Rogers stopped:

“Don’t be impulsive, I don’t think he came to look for trouble, there may be some unknown misunderstanding!”

As a leader-like figure, Rogers still has some intuition that is accurate.

But Rogers’ words were directly interrupted by Tony:

“It doesn’t matter, whether this Asgardian kills Loki or releases Loki, we may not get the Cosmic Cube, and if it is really Loki’s support, it will definitely send news to Asgard, we should go and catch him”

“Stark, we have to make a plan.”

“My plan is, fight.”

After saying that, Tony chased him out. Seeing this, Rogers quickly began to take the parachute and put it on.

Seeing this, Natasha turned around and said:

“I just can’t control him, Captain.”

“I don’t want to care either!”

Rogers said while wearing a parachute.

But Natasha was not optimistic about Rogers, and persuaded:

“These guys are legendary characters, they are basically gods, are you sure you want to go? And who cares Loki? ”

“There’s only one god in the world, ma’am, but it won’t be that dressed up, and I don’t want to run away when I see Loki, right?”

After taking a meaningful look at Loki, Rogers jumped directly with a parachute.

At this time, in the forest below, Thor had once again reclaimed Mjolnir, and was angrily looking at Kieran who was standing there indifferently and said:

“Kieran, you get out of the way, I’m not here to find trouble, Heimdall spent so much dark energy to bring me down, just to help you stop Loki’s plot!”

“Of course I believe you, in fact, I didn’t come to fight, I just saw your domineering appearance, I just wanted you to be sober and sober!”

Kieran said as he casually straightened his robe.

“You… What do you mean? ”

This time it was Sol’s turn to be stunned, and looked at Kieran with a very puzzled face, so that Kiran was instantly uninterested in fighting, and he and Sol looked at each other with big eyes.

“Why don’t you two fight? Kieran, did you provoke it or did he provoke it? ”

Kieran and Thor didn’t wait long, Tony flew over from a distance and landed in front of Kieran and said lightly, and then looked at Thor and said:

“Are you on our side this time? Will this younger brother of yours hand over the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube? ”

“Loki will definitely be sanctioned by Asgard, but it is difficult to extract the whereabouts of the Rubik’s Cube from his mouth, I brought some intelligence!”

Thor had already calmed down at this time, he and Tony had fought once last time, and he still had some recognition of Tony’s strength.

“Since you’re here to help, prove it and put down the hammer in your hand!”

Rogers also parachuted down at this time, and said a little confused about the situation.

“Don’t, you haven’t dealt with him, he loves his hammer so much…”

Tony knew that it was not good when he heard this, and hurriedly wanted to persuade, but was directly thrown away by Sol, who had a bruised forehead next to him, and then yelled at Rogers:

“You want me to put down the hammer? Then give it a try yourself! ”

Thor said without hesitation and jumped towards Rogers with a hammer, and Rogers also knew that he seemed to have said something he shouldn’t, and quickly raised his shield.


Just when Thor’s hammer was about to smash on Rogers’ shield, Kieran snorted coldly, appeared in front of the two without warning, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the wrists of the captain and Sol respectively, not caring about Thor’s lightning bolts.

“Get out!”

Kieran drank lightly, his body twisted suddenly, and he directly grabbed the two of them in the air and swirled them around in the air and threw them to the sides.


Thor crashed into the distant mountain wall, and suddenly a violent thunder and lightning burst out, making a huge noise, and Rogers over there was also smashed and stood up with a grin and said:

“It seems that we have all calmed down, let’s go back together and discuss it later!”

“Although I think Loki seems to be willing to go with us, in case something happens to the only lady among us, let’s go to the big guy and talk again, hoping that they have prepared a place for me to put the steel armor!”

Tony said at this time, and then spewed flames from under his feet and left, the rest of you look at me, I look at you, got on the Kun-type fighter together, and soon returned to the sky carrier.

Loki was pressed to a special prison, while the others gathered in the command room, sitting around a round table specially prepared by Fury, watching Loki being escorted during the surveillance.

“Now let me tell you about your situation”.

Fury’s voice came out clearly on the screen, and he said while operating the prison console:

“If you want to escape, even scratch the glass lightly…”

Fury flipped a switch, and suddenly the floor under the glass prison opened instantly, and a fierce wind whistled in.

“This cage will hold you down from 10,000 meters.”

Closing the drop opening, Fury drew twice at Lokiby, “Ants, shoes?” ”

Loki in the glass prison smiled brightly when he heard this, turned around and said to the prison:

“Nice design, I guess it’s not for me, right?”

“What was supposed to be locked up was much more ferocious than you!”

Fury said unconcernedly.

“Oh, I heard, it’s that raging beast!”

Loki sneered at this looking at the surveillance camera:

“And pretend to be an ordinary person!”

“How desperate you have to be to find that monster to protect you!”

Loki turned to look at Fury mockingly.

In the command room, everyone turned their attention to Banner in unison, and even Thor inexplicably followed the stream, holding his shoulders and looking at the honest-looking Banner.

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