already coming from all directions...

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