Chapter 42 : X-Men: First Battle

The moonlight poured on the sea, and when the wind blew, the water surface was turbulent, and the moon in the water became a broken piece of jade, floating on the water surface, breaking the original tranquility.

The Caspadina, a huge and luxurious cruise ship, swayed indistinctly under the dark night sky with the rippling of the sea.

A figure emerged from the sea, his eyes filled with hatred and quietly climbed onto the cruise ship, took out a sharp dagger, and found his target of revenge.

Three people sat on the sofa in the deck lounge area.

On the far right is a young man in a gray suit. His name is Torrent. He is a Mutant with the ability to create cyclones, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

On the far left is a blond woman wearing a white dress and boots, her name is Emma Frost, codenamed White Queen, also a Mutant, with both the ability of mind and diamond.

In the middle of the two is a middle-aged man in a white suit. His name is Sebastian Xiao, codenamed Black Emperor, the controller of Hellfire Club. The Mutant of Energy Release’ Ability.

“Hello, Doctor—”

The sudden move Roar made the three get up instantly, Xiao recognized the identity of the other party, and reached out to stop the torrent.

“Little Eric.” Xiao called out his name with a smile.

Eric Lehnsherr, the future Magneto, has the ability to Controlling Magnetic Field, and is also the first Marvel character!

“He’s here to kill you.” White Queen stared at Eric, his mind ability released, and read his thoughts.

Magneto’s enemy of life – Mind Ability!


“Combat detected, drop reward: Diamond form (White Queen)”


“Combat detected, drop reward: 5 points”

Over the Caspadina cruise ship, the invisible Su Quan thought, and his body instantly turned into bright diamonds.

“Unfortunately, it’s not a mind ability, but the diamond form is also good.”

Although White Queen’s mind ability is slightly inferior to Professor X, it is also one of the best in Marvel.

Its second Ability, the diamond form, is nearly invulnerable, able to withstand blows of great force, without fatigue, without water and food, and immune to the mental attacks of other Telepathy.

The practicality is still very strong, at least there is no need to worry about being spied on the memory and controlling the body when contacting with the mind ability person.

It’s a coincidence that Su Quan’s place after crossing is here. I originally planned to use super listening to confirm the progress of this world, and then go to Professor X, but I heard the following conversations.

Black Emperor Shaw, White Queen, Rapid Current, the future lurking in the sea Magneto——

Isn’t this the story of Magneto in [X-Men: The First Battle] who seeks revenge from the Black Emperor Xiao, and is stopped by Professor X after he fails, so he joins the Mutant team established by Professor X and the CIA.

The White Queen is here, and Professor X will also come, so what are you looking for, just wait, the mind ability will jump into the bowl obediently.

On the cruise ship, Eric, who was dug up by the White Queen with his mind ability, covered his head in pain and threw the dagger in his hand towards Hei Huang Xiao.


The diamond-shaped White Queen grabbed the flying dagger, threw it into the sea, and then slammed Eric out.

With a thud, he fell directly into the sea.

Being able to smash Eric into the sea with one palm, the White Queen’s power is obviously far beyond ordinary people.


Several flares flew out from the distance and lit up, and the U.S. Coast Guard boat suddenly appeared, shouting loudly on the radio.

“We are the U.S. Coast Guard, don’t try to drive away, stay where you are.”

Searchlights shone on the sea, and the guards approached the Caspadina in several speedboats.


“Combat detected, drop reward: Telepathy (White Queen)”


“Combat detected, drop reward: Telepathy (Professor X)”

On the Caspadina, the White Queen used Psychic Ability to detect the situation on the Coast Guard ship, and found Professor X Charles Xavier, who was also a Psychic Ability.

“They have a Telepathy.” White Queen reminded Black Emperor Xiao, trying her best to stop the detection from the opposite side.

On the coast guard boat, Charles Xavier, who was neither paralyzed nor bald, pressed his finger on his temple, and said in a surprised tone: “I can’t sense Xiao, can’t find, can’t find Xiao, something is blocking me , this never happened, there are people like me on that boat!”

The battle of the mind ability is also a battle!

There are two almost equal Telepathy in a sea area?

Charles Xavier and the White Queen were both shocked, but what they didn’t know was the Telepathy in this sea, but it wasn’t just the two of them!

Su Quan, a new Telepathy who has superimposed the two abilities, is going to give them a surprise, just take it as a gift of parting!

PS: Recommend my other works: “Marvel: The King’s Coming”, “Zero Covenant: The Strongest Death God”, “Marvel: The Fruit of the Door”, “Meiman: The Strongest Villain”, “KO List: The Strongest God of War”, “I am in Marvel” There is a Dimension Street”, “People in American Dramas: Spend money to become stronger! 》

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