After entering the tattoo parlor, Kieran looked at the time, and the time agreed with the man was almost up, so Kieran immediately prepared.

“Bang bang!”

More than twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Kieran knew that the other party had arrived.

“Hello, you’re the tattoo master Kieran, right? I think I told you all my requests on the phone ten days ago! ”

The door opened, and a mature woman with burgundy hair and a curvaceous figure was already standing in the doorway, looking at Kieran with a pair of seductive and warm eyes like sympathy as she spoke.

It’s not that this woman is, but that this woman’s eyes are like this, just looking at you and talking, it will make you feel that she likes you, is interesting to you, is teasing you, etc., which is innate.

‘Of course!’ Pigeon blood tattoo’, also known as ‘invisible tattoo’, with ‘pigeon blood’ and ‘natural cinnabar’ as the main materials, I started preparing the materials ten days ago, and now they are all together! ”

Kieran calmly invited the woman into the room, poured a cup of coffee and said softly.

Pigeon blood tattoos are not mysterious, the color disappears after a few days after tattooing, and if the tattoo artist is skillful, it looks as if it is invisible.

If it is an ordinary tattoo artist, it can only make the tattoo semi-invisible, that is to say, it will leave a scar like a flesh stunned, of course, the pattern composed of these flesh stunned people can not be seen from a distance, but it can be clearly seen when it is close.

Pigeon blood tattoos are revealed when drinking alcohol or when they are excited, which is actually a state of congestion that reveals the tattoo.

As for why the pigeon blood tattoo fades and disappears after a few days of tattooing, it is because a kind of ‘iron’ in the pigeon blood is neutralized by the human body, which causes this situation.

Kiran’s calm look made a hint of surprise appear in the woman’s eyes, but it was only a flash, and no one could notice it.

“And what about the pattern?”

The woman’s rosy and sexy little mouth asked after taking a sip of hot coffee, her voice soft, as if she could hook a man’s soul.

“The fire phoenix spreading its wings means to be reborn from the ashes, and the pattern I don’t need to prepare, it’s all in my heart!”

Kieran said.

“But some people say that pigeon blood tattoos have sequelae, such as skin allergies, or scars!”

The woman had a worried expression.

“That’s not technically available, and the pigeon blood tattoo through my hand never has such a problem!”

Kieran is confident in his tattoo skills.

Just kidding, Kieran’s own Nian Qi tattoo is actually a special pigeon blood tattoo, but the conditions under which this tattoo is revealed are somewhat different.

Not drinking or getting emotional, but when Kieran controls the flow of thoughts.

“I heard about this, that’s why I looked for you, but I promised you a full million dollars!”

The woman said after taking a deep breath.

“Just leave it to me, it will take about half a month, but it just so happens that I don’t have to be busy during this time, and it will definitely not slow down the progress, so start now?” I don’t know your name yet, Miss! ”

“Natalie, Natalie Rosman!”

The woman replied.


Natalie Roschman, the name Kieran is very familiar, which makes Kieran can’t help but look at the woman in front of him seriously, and a trace of thought was released by Kiran, slightly perceiving the scan on the woman.

“The muscles are full of toughness, the explosive power is much more than ordinary people, and the whole body is on alert at any time, it seems that it is really her.”

This name has been heard in movies in a previous life, which is the name used by Black Widow Natasha Normanoff when she went undercover next to Tony Stark in “Iron Man 2”.

“Can we start?”

Although Kieran saw through Natasha’s disguise, he pretended not to know, and to be honest, Kieran was not interested in asking anything, Kieran only cared about his own strength.

“Of course you can! But I heard my friend say that Master Kieran you also have a pigeon blood tattoo, is this true? ”

Natasha looked at Kieran with bright eyes and an admirer.


Kieran nodded, directly took off the jacket and the iron cable hook claws wrapped around the jacket and put them aside, standing naked in front of Natasha, the perfect muscle lines of the whole body were very beautiful.

Kiran’s muscles like steel bars made Natasha show a hint of surprise, and then looked at the iron rope hook claw that Kieran had placed on the side and then showed an excited expression

“What about tattoos? Let it be visible! Need to drink? I can accompany you for a drink! ”

“No need!”

Kieran shook his head, then closed his eyes, and suddenly opened them a second later, his eyes burst out with a strong look, and his temperament changed drastically in an instant.

If Kieran gave Natasha a feeling like a tiger just now, the feeling that Kieran gave Natasha now was an ordinary ordinary person.

This is because Kieran uses the signature skill of male qigong practitioners who can only be used after tattooing “Nian Qi tattoo”, “Nian Qi Flow”.

Mental air flow: Through the ‘Nian Qi tattoo’ to forcibly control the Nian Qi, the Nian Qi is collected and condensed together so that it can be used at any time, which can enhance the five senses, speed, strength and reaction power in the Nian Qi state, but it will continue to consume physical strength.

The male martial artist’s rough method of cultivating mental qi will make the unstable mental qi unconsciously emanate, all of which will make Natasha always feel that Kieran is a fierce tiger.

But after using the ‘Nian Qi Rotation’ to condense the Nian Qi, this feeling will disappear, so now Natasha will feel that Kieran is an ordinary person.

But Natasha couldn’t care about the feeling just now, because on Kiran’s body, a mysterious and complicated red tattoo had been revealed.

The complexity and mystery of the tattoo immediately shocked Natasha, who had never seen it before, but it was somewhat sacred, and it also carried a special charm.

“What is this diagram?”

“This is called the Nian Qi tattoo, you don’t need to know this!”

Kieran was too lazy to make up the name, and directly said the real name of the tattoo, anyway, knowing the name, Natasha doesn’t know what this tattoo is, right?

After Kieran finished speaking, he collected the ‘thought of the air flow’, and the tattoo disappeared at any time, making Natasha, who had not seen enough, show an expression of unfinished thought.

Maintaining the state of ‘thinking about the flow’ is very physically exhausting.

“Well, okay, let’s get started!”

Natasha nodded and said.

“You took off your clothes and lay on the tattoo chair, and you want to tattoo your back, right?”

Kieran pointed to the tattooed chairway in front of him.

“That’s right, it’s the back!”

Natasha was also not pretentious, and after replying, she took off her coat and blouse directly in front of Kiran.

Suddenly, a body wearing only a bra, white as jade, and smooth as water appeared in Kiran’s eyes.

The only fly in the ointment was that Natasha had several scars on her body, which Kieran knew at first glance were caused by bullets or grenade shrapnel.

“Do you want to take off your underwear?”

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