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“Professor Charles’s noble qualities are irrefutable, and his ability to build a paradise in the midst of hell requires great courage and broad-mindedness. But please do not forget that he is only a human being, flesh and blood, soul, and there will be times when he is tired and weak, and there will be pain when he is injured. He just took the pressure that should have been put on you, and he took on it alone… In a few decades, when he is old and unable to provide protection to everyone, what will you do to protect yourselves? …… Is it your naivety? Or is it your naïve idea? Or to believe that your righteousness will not harm you? ”

“Looking at you, I can say without mercy that out of a hundred or nearly two hundred people here, there are no more than ten who are qualified for me to remember names. It is a predictable fact that the vast majority of the rest will die in the next 20 years. ”

“So what?”

Victor swallowed his spit, stared at Li Huan with unkind eyes, and a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Create contradictions, trigger wars, and compete with humans for living space… Mr. Huan Lister, you really disappointed us so much, I did not expect your thinking to be so dangerous, you sinister warmonger! ”


This is a slick provocation.

The eyes of some smart people in the classroom who looked at Li Huan changed, and more people stared at Li Huan with tears in their eyes.

Li Huan sneered in his heart, interesting, really interesting.

If he doesn’t give everyone a satisfactory answer today, if he can’t suppress the arrogance of a student like Victor, then I don’t want to get a foothold in this school in the future.

Even a group of students can’t figure it out, then he still messes around.

Li Huan waved his hand, put away the virtual projection, and after scanning the audience, he sighed softly, with infinite emotion, looked at Victor and said: “You gave me such a big label, I’m not angry, because I understand your feelings.” At the same time, I envy you for having a teacher like me……… Freedom of thought, daring to question, not being tempted, such talents are worthy of being my students. ”

Victor mocked: “Please answer my question head-on.” ”

“You interrupted me again, this is the second time, I have a good memory, and I am a very vindictive person.”

Li Huan said indifferently: “Since you insist on an answer, and for the sake of being honest between teachers and students, I want to tell you what I really think.” ”

Everyone is waiting for you to change your answer.

Li Huan straightened his figure, stood on the podium with his head held high, his eyes were so deep that he could penetrate time and space, and he said word by word: “I am a staunch humanist and a staunch pacifist, and my proposition is that mutants are part of humanity, there should be no war between human beings, and the world should be peaceful.” ”



Death-like silence.

What is the answer to this?

Is this the answer?

This is also too unexpected…

And there are no bright spots.

“Let’s start with the big macro aspect, according to my AI Anne calculations. Ten years later, in 1990, the energy crisis would begin. Around 2060, there will be a large-scale energy crisis around the world, the consumption of fresh water resources will break through the bottom line, the number of newborns will decrease, and a large number of human deaths will occur… Therefore, the internal contradictions of our human race and the survival of the entire human race must be somewhat insignificant, and all our resources should be used to develop beyond the planet, not for internal consumption. ”

Li Huan began to talk, and the piano below listened quietly, and his eyes always showed infinite love.

“Of course, what I’m saying is a bit vague. Because that, after all, is decades from now, too far away from you! But the internal contradictions between mutants and humans must be resolved, and if we want to deal with this problem, we must take a comprehensive view from a higher and farther perspective. ”

“Is there really an irreconcilable contradiction between mutants and humans? The answer is definitely no, because we are originally human, and this is not a fact that can be changed by imposing a [mutant] title. Just because ordinary humans don’t know enough about us, when they know our specific situation, they will no longer feel afraid. I thought of some ways to do this, and I’ll discuss this with you later…”

“On the other hand, we have to prepare for the worst, that is, when humans are faced with fear, they will do appalling actions such as genocide to the entire mutant population…”

With Li Huan’s narration, the virtual projection revealed a picture, DNA spiral, various molecular arrangements, corn and soybeans and other crops, these pictures swept through everyone’s eyes one by one.

Then Li Huan’s conversation was much the same as the one he used to fool the witch Ruiwen that day, and his voice was neither hurried nor delicate, neither agitated nor low, as if telling a fact.

It took more than ten minutes to roughly introduce some actions that humans may have carried out, and finally said: “Once humans and mutants go to war, then not only mutants are in danger of extinction, ordinary humans will also die and suffer heavy injuries, basically losing the opportunity to open up the universe, so this must be avoided.” ”

He suddenly asked: “Does anyone know why the decades-long cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union did not start fighting?” He looked at the tall Victor, “Victor-san, please sit down, who can answer this question?” ”

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen people immediately raised their hands.

“Monica-san, please get up and answer this question.”

The glasses girl is still a sweater and jeans, but today she combed a ball head, looking young (Zhao Zhao Zhao) beautiful, and the small freckles on her face highlight her beauty, as if she is also a young fruit.

When the name was called, the glasses girl immediately stood up and said with a smile: “Mr. Liszt, I like your proposition and believe that you are a staunch pacifist.” Well, for the question just now, why the US imperialists and the Soviet Union did not fight is because Professor Charles and Magneto intervened in Cuba that year, they were superheroes who prevented the destruction of the world. ”

“Well, that’s one of the reasons, but not the most objective reason, do you know the answer?”

The glasses girl tensed a little, she thought about it and tentatively said: “It’s because of… Nuclear bombs. ”

“That’s right, very correct, please sit.”

The virtual projection has changed again, showing various types of nuclear bombs, supersonic fighters, rockets, spaceships… _

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