Looking at the figure moving across the rooftop in the distance, Wu Yuyu snapped his fingers. He once again sent a reward to the nearby police station.

Then he took a step back and disappeared into the portal.……

"Looks like there's going to be some fun to watch."

He followed the man in the red tights until he disappeared outside an underground bar.

Wu Yuyu looked back at the 'road' he had come from.

Although he had seen it in the movie, he was still shocked to see it in real life.

Just because his body senses were enhanced, could he move freely between buildings?

However, time travel had already happened, so it didn't seem unacceptable.

In his perception, the entire bar had begun to become restless.

"Really efficient, let's get started now."

The show has already begun, how can he, the only audience, be missing?

Facing the crowd fleeing from the bar, Wu Yuyu walked over slowly.

The strange thing was that on his way, although the fleeing crowd was in a panic, they still tacitly left a path for him, and no one noticed this...

He entered the bar and silently found the best viewing seat.

By the way, he reached out from the portal and took out the dinner that Mordo had just prepared.

While enjoying it, he admired the scene of a blind man holding a guide stick and killing people in the crowd.

He frowned slightly.

"It's a bit salty."

He reached out again and took a sip of the Coke that Mordo had just poured out, then burped happily.

"It goes perfectly with ice cola! As expected of Mordo!"

On the other side, Mordo, who had just finished extra training, was preparing to reward himself.

As a result, the food he had just prepared disappeared before he could even see it. Before he could react, the damn food thief actually came back and took the ice cola away in front of him!

Looking at the special silver portal, Mordo couldn't help but guess who the food thief was.

So, he followed the clues and found Wu Yuyu who was watching the show, and just happened to hear his praise.

"Then I have to thank you~"

The resentful voice next to him startled Wu Yudama!

The Coke that he had just drunk was sprayed out.

Not a bit wasted, it was all sprayed on Mordo~

Wu Yudama: (o´・ェ・`o)

"Hey, Modu, are you here to watch the show too? Come and sit down, this is a great place to watch the movie!"

Looking at Wu Yuyu with an innocent face, Modu's head gradually popped up a few blue veins.

"What you take is my dinner!"

"Really? No wonder it tastes so good. I give you a heart!"

Wu Yuyu's shameless look made Mordo choke for a moment. His whole train of thought was instantly disrupted. He began to think about why he came here...

Realizing this, Wu Yuyu knew that he had gotten away with it for the time being.

Looking at the figure of Daredevil chasing after someone, he quickly stood up and pulled Mordo to follow him.

He couldn't let him continue thinking. What if he remembered to ask him to compensate for the dinner!

""Hey, hey, hey, where are you taking me? Also, who are these people on the ground? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Mordo staggered and found that there were people lying on the ground.

He completely forgot the purpose of coming here.

The two followed Daredevil all the way to the subway station. During this time, Wu Yuyu roughly told Mordo the reason why Daredevil came here.

"A vigilante who upholds justice outside the law?"

Modu did not judge Daredevil's actions.

Neither of them was the type of person who adhered to the principle of non-killing.

Looking at Daredevil who was holding his head and crying in pain because of the noise in the subway, Modu smacked his lips.

"The weakness is obvious. I should be able to subdue him within three moves."

After hearing Mordo's opinion of Daredevil,

Wu Yuyu glanced at him with some disdain, silently took two steps, and distanced himself from him.

Wu Yuyu said that he disdained to associate with such a magician whose mind was full of fighting.

Elegantly solving the enemy is what a magician should do!

Soon, a certain extra fell under the justice of the second subway.

After completing his own justice judgment, Daredevil did not intend to leave here.

After standing quietly for a few minutes……

"Come out, what do you want to do after following me for so long?"

Modu looked at Wu Yuyu beside him and pointed at himself in confusion.

Wu Yuyu patted his head. He forgot to block Modu from Daredevil's senses.

He didn't want to meet these superheroes now.

After all, superheroes = big trouble.

He opened a portal to the fast food restaurant and pulled Modu in.

He only left a sentence to Daredevil that we will meet again.

After handling the scene and returning home, Daredevil recalled the strange voice he heard last.

He couldn't help but frowned.

"Will we meet again? Disappeared in an instant, and the second person who has never been noticed……"


The pain from all over his body made Daredevil give up thinking and concentrate on treating his injuries.........

"Don't try to fool me with just one burger, you need at least two!"

Looking at Mordo in front of him who was eating the same burger as Tony and not forgetting to blackmail him, Wu Yuyu knocked his head with a headache. He turned around and walked back to his room.

As he walked, he asked himself, how could a good senior brother of Kamar-Taj become like this now? He had to think about it carefully...

Mordo behind him looked at Wu Yuyu who had a headache, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes...

Then he returned to his room very satisfied.

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