"General Ross, I think I have the right to know more information."

When Yelena and the others were selecting team members, Bronsky's voice was heard on a plane flying to New York.

Although Ross's expression was extremely serious, it did not stop him from wanting to know the truth.

In the countless battles he had experienced in the past, he had seen many soldiers who lost their lives due to lack of information.

This was actually not a big deal.

This was their duty, and they could only continue to perform their missions in the absence of information.

It's just... this time was different.

After the battle that night, the invulnerable skin, the power of using a forklift as a bowling ball, and the green skin all proved the weirdness of the mission.

Facing such an incredible enemy, he must know more information, and he also has the right to know more information.

Looking at Bronsky's firm eyes, Ross fell silent...

Soon, the plane landed at the destination.

Let Bronsky follow behind.

Walk to a deserted place

"You should have heard of the Biotech Enhancement Program.……"

From the beginning of the Super Soldier Project, Ross told Bronski all the causes and consequences of Banner's birth.

Bronski then understood why their capture target had such a strange change.

At the same time, it also gave him an idea.

A scientist like Banner, who was powerless, could become so powerful after the experiment.

If the experimental target was changed to him...

Thinking of Banner's destructive power in battle, Bronski's heart was ignited with a raging fire.

He raised his head and stared at Ross with burning eyes.

"I'm 39 now. If...if I could have the body I had ten years ago, maybe the situation that night would be different." He didn't hide his inner thoughts at all.

He told Ross almost openly.

Inject him with the serum, and he would take care of Banner.

In the next ten seconds, the two looked into each other's eyes.

The atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

"Yes, maybe I can fulfill your wish."

In the end, Ross chose to give in and agreed to Bronski's request.

A few minutes later, when the two appeared again, they were already in a simple operating room.

Both sides were resolute and resolute.

Since they had reached a consensus, the drug injection was only a matter of a few minutes.

"During the injection, I ask you to stay rational and obey orders.

Ross was also worried about creating another Hulk, so this time he injected Bronski with only a small dose of serum.

After getting a positive answer, he turned around and gave the doctor beside him a look, and the operation officially began.

One injection into the muscle, one injection into the bone marrow.

Bronski was silent, and he endured the pain of the injection with his will.........

On the other side, Banner was still wandering in the university where Betty was.

Without any contact information, he could only rely on squatting in the university to find a chance to meet Betty.

Walking among the many energetic college students.

Banner seemed to have returned to the era when he did not participate in the experiment.

It's just that the Hulk in his body reminded him all the time that this place does not belong to him now.

Behind him, there is Ross, who is like a hyena, chasing him relentlessly.

Shaking his head, he gave the college students an envious look.

Banner embarked on a journey to find Betty again.

Hard work pays off.

After spending three days, he finally saw the figure that made him dream.

It's a pity...

Another person has appeared next to this figure.

Looking at Betty holding hands intimately with a man, Banner's heart seemed to be empty in an instant.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It is normal for Betty to find a boyfriend after losing contact for so many years.

Banner tried to comfort himself in this way.

However, his lost eyes completely exposed his thoughts

"It seems that the doctor will also suffer from heartbreak."

Banner woke up instantly, turned his head quickly, and saw Wu Yuyu with a teasing look on his face. Wu Yuyu glanced at Betty who was about to disappear, stood up from the tree trunk he was leaning on, patted Banner on the shoulder, and said hello to the Hulk in his body.

"Aren't you going to give it a try?"

After saying this,

Banner admitted that he was indeed tempted.

But considering his own situation, he shook his head and gave up this tempting idea.

Let's not talk about whether Betty will go with him.

Even if Betty abandons her current boyfriend and doesn't care about a stable life, she chooses to embark on the road of escape with him.

But there is one thing.

The existence of Hulk means that he and Betty cannot do something they love.

Could it be that Betty gave up so much just to have a platonic relationship with him?

He can't be so cruel.


After hearing Banner's concerns, Wu Yudama didn't know what to say for a moment.

This was absolutely impeccable.

I hope Banner can continue to think this way after recognizing Betty.


Although the Hulk in Banner's body didn't quite understand those words, he understood one thing.

That is, Banner was putting the blame on him again.

Immediately, like a mask, it occupied half of Banner's face and started arguing with him.

Fortunately, Wu Yuyu reacted quickly and immediately took the two to a deserted place.

This prevented them from performing a double act in public.


After Banner agreed to countless unequal treaties, Hulk finally calmed down.

"With a"swish",

Banner destroyed another set of clothes.

He ignored the grumbling sound coming from his body and walked to Wu Yuyu, wanting to give him a hug.!

No need!!!

Wu Yuyu quickly avoided Hulk's embrace and stuffed a can of special cola into his hand.

Looking at Hulk who was drinking happily,

Wu Yuyu wiped his forehead.

If he was hugged, with his small physique, the lightest thing would be multiple fractures.........

After reminiscing about the past, Hulk returned to his body again.

Two bodies, three minds.

Sitting side by side on the grass.

Looking at the clouds in the sky, Banner asked:"You should come to see me, is there anything I can do? Um... Hulk said he can help too."

Wu Yuyu fell back.

He raised his hand to block his eyes, blocking the sunlight from shining into his eyes.

Hearing Banner's question, the corners of his mouth curved

"My business is not important. When you are done with this, Hulk can come and help me fight to verify my achievements."

"Hulk! Fight!"

Before Banner could continue to ask, Hulk could not help but rush out.

He raised his arms to show his muscles to Wu Yuyu, wanting to start fighting now.

It took a lot of effort to calm him down.

Banner appeared again, wiped his forehead, and agreed to Wu Yuyu's request.

"No problem, I'll go back with you when I'm done here."

As for now, he wanted to look for Betty again, what if he had misunderstood?

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