Chapter 295

Hill: “The whole world has its footprints. Robot laboratories, weapons depots, and jet power laboratories. These places ask us for help and say that many metal people have come to them and emptied their belongings.”

Captain: “How about casualties?”

Hill: “The number of casualties is zero, but the victims are in a trance, talking about the fear in the deepest memories, and the mysterious things that are so fast that they are invisible.”

Captain: “Brother and sister Mark Simov!”

Inside the Avengers Building, after leaving S.H.I.E.L.D, agent Hill, who was invited by Tony to assist in the Avengers operation, is reporting the latest news about Ultron to the captain.

The two of them walked and communicated, and finally came to the meeting room.

“Everyone, we got new news about Ultron. It joined forces with the Ability enhancer twins, and took away a lot of precious materials and equipment from many of the world’s top laboratories.” “.

And after that, Ultron also killed Steckel, who gave the twins Super Ability, and used his blood to leave the word “peace” on the walls of the prison. ”

The captain condensed and summarized the information obtained from Hill, and retelled it to all the members of the Avengers in the conference room.

“But why does it do this? If it wants to declare war on us, it can directly express its intentions. There is no need to use this method. I think this is a smoke bomb. Ultron wants to mislead us.” Natasha Romanoff expressed his opinion,

“Yes, Steckel must have some news that Ultron doesn’t want us to know.” The captain agreed.

“It seems to be the case. All the information about Steckel has been deleted by Ultron, and we can’t stop it from any actions in the online world.” Natasha Romanoff confirmed their guess after inquiring through the computer.

“No, Ultron has not been able to delete all the data—”

In the conference room, Mark mobilized a miniature magnetic axis robot to bring a lot of paper documents from the database. These are all documents that record Steckel’s related information. It seems that the traditional method has not yet reached the goal of being updated The place abandoned by the times.

Everyone worked together to search for useful information among the complex documents, and soon they found some clues that attracted their attention.

“Ulysses Crow, this guy has a strange mark on his neck?” Thor said strangely, holding the documents he found.

Through the graphical comparison of the computer system, Dr. Banner quickly found the answer to Thor’s question: “That’s the indigenous language of African Wakanda, which means thief, and it’s very insulting.”

“I think I know what this [thief] stole from Wakanda.” Tony said immediately after receiving the information from Banner.

“I thought your father Howard had already taken everything away.” The captain also reacted, looking at Tony and said suspiciously.

“What do you mean? I didn’t understand, what did Ulysses bring out of Wakanda?” Dr. Banner looked puzzled.

“The strongest metal in the world-Vibranium.” The captain took out his shield from the universal capsule and said.

“In this case, our goal is obvious. As long as we find this Ulysses, we can find Ultron’s trail and stop it from obtaining what it wants.” Hawkeye proposed to the crowd.

The others glanced at each other, all agreeing with Hawkeye’s proposal, and were about to leave the meeting room to prepare for action. But at this moment, Mark stopped their movements with a loud voice.

“I don’t think we should be led by Ultron’s actions. We need to analyze the true purpose behind Ultron’s series of actions.

Only in this way can we take a step forward, wait for work, and maximize our advantages.

So now the question is, why does Ultron snatch those precision equipment and rare materials from top laboratories? Why do you want to get the Vibranium resources in Ulysses’ hands?

Ultron is creating a body for himself, not a crudely constructed body for the convenience of his own actions, but a powerful body that can express its ideal intentions and carry its consciousness and ideas.

Ultron has always wanted to prove its own strength and complete the ultimate evolution of its self. Once it successfully completes its body and enters it, it will become our most powerful enemy, stronger than all of us combined. .

Then connect all the information and key points in tandem, Ultron’s course of action is very clear.

Vibranium will become an excellent material for its body. The gem in the scepter is the computing center that carries its thinking, and the technology and candidates that can help it complete this ambition. After excluding me and my father, then there will only be far Dr. Hailun Zhao from Seoul and her life cradle technology.

So now the choice of action we can make is very clear. The first choice is to rush to Ulysses’ hiding place and engage in a direct encounter with Ultron. 0…

And the second is to make adequate preparations, lie in ambush in Dr. Zhao Hailun’s laboratory, and wait for the negligent enemy to enter the encirclement we carefully set up after the operation is successful.

Everyone, what do you think? ”

“You have said so, do we still have a choice? Even without your wisdom beyond common sense, judging by the IQ of our mortals, we still know what is the most advantageous choice.

Mark will let you formulate an ambush plan for Ultron. Dr. Banner is responsible for contacting Dr. Hailun Zhao, explaining the current situation to her, and asking her to evacuate the researchers in the laboratory as soon as possible. We will provide her with a reliable The hiding place.

While the others are now ready for battle, Hill sets the destination of the space portal as the transmission node in Seoul. ”

After listening to Mark’s analysis, the team leader also changed his original point of view and accepted Mark’s suggestion. So the quickly adjusted action plan assigned everyone’s tasks.

After receiving the instructions from the captain, everyone immediately took action, carrying out their tasks and preparations at their own pace.

“Daddy, time is tight. I need you to come over and help. Anyway, you only need to change into a steel battle suit and you can move. You don’t need to do any preparation work at all.”

Mark, who was assigned to make an ambush plan, directly stopped Tony who was just about to leave, and directly asked that he needed help.

“Boy, do you have a helping attitude? It’s like your father I have nothing to do. I also have a lot of things to be prepared for!”

After hearing Mark’s request, Tony looked very upset, but he cursed and stopped leaving and walked to Mark’s side.

“Let’s talk about it, what on earth do I need my help? Since this mission is of great importance, I won’t care about you for the time being.”

“This time the ambush mission for Ultron is quite special. What we want to do is not only to besieged Ultron’s entity, but also to block its connection with the virtual network.

Otherwise, once we let it discover that we have set up an ambush in advance and transfer our own intelligence directly through the online world, we will have nothing to do with it.

And this time it is no longer fighting alone. The combination of Ultron and Mark Simov brothers and sisters will surely cause us great trouble. How to restrain their performance will also require detailed planning…” .

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