Blue Star, in a rental house in Huaxia……


Looking at Tony on the screen, a man whose appearance was only slightly inferior to that of the readers present subconsciously stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers at the same time as Tony.

As Thanos' army was wiped out, Wu Yuyu, our male protagonist, also came back to his senses.

Looking at his raised right hand, Wu Yuyu quickly retracted it and looked around awkwardly.

‘Fortunately, I chose to live alone at that time, so I didn't achieve the achievement of adding one black history. '

After confirming that his actions just now were not seen by others, Wu Yuyu breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention to the computer screen again.

Hmm? Something seems to be wrong!

Wu Yuyu, who sensed something wrong, froze all over and slowly lowered his head to look down.

Suddenly he found that the floor under his feet had disappeared at some point, and replaced by a black hole that could swallow everything.

What's even more unscientific is that he and his chair are still sitting firmly above the hole, with no signs of being swallowed. After calculating in his mind, Wu Yuyu felt that there was no need to struggle, so he swallowed silently and began to format the computer.

‘I am not afraid of being crushed to pieces, I want to keep my innocence in the world! '

As for the browsing traces on the Internet, Wu Yuyu said that I don't know anything about them!

As Wu Yuyu completed the formatting, he and his chair were instantly swallowed by the black hole.

Then the black hole seemed to have completed its mission and spit out the chair just now, and then slowly disappeared.

There was only a computer that was not turned off, and the chair that was spit out by the black hole and was rotating...

During the fall, Wu Yuyu did not feel any panic. According to his many years of experience in reading novels, he, a person with no worries, should be the best candidate for time travel.

In this case, it should be in the delivery process, and he only needs to wait for it to be delivered to the"signee".

As for the"signee", it should be the Marvel that he was watching just now.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu suddenly had an idea in his mind, that is, why is the deliveryman this time not the mud truck emperor?

Could it be because of his good performance that he has been promoted and will not fight on the front line in the future?

It seems to have sensed Wu Yuyu's inner thoughts.

An exit emitting white light suddenly appeared, and he was thrown towards the exit with a violent shake.


‘Bad review! I must give you a bad review! This is violent delivery!

Wu Yuyu, who was thrown out of the exit by the"deliveryman", lay on the ground and retched, feeling indignant.

But then he realized that the person who signed for the goods did not seem to be him, and he did not know who the"deliveryman" was.……


What should I do if I get even more angry!

After shaking his head violently and forcing himself to wake up a little, Wu Yuyu sat up from the ground and began to look around to determine his current location.

‘I hope the delivery address is not a dangerous place. '

After just one glance, Wu Yuyu gave up the idea of continuing to observe, and closed his eyes tightly. After confirming that he was not seeing things, he suddenly fell into autism. There is no way.

No matter which time traveler colleague saw this bald lady with a"kind" smile in the early stage, they should wait quietly for arrangements.

Well... except for those who stowed away.

As if sensing Wu Yuyu's inner uneasiness, a mysterious will was transmitted to him, conveying some information to him.

【Boy, you have a certificate, don't worry, just do it, just be careful not to kill yourself~ (laugh)

Feeling the message from somewhere, Wu Yuyu's mouth twitched

‘I always feel that the person who sent me here is not very reliable.’


In front of a computer in a certain world, a failed author who was typing slammed the table angrily, looking at the computer screen in front of him with a look of despair.

"It's really the opposite of Tian Gang. Just write him to death, just write him to death and change the protagonist~oh hehe~")

A certain pig's foot felt a strong malice sweeping towards him, and shuddered violently

‘I was wrong. A great being like you, handsome and elegant... 10,000 words omitted here... please be generous and forgive me for my careless words this time! '

Kuroyu, who was very knowledgeable, racked his brains to find all the beautiful words and placed them all on the unknown being.

Feeling the malice gradually fade away, Kuroyu breathed a sigh of relief.


A bolt of lightning came from nowhere and struck Wu Yuyu's head, causing him to breathe back the breath he had just taken.

‘Damn it, they actually came to deceive and sneak attack a young man in his 20s, eh? I don't seem to be injured. '

Feeling that he had been deceived, Wu Yudama hurriedly searched his body, but did not find any injuries... He completely forgot about the existence of Ancient One.

(No matter how powerful Ancient One is, he can't break through the dimension and go to teach the author a lesson~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~)

(Eh? Why is there an aperture here? asidjiquwhadjskhfkjhadg)

(The above is just the author's daily illness, you can ignore it, it is definitely not because he was beaten)


Ahem, back to the topic.

Looking at the Wu Yudama who seemed to be performing a pantomime in front of her, Ancient One slowly put away the Eye of Agamotto. Although she didn't see anything, she knew very well that the young man in front of her was communicating with an unknown existence.

Just now, Ancient One felt the will of the world. The young man in front of her has become a member of this world. It seems that the unknown existence has reached some kind of agreement with this world.

Thinking of this, Ancient One couldn't help but feel a little envious. It would be great if the beings she came into contact with could be so easy to talk to.

(Suddenly, sneezes sounded in unison in many dimensions outside the world, and many planets went to destruction along with the sneezes...)

The dog pig's feet, who had quarreled with the dog author, finally came to his senses and remembered Ancient One who he had forgotten.

【Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the main thing. Your cheat has been received. In view of your previous slander against me, I will not give you the instructions for use. You can figure it out on your own (laughs)~)】

Before Wu Yuyu could react, the same lightning, the same position.

The difference was that this time, while delivering the plug-in, the lightning also turned the external objects that accompanied him from the original world into ashes.

Along with the external objects, Wu Yuyu's shame was also turned into ashes...

Looking at the fig leaf on his body that survived because of the great god Hexie, and looking up at Gu Yi in front of him, the gray-white villain in Wu Yuyu's heart squatted in the corner and began to mutter.

‘I was wrong. I was wrong from the beginning. If I hadn’t watched that drama, I wouldn’t have snapped my fingers. If I hadn’t snapped my fingers, I wouldn’t have fallen into such a sad place, and I wouldn’t have met that wicked author.……’

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