Chapter 272

The funeral industry is indeed a promising way to get rich, but Mark just thinks about it in his mind and does not intend to really grab this business.

After all, no matter what, you still have to leave a way for people to live, and you can’t really go your own way so that others have nowhere to go.

“Anyway, in view of the possibility of using it on living organisms, it is better to add an insurance to prevent accidentally falling into the enemy’s hands and causing irreparable consequences.”

After careful consideration, Mark decided to add an insurance to the compression device of the universal capsule, just in case there is an uncontrollable situation.

After the transformation is completed, the final design of the universal capsule is finalized.

“Dabai, help me contact the Avengers, make an appointment to gather everyone together, and I want to distribute the universal capsule to everyone.”

Among the top floors of the Avengers Building.

I just met a group of Avengers members and completed the task of eradicating the HYDRA base. Everyone can get together when they have time. Mark is very smooth ~ gathered everyone together.

“Mark, what is the purpose of bringing everyone together this time?-”

In the previous mission, they were not in the same team with the captain, so Dr. Banner, who hadn’t seen Mark for a long time, was the first to ask after meeting him.

In everyone’s memory, Mark has never done anything like this to gather everyone together, so he is particularly curious about the purpose of gathering here today.

“By the way, I talked about this when I met Hawkeye the day before yesterday, but I haven’t talked to the other of you.

Then I will introduce it to you in detail. I have been doing research and applications in space all this time.

Recently, some substantial progress and research results have been achieved.

In addition to the result I want to show you today, another study is also a product specially for the Avengers.

That product has already been shown to Tony, and you will be able to use it soon when you perform tasks. I will leave a suspense for you to look forward to.

And what I want to show you today is this—”

As he said, Mark opened the palm of his right hand to the crowd, and then saw a delicate and small metal capsule lying steadily on his palm.

“This is my latest achievement in space research-the universal capsule!”

“Universal capsule?” Tony was the first to walk up curiously, holding the universal capsule in his hand and playing with it.

“What is the use of this thing?”

“You try to press the top button on the side of the capsule and press it to see.”

Mark said mysteriously.

Tony didn’t doubt that he was there. He directly followed the instructions given by Mark and pressed the top button on the side of the universal capsule.


For a moment, Tony only felt the weight of his hand rise sharply, and under conditioned reflex, he threw out the universal capsule in his hand.

But when the universal capsule landed, what appeared in front of everyone was not the small and round device before, but a black quiver bag full of arrows.

Seeing this scene, the Avengers who had been summoned by Mark all showed a look of surprise. If this is doing magic, then Mark has successfully stunned them with a wonderful performance. .

And if it’s not magic science and technology, then Mark will be even more successful, because he has done things that cannot happen in the common sense of everyone.

Tony, who has seen the space portal invented by Mark before, has understood the technical principles of the universal capsule and the specific use of this invention after thinking about it carefully.

And compared to the “magic” used in the space portal that makes him difficult to understand and analyze, the technology used on the universal capsule is undoubtedly much more friendly to him, and just now JARVIS has already passed the scan results of the universal capsule through Bluetooth The headset explained to him that At the moment, he had already analyzed the specific technology needed to produce the universal capsule.

But before Tony showed his true skills, Hawkeye spoke first. After Hawkeye saw the function of this technology, and at the same time saw the quiver on the ground, he immediately thought of what Mark had said to him on the island of Hawaii.

“Mark, this is the piece of equipment that you said is very helpful to me and will prevent me from being exhausted by arrows in the future?”

When I think of myself, I can turn on the infinite arrow system. Having inexhaustible arrows can always guarantee the endurance of the battle. Hawkeye’s face almost bloomed with a smile.

0 ·········Find flowers 0 ···

“Yes, that’s it! The capsule shape of the universal capsule is just what it looks like after space folding and external packaging. The key core lies in this.”

Following the direction of Mark’s finger, everyone looked at the black quiver lying on the ground. On top of the black leather of the quiver, there was an abrupt silver disc attached. It seemed that this should be Mark’s place. The point is.

“This is a compression device that folds items in space and compresses and encapsulates them into a universal capsule. Just attach this device to items that need to be carried easily, and then lightly press the button. Regardless of the file size and material, the item can be turned into one Take the small capsule with you everywhere.

……… …….

For Hawkeye, your biggest need is naturally to carry a sufficient number of arrows when performing tasks.

With the universal capsule, you no longer have to worry about not having enough arrows on your body, because you can bring as many as you want.

But there is one thing to pay special attention to, don’t think about putting together the universal capsules that have been loaded, and then performing secondary compression.

This is not feasible. For items that have been folded in space, their originally compressed state is a delicate balance.

Once the space folding is used again to generate external force intervention, it will cause the space to be extremely compressed, and eventually cause the space to collapse and form a miniature black hole.

Regarding the damage that this miniature black hole can cause, I think Thor, you must still have fresh memories, and the effect produced is almost the same as the dark elf black hole grenade.

The black hole formed by the collapse of space will generate huge amounts of gravitation, pulling all surrounding objects into it. Eventually, with the originally extremely strong self-repairing Ability of the space, the black hole will gradually disappear, but the life or object drawn into the black hole will disappear forever in it and never come back.

To tell you this, in addition to hope that you can pay attention to it, no improper use can cause damage to yourself; in addition, if you encounter an emergency, you run out of ammunition and food or the enemy is very strong, you can use this technique to protect yourself. . “three.

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