
Lisa and Kaeya returned to Mond. When Captain Qin saw them return safely, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

"How do you feel about this trip to another world?" Captain Qin asked with concern.

Lisa smiled and replied: "Qin, this is an unforgettable experience. The people there are very warm and friendly, and their lives are also colorful. I think we can go to that world often and learn more about the knowledge there, maybe we can make the people of Mond live better."

Qin felt that what Lisa said made sense, and decided to wait until she had time to go and see the world that Lisa and others praised.


Marvel World

Lin Yu watched Xiao Keli and the others leave, with a satisfied smile on his face. He was in a very relaxed and happy mood. He walked around the living room for a few steps and hummed a light song: "La la la, today is a beautiful day."

Then he walked slowly into the bedroom, lying down while muttering: "Sleep well, tomorrow is another day full of 70,000." He fell asleep soon.

The next day, Lin Yu was still asleep when he was suddenly awakened by the loud shouting of Xiao Keli from the living room of the villa.

"Brother Lin Yu, Brother Lin Yu, Ke Li is here to play with you again."


Lin Yu was suddenly awakened by a sweet voice. He rubbed his eyes and said to himself with a smile: "Little Ke Li's voice is really full of energy."

(Yang Guang: So? She wakes you up and is full of energy. I just shine into the house normally and drive you out directly? Double standard!)

He quickly put on his clothes, walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room. When he saw Little Ke Li, he asked: "Huh? Ke Li, are you here alone?"

Little Ke Li pointed to Qin standing in the garden outside the house and said with a smile: "Brother Lin Yu, Captain Qin is here too."

Qin saw that Lin Yu had woken up and walked in from the garden and said: "Lin Yu, I'm here to bother you again."

Lin Yu waved his hand quickly: "Captain Qin, what are you talking about? It's too late to welcome you. Have you finished your work? How come you have time to come?"

Qin smiled and said: "I'll hand in my work first I gave it to Lisa. After listening to Lisa's description yesterday, I was very curious and came to see it. "

Lin Yu suddenly realized: "So that's the case. That's great. I'll take you out to have a good time today."

Little Keri couldn't wait to say: "Brother Lin Yu, take Keri and Captain Qin out to play. Keri can't wait to start the adventure." ٩(*´◒`*)۶

Lin Yu smiled and said: "No problem, then Brother Lin Yu will take you to the amusement park for adventure. However, our Spark Knight Keri must change into the adventure clothes of the other world first.

All the clothes prepared for you yesterday are placed in the room where you changed clothes yesterday. You can take Captain Qin to change. "

Little Keri blinked obediently and said crisply: "Okay, Brother Lin Yu, Spark Knight promises to complete the task! ٩(ˊωˋ*)و. "After that, she took Captain Qin's hand and ran to the room.

After a while, they changed their clothes and came out. Lin Yu took them to the amusement park in a taxi.

In the taxi, the driver looked at them through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "Oh, the young man is really capable. He found such a beautiful foreign wife and gave birth to such a cute mixed-race baby." When the head of the Qin group heard this, he was a little shy, but he didn't know what to say.

But Xiao Keli blinked her big eyes and asked curiously: "Uncle, what is a mixed-race baby?" Lin Yu hurriedly said: "Master, you misunderstood, this is my friend and her sister. I took them out to play today."

The driver was a little embarrassed and apologized quickly.

Arriving at the entrance of the amusement park, Lin Yu went to line up to buy tickets. While queuing, several young people dressed in fashionable clothes next to him saw Xiao Keli and their eyes lit up.

One of the girls with ponytails smiled and said to Xiao Keli: "Little sister, you look like a doll, so cute! Are you very happy to come to the amusement park today?"

Xiao Keli was not at all shy and answered happily: "Sister, Keli is very happy. It must be super fun here because it is so beautiful!"

After buying the tickets, they walked into the amusement park.

Xiao Keli jumped up excitedly when she came in, pointed at the carousel and asked Lin Yu: "Brother Lin Yu, can I ride this first?"

Lin Yu touched her head and said: "Of course."

After they finished playing the carousel, Xiao Keli saw the roller coaster again, pulled Lin Yu's clothes and asked: "Brother Lin Yu, this looks so exciting, can I play it?"

Lin Yu looked at the roller coaster, smiled and said to Xiao Keli: "Xiao Keli, if Captain Qin agrees, brother will take you to play."

Captain Qin thought for a moment and nodded.The leader said, "Okay, but Klee, don't be afraid."

Little Klee clapped her hands excitedly: "Great, Captain Jean, I am Spark Knight Klee, how can I be afraid!"

Little Klee got on the roller coaster and shouted excitedly throughout the ride, not afraid at all. But some of the children behind were scared and cried.

After the roller coaster ended, little Klee jumped down and said with a puzzled look: "It's so fun, why are they still crying?" [・_・?]

Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing her words.

After playing for a whole morning, everyone's stomachs were growling. Lin Yu smiled and said, "Let's go have lunch first, replenish energy, and then continue playing." They found a restaurant in the amusement park and enjoyed a delicious lunch.

After lunch, they came to a castle that looked like a fairy tale. Lin Yu took out his MIX fold3 and took a few beautiful photos of Klee and Jean. Then he invited a young man named Lei who passed by to help take a group photo of the three of them.

The young man surnamed Lei took the phone and was amazed when he saw the MIX fold3:

"OMG, what is this? The screen is so big and the pictures are so clear. I have never seen such a high-tech thing. Where did you buy it? Can you sell it to me?"

Lin Yu smiled mysteriously and said, "This is a mobile phone. You will know where you bought it later. I can't sell it to you."

The young man surnamed Lei looked regretful, but he still helped to take a group photo seriously.

After taking the photo, they continued to play in the amusement park. Keli was like a happy little bird, running around and exploring new things.

Keli was tired from playing, so they found a place to rest and eat ice cream.

Looking at Keli's satisfied look, the leader Qin smiled and said to Lin Yu: "Thank you so much today for making Keli so happy."

Lin Yu waved his hand: "Don't say that. I am even happier to see Keli so happy."

After resting, they went to play a few relaxing amusement projects.

Until the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on them.

"Ke Li, let's go, Brother Lin Yu will take you to eat barbecue."

After leaving the amusement park, they took a taxi to a food stall near Lin Yu's home. As soon as they entered the door, the tempting aroma of barbecue came to their noses. They quickly found an empty seat and sat down. Lin Yu smiled and picked up the menu and handed it to Ke Li, saying:

"Ke Li, order whatever you want." Ke Li took the menu, looked left and right with her little head, and the dazzling array of dishes on it made her a little dazzled, and she didn't know what to choose for a while.

After a while, she raised her head and said with sparkling eyes: "Brother Lin Yu, Ke Li doesn't know what to order, but Ke Li wants to eat grilled fish. (,,•́ ؎•̀,,)"

Then Lin Yu handed the menu to Qin and said: "Qin, you also look at it, order whatever you want." Qin thought for a while and ordered a grilled corn and grilled eggplant. Then Lin Yu ordered some lamb skewers, beef skewers and chicken wings, as well as a few bottles of drinks.

After a while, the ordered delicacies were served on the table one after another. The roasted fish was fragrant, the skin was roasted golden and crispy, and the inside was tender and juicy. Ke Li couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it in her mouth, and said vaguely while eating: "The roasted fish is delicious, Brother Lin Yu."

Everyone ate with relish. Ke Li's little face was covered with oil stains, but she didn't care and still enjoyed the food happily. Lin Yu carefully handed her a tissue and said, "Ke Li, eat slowly, don't choke."

After eating the barbecue, they left the food stall contentedly. Lin Yu took Ke Li and Qin and strolled in the moonlight.

After returning to the villa, Qin stood in the living room and said to Lin Yu with a smile: "Lin Yu, thank you so much today. It's getting late, so Keli and I will go back first."

Lin Yu smiled and responded: "Okay, Qin, you must come often when you have time in the future. If the Knights have a team building, you can stay here for a few more days. I have more rooms at home and welcome you at any time."

Qin nodded: "Of course, then we will leave first. You are also welcome to visit Mondstadt at any time. We will definitely treat you well. Goodbye."

Little Keli also waved and said: "Goodbye Brother Lin Yu, I will come to play with you tomorrow."

Lin Yu waved: "Goodbye, Qin! I may bring a few friends to visit Mondstadt when the time comes. Goodbye, little Keli! Treat this place as your own home. Brother Lin Yu welcomes you to play at any time."

(The next chapter will start to solve the earthquake)

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