
Tony's unclear words made Steve stunned for a moment.

Why are there so many things he doesn't know recently?

"It's nothing. I'll tell you later. Now... I'll keep it a secret from you, an old man." Tony said perfunctorily to Steve.

He turned to look at Banner and shrugged.

"Sorry, I'm a little curious... you know."

Banner smiled, not paying attention to Tony's actions, and continued to study the cane in front of him.

One night passed in a flash.

The next morning, everyone gathered in Banner's temporary laboratory again.

Looking at the faint light emitted by the cane, Tony, Natasha and Barton, who knew the situation, changed their expressions and knew that Loki was about to take action. They looked at each other quickly.

Tony closed his eyes lightly, and when he opened them again, they were already full of angry flames.

"Listen, Fury, you better give me a reasonable explanation why in your database there are weapon blueprints developed using the Cosmic Cube."

‘The acting is quite similar~'

Natasha and Barton looked at each other and joined in the topic raised by Tony.

"Calm down Tony, Fury will give you an explanation."

"That's right, the most important thing now is to find the Cosmic Cube first."

While the three of them were arguing, Banner and Steve also saw the information.

The weapon blueprint was in front of them, and they couldn't stay calm for a moment. They turned their heads and looked at Fury who was silent beside them.

Banner put down the tool in his hand, pointed at the screen in front of him, and asked

"You invited me to help you find the Cosmic Cube, but you didn't tell me it was related to weapons. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

"The doctor is right, sir, I think you need to give me an explanation."

Past scenes emerged in front of his eyes. Using the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons was something Hydra had done before. Steve stared at Fury, waiting for his explanation.

Loki heard all the quarrels between them. He no longer concealed the smile on his face, and murmured,"Go ahead and quarrel, the more intense the better. If you don't quarrel, how can I carry out my plan?……"

Soon, the quarrel in the laboratory intensified.

Although Fury had explained that they chose to develop weapons because of the existence of Thor and other gods.

But this reason obviously could not satisfy Steve and Banner.

Not to mention that there were Tony's three inner ghosts, and the Mind Stone was constantly teasing on the side.

Under Tony's constant verbal attack, the string of reason in Thor's heart was instantly broken. He stretched out his hand and the Meowth Hammer broke through several walls and was held in his hand. In an instant, a bolt of lightning was drawn down by him, brushing against the sky base and striking the aerospace mothership.

"Wowwow, that was a close call. I almost suffered an unexpected disaster.……"

Wu Yuyu patted his chest and continued to watch the battle in the light screen.

In the laboratory struck by lightning, Thor held the Meowth Hammer and Tony wore armor, and the two stood opposite each other.

They seemed to be immersed in anger and unable to extricate themselves.


The two looked at the Hulk who suddenly appeared, and Tony curled his lips,"Now it's a three-way battle... uh, a four-way battle."

The reason for changing his statement was that he saw a figure holding a shield appear.

As he spoke, his hand cannon instantly gathered energy and blasted Thor away with one shot.

Then, he waved to the Hulk, turned around and flew in the direction where Thor disappeared,"Come on, big guy, see if you can hit me"

""Roar! Hulk! I'm going to crush you!"

He punched Steve next to him and sent him flying.

With the rumbling footsteps, Hulk chased Tony, Tony chased Thor, and the three of them disappeared in the laboratory.

"I think you should be able to explain it to me."

Steve was about to chase Hulk when he heard Fury say this.

At the same time, a portal opened beside them, looking at Thor, Tony, Hulk, and most importantly, Wu Yudama.

Fury and Steve fell into silence.

Their brains turned quickly, and they felt like they were growing brains.……

"Keep smashing, don't let Loki notice."

After welcoming Fury and the others over, Wu Yuyu waved his hand and told Hulk and the others to continue the destruction.

Hearing what he said, Hulk waved his fist happily and continued his demolition work.

The two Thors (Thor and Tony) were not idle either, attacking the walls beside them from time to time.

Fury's heart would tremble violently with every smash.

He closed his one eye, unable to bear to watch anymore, because that was all his money!

He forced himself not to watch the great destruction skills of Hulk and the others.

He came to Wu Yuyu and asked calmly,

"So, everything just now was arranged by you?"

Hearing the subtle tremor in Fury's words, Wu Yuyu felt someone's smile appear on his face.

Looking at Loki in the light curtain, he tiptoed to take back his cane and then disappeared in the aerospace mothership.

"Yes, if we don't do this, how can we satisfy Loki's somewhat morbid heart?"

With a snap of his fingers, Hulk and his men stopped destroying things instantly.

Then, as if time had gone back... well, time had gone back, and all the destroyed places returned to their original state.

The wounds on the innocent people who were injured in their farce also disappeared.

Everything returned to the way it was before Loki came.

Looking at this scene, Fury's aching heart instantly recovered and he felt much better.

His eyes swept across the people present and stopped on Wu Yuyu's face.

"What is your purpose in doing this?"


Wu Yuyu looked at the light screen in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Cooperate with Loki, and then... train troops!"........

At this time, Eric's figure appeared above the Stark Building in the light curtain.

Under Loki's gaze ,

Eric quickly assembled the device in his hand.

As the last button was pressed, the energy that emerged from the Cosmic Cube instantly enveloped the device in front of him.

Loki looked at the energy beam rising into the sky.

The smile on his face grew larger and larger.

"Come on, my allies, start a war on this planet. Then, I will be the king of this planet!"

Soon, a space wormhole opened above Stark Tower.

On the other side of the wormhole, the Chitauri army, who had been waiting for a long time, instantly rushed in.

"Come on, destroy it!"

"Ahem, well, although I really don't want to ruin your mood, I still want you to look around you."

Loki, who was admiring the destruction of the Chitauri army, suddenly heard a voice trying to hold back a smile.

His whole body froze instantly, his neck like a rusty gear, and he turned his head repeatedly, looking at the people of the Urobadama who had surrounded him without knowing when...

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