Chapter 340

The place Bucky mentioned was a secret base established by HYDRA during World War II. However, as the Axis powers were defeated and surrendered one after another, the originally occupied land was successively liberated. This base in Vienna was also strategically controlled by HYDRA at the time. Abandoned.

Had it not been for when he was the Winter Soldier, he had escaped S.H.I.E.L.D there once during a mission, and he would not have known that there was such a secret place in Vienna.

This abandoned HYDRA base has not been stationed for a long time. In addition, the location is very hidden, and the various living facilities inside are relatively complete, which can temporarily provide them with a safe hiding place.

Under Bucky’s leadership, everyone successfully transferred their positions before Tony and the others arrived.

The captain immediately contacted Mark immediately after everyone settled down.

“Mark, our side has completed the transfer and we are now in a safe place. What was the way you said before to allow Bucky to recall his past memories safely?”

“The method is very simple. The most important thing is to use a device. In the past, in order to prevent the emergence of enemies with mind control 870 Ability like Wanda in the future, I once suggested that all the Avengers should carry the universal capsule of the mood controller as a regular equipment. .

As long as any of you follow my advice and bring your emotion controller with you, then my approach will be able to work. ”

Hearing the condition proposed by Mark, the captain was first taken aback, and then unconsciously reached out to the universal capsule item box he was carrying around his waist, and then he looked happy.

“Fortunately, I remembered to bring this thing with me when I left the hotel. What’s next? What should we do?”

Now that he has carried it, the captain doesn’t have to spend more time asking Falcon if he has it. As for Scarlet Witch, she originally had the Ability of Mind Control, and she definitely wouldn’t wear an emotion controller on her body from time to time. This device is useless to her.

“Next, you need to put the emotion controller on Bucky’s head, and then find any device on your body that can connect to the Internet and release wireless network signals, so that I can let Dabai use the network channel to control the parameters in the emotion controller. Modifications allow Bucky to separate his self-awareness and view his past memories like watching a movie on a video website from a third-person perspective.

And more importantly, in order to prevent Bucky from being controlled by Green Goblin the next time he hears those words, I will also let Dabai implant a small program in his emotion controller, which may cause confusion in his brain waves. The word recognition and shielding, completely close the self-awareness at the critical moment, to avoid his loss of control. ”

Following the instructions given by Mark, the team leader took out a universal capsule and restored the phone. In the past, in order to avoid being prevented by the law enforcement of the United Nations from tracking their location, the captain who had no other protective means turned off the phone directly. Later, I heard that Tony was going to lead a team to hunt down himself, and quickly put the phone in the universal capsule to isolate all signals.

Turn on the phone, connect to the mobile Internet, and then turn on the phone hotspot to release the wireless network signal. Although the seventy years of freezing has caused the captain to miss a lot, it seems a bit old-fashioned in this day and age.

However, no matter how outdated, with the positive attitude of wanting to integrate into this new era, the captain still learned a lot of new knowledge, at least the smart phone is now able to play very slippery.

“Mark, I have done everything you said, and you can let Da Bai start to act.”

“Good!” Mark responded with a voice during the communication.

Then the captain saw that the original screensaver wallpaper on his phone screen was missing, replaced by a pure white (ajad) background, and Dabai’s classic expression (●—●) when he was a medical and health assistant.

“This feels curious!” Bucky as the client couldn’t help sighing. His state of At the moment was unprecedentedly peaceful and peaceful, as if he had entered the sage moment after the event.

What’s even more amazing is that he was once controlled by HYDRA. As a memory of the Winter Soldier, he can use a player to watch a video, drag the progress bar to forward and back at will, and change the playback speed for double-speed playback.

Even events and details that were already very vague or completely unremembered can be restored in detail and detail during the viewing process. This is really an extremely wonderful experience.

And looking at my memories of being the Winter Soldier over the past few decades, this seemingly long process, in fact, only a few seconds have passed in the real world.

Dabai adjusted the frequency of the thought wave in the emotion controller, so that Bucky not only stripped his self-consciousness in this process, but also completed the effect of overclocking his brain.

Finally, after reviewing his own memories several times, Bucky found what he thought Green Goblin was most likely to target-the large-scale biochemical weapon release developed by HYDRA’s scientific team.

After the biochemical weapon release device is loaded with biochemical virus, it can use the high-frequency nanowave in the machine to complete the release of virus or poisonous gas covering the entire Europa.

Once this thing falls into Green Goblin’s hands, then he is likely to complete an unprecedented terrorist attack and killing action in an instant, causing the entire human society to panic and paralyze.

At that time, even if Avengers and the United Nations work together, it will be difficult to save the situation.

Bucky told the captain and the other three of his judgment, and the atmosphere in the room instantly became heavy. If Bucky’s guess is true, then their actions will undoubtedly be burdened with huge amounts of pressure, because this time they can only succeed but not fail. The consequences of failure will be the loss of hundreds of millions of innocent people worldwide. The economy will also fall into chaos.

But soon, T’Challa sent them a piece of good news that could be said to be bad news. His companion Wakanda had found the trace of Green Goblin. He appeared on the outskirts of Vilnius, the capital of the Litao Bowl. The reason why this news can also be said to be bad news is that according to Bucky’s recollection, the mass biological weapon release device that was sealed by HYDRA was also there.

In other words, their most worried thing has come true, Green Goblin is likely to be planning to set off a crazy Resident Evil massacre for the entire Europa! .

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