Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 173 System repair, 2 word new ability!

I asked you to interrogate the suspect.

You have reached a consensus with the enemy!

What the hell is a sworn oath!

Luo Bing clutched his heart and felt a little pain. It felt like he had raised a husky to look after the house, but he opened the door for a thief.

"By the way, this is the equipment that Deadpool carried with him. It seems to be a bit special. Tony...two can't study it." Steve said, and handed a belt-like device to Luo Bing.

"This thing..." Luo Bing took a look at it and frowned.

"It seems to be related to space, it should be a teleportation device," Luo Bing said. He is very sensitive to things like space. After all, on Earth, no one knows space better than him.

"You try?" Luo Bing called the belt and handed it to Steve, he himself had the ability to teleport, so he didn't need this thing at all.

On the contrary, as a veteran Avenger, it's time for Steve to increase his means.

And if the technology of this thing can be broken, then Tony will have to make a few copies of it, and it will be great if the manpower is standard.

But... this is just an idea.

How it will be realized is still far away.

"Oh? Then I'll try" Steve put the belt on him with interest, then pressed the red button.



A large amount of blood sprayed towards Luo Bing, which was blocked by the glass door that appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

And Steve... has long since separated. . The body was in place, but the upper body teleported into the crack of the wall.

Already dead. . .

"Uh...." Luo Bing looked at this scene ashamed, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

"What kind of rubbish equipment, broken items?" Luo Bing was very troubled, and hurriedly used the last gear of the day.

Back in time...

"Luo Bing, bad news for you, Peter and Deadpool..." Steve ran over with a black line on his face.

"I know, they've become brothers, right?" Luo Bing rolled his eyes, and every time he went back in time, he always had this trouble. He had to do the same plot twice.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Steve scratched his head suspiciously, then held out the belt in his hand.

"this thing..."

"This is an instant-moving belt. It's a broken version. After using it, there is a chance that people's bodies will be separated." Luo Bing forced a smile and looked helplessly at the captain in front of him.

"So that's it, Roar... luckily we hadn't tried this gear before, otherwise it would have been bad." Steve took a deep breath from Roar, startled.

Teleportation device, sounds good, but it's an unstable bomb.

Who dares to use it other than Deadpool, whose body is unharmed?

"Hmm..." Luo Bing coughed lightly, thinking that Captain, you have just tested it yourself, but Luo Bing would never say such a thing.

Sorry Captain... let you die once.

But don't be sad, that guy Tony died too.

Fortunately, Luo Bing still has one ability to roll back today, otherwise the captain might be a real GG.

You have to keep your focus in the future.

Not always so lucky...

Luo Bing self-examined, the Avengers never died at the hands of the enemy... but he killed them twice.

cough cough...

Fortunately they don't know.

"Let's rest early Steve, don't worry about Deadpool. If you have any problems, let's solve it tomorrow." Luo Bing patted the captain on the shoulder and said softly.

"Okay, but before I go to bed, I have to deal with some food, you need to rest early, Luo Bing" Steve nodded to Luo Bing, obviously... As a model worker, he doesn't plan to fall asleep so early .

He has three more prisoners to question.

That's not an easy job.

Luo Bing watched the team leader go, and couldn't help feeling emotional.


This is the night life of a single dog...

Luo Bing couldn't help sighing, since Granny Carter held the funeral two days ago, Steve has devoted all his time to work.

Maybe this is his way of venting.

In fact, if it were someone else, he might have retired from the Avengers long ago. The captain is not strong, but he has a strong heart.

Luo Bing regained his senses and looked up at the time.



The hands are constantly turning, minute by minute.

12 midnight is coming.

Luo Bing has been waiting for a full month.

Lucky Aura! On!

【System repaired successfully】

[Sign-in is complete, today's ability 'upgrade' has been delivered, please enjoy it~]

The cold system notification sound echoed in his ears, but at the moment, Luo Bing felt it was so pleasant.

"I'm back, old man, still so old-fashioned"

"Okay, let's take a look at today's harvest.

[Introduction to the ability 'upgrade', you can upgrade everything you want to upgrade, whether it is items, abilities, creatures, parts, or life, only once a day! Comes with a pair of data eyes. 】

The two-word ability finally exploded.

Really different.

Luo Bing rubbed his eyes, and various information materials appeared in front of his eyes.

That is the effect of the Eye of Data. As long as Luo Bing is in front of everything, he will get accurate data.

Luo Bing glanced at the belt in his hand.

A line of text appeared in front of him.

[B-level item---the broken version of the teleportation belt, due to damage, there is uncertainty when using it, there is a chance that the corpse can be separated, whether to upgrade? Plus sign]

Sure enough, as he had judged, the thing in front of him was a broken version.

As for the plus sign at the back, maybe that's how the 'upgrade' ability is used.


Once-a-day access?

Luo Bing is not satisfied.

"upgrade--- upgrade my upgrade ability"

[Ding...' upgrade ability upgrade ability upgrade successful']

[Introduction, you can upgrade everything you want to upgrade, whether it is items, abilities, creatures, parts, or life, limited to five times a day! Comes with a pair of data eyes. 】


It's still the same system.

It still feels that way.

It's still full of bugs... It's worthy of the monkey version system...

Luo Bing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then he upgraded his upgrade skills again.

[ to ten times a day]

[Ding...Limited to 100 times a day]

[Ding...System failure...BUG repairing]

[Ding... upgrade is successful, limited to 1,000 times per day]

Luo Bing shrugged, the bug has been fixed? But...a thousand times a day, no matter how you look at it, it's enough.


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