Fury's safe house.

Natasha pulled the needle out of Rumlow's arm and saved him from death for the third time.

Looking at the unconscious Rumlow, she suddenly felt a headache. In all her years as an agent, she had never seen such a difficult guy! She was a little curious about what could make Rumlow's will so strong.

Even a dose of truth serum at a death dose couldn't make him speak.

"Still not speaking?"

Wu Yuyu came to Natasha and looked at the sleeping Rumlow.

Natasha smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Nothing was said, even the truth serum didn't work."

Wu Yuyu was silent for a while, and suddenly, a smile appeared on his face.

He was getting a little stuck in a dead end.


Does he need such things?

It's not like he's investigating a case, and he needs to collect a bunch of evidence to arrest someone.

For him, as long as he finds out who did it, he can just catch the person and ask him.

Natasha guessed what Wu Yuyu was thinking.

She reached out and grabbed Wu Yuyu's arm.

In Wu Yuyu's questioning eyes, she said seriously:"Don't hurt innocent people, don't reveal your identity. Finally, be careful!"

Barton, who was standing aside, heard Natasha's words and guessed what was going to happen.

No matter how Fury reacted, he put his hand on Wu Yuyu's shoulder.

"I shouldn't need to take action for such a small character~"

Staring at Natasha's eyes, and then looking at Barton who was holding his shoulder, Wu Yuyu's smile slowly faded.

Then... a bigger smile appeared on his face.

Is this the feeling of being supported?

He glanced at Barton with disdain,"What a joke, I can get this small character back in a minute."

He gave the two a thumbs up and put on a smile like a blue beast of Konoha.

In the eyes of the two who couldn't bear to look directly at him, he turned around and disappeared in a spark.

"What a joke, you guys are playing along with him! Aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the World Security Council?"

Listening to the question behind them, the two looked at each other.

They adjusted their expressions and turned around.

"Come on, Fury, why are you still pretending in front of us?"

"I didn't see you stop him just now. Isn't this what you wanted to do?"

One by one, Fury was speechless.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Fury closed his mouth silently.

He felt a little sad that the team was getting harder and harder to lead...

It's only been two days, and these two people have started to use words to squeeze him. In two days, they will have to assign him work! It

's really the opposite of the sky!

Fury regretted not bringing Coulson here.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so isolated and helpless.........

While Fury was sighing, Wu Yuyu had already arrived at the World Security Council.

With a quick glance, he easily found the figure in the gray suit.

‘Judging from his expression, he seems to be unaware of what happened at SHIELD.……

"You will know soon, I said!"

Wu Yuyu raised his hand and began to draw circles.

At this time, although Pierce stared at the file in his hand

, he was already imagining the scene after gaining the teleportation ability.

Originally, he didn't care too much about Wu Yuyu.

It was just that he accidentally saw the file uploaded by Fury.

So he arranged for someone to go to the restaurant where Wu Yuyu last appeared with the idea of hitting the jujube.

Who knew that he really hit the jujube.

It was an unprecedented big jujube!

Thinking about it, Pierce suddenly slapped the file on the table, raised his mobile phone and walked to the window.

Wu Yuyu Wu Yuyu looked at Pierce in astonishment.

What the hell is wrong with this old Deng?

Just when he was about to make a move, he suddenly moved. He almost thought that this old Deng was also bitten by a spider...

He shook his head and drew the circle again.

This time, Pierce was not given a chance to move. A portal opened under his feet.

In just a moment, he disappeared in the office.

He appeared in front of Wu Yuyu upside down.

As gravity took effect again, Pierce's head hit the ground heavily.

Without saying a word, he fell asleep.

Even so, Wu Yuyu gently supported him.

Otherwise, he would not just fall asleep.

——But the neck was broken!

"Tsk tsk, they say it's good to fall asleep right away when you're young, it seems old people aren't bad either, isn't he sleeping soundly?"

Looking at the dead body of Pierce, Wu Yuyu sighed.

He reached out and grabbed Pierce's collar, and instantly disappeared from the spot with him.

This corner was once again peaceful.

There was only a pool of blood on the ground, silently telling what had just happened here.

Back in Fury's safe house, Wu Yuyu was about to speak when he felt the atmosphere in the room was a little strange.

"I was away for a while, and it seems I missed something."

He threw the sleeping old Deng to the ground.

With a"thump", Wu Yuyu poked Barton beside him with his elbow.

"Tell me, what happened just now? I'm very tight-lipped, I won't tell anyone!"

Barton opened his mouth.

What should he say? Nothing happened just now?

It seems that there is nothing to say about squeezing Fury.……


Fury appeared beside them silently and coughed twice.

He was still here!


Seeing his reaction, Wu Yuyu could not help guessing.

It was definitely this boiled egg head who suffered a loss, and now Barton can't say it~

Listening to the words uttered by Wu Yuyu, Fury's face darkened again. He was too lazy to pay attention to this little brat Wu Yuyu.

He squatted down and looked at Pierce in front of him with a complicated expression. He was his old friend and boss.

He didn't expect that the two of them would also be on the opposite side one day...

As he looked at it, Fury's eyes gradually became weird.

How could this wound be at the top of the head?

What kind of attack would cause the wound here?

Turning his eyes to Wu Yuyu, Fury asked the doubts in his heart.

"He hit himself."

Wu Yuyu shrugged and stretched out his hand to bring the scene in front of them.

Seeing Pierce coming out of the portal and falling headfirst to the ground, they felt Wu Yuyu's revenge again.

He looked at Pierce with pity. If it was proved that he really did it, he would probably be punished. He silently helped Pierce up from the ground.

Fury stared at Wu Yuyu with his one eye,"Let me interrogate him, is that okay?"

Wu Yuyu didn't comment and shrugged casually.

Whoever wants to interrogate him can interrogate him, he just wants a final result anyway.

But... should we prepare a three-day tour of the eighteen levels of hell for him? Or a seven-day tour of the eighteen levels of hell?

Forget it, let's just go with seven days in one level.

Otherwise, I'd think he couldn't afford it!

""Jie jie jie!"

Wu Yuyu, who was COSing some elders, successfully gained the attention of several people present who cared for the mentally retarded children...

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