Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 666: battle on the ship


He waved his fist and collided with Simon Williams' fist wrapped in the [enhanced suit].

Steve put away his fist, the back of his hand dripping with blood.

Using the flesh and blood to collide with the [enhanced suit] on Simon Williams, it is naturally Captain America himself who suffers.

"Looks like you're not as strong as you say in the comics, Captain America."

Twisting his body wrapped in the [enhanced suit], Simon Williams looked at the wound on Steve's hand with an obvious mocking expression on his face.

"Cartoons are fake."

The wound on his hand did not shake the expression on Steve's face in the slightest. He raised his fist and continued to maintain a fighting posture, while still having time to say: "I have never pulled Adolf's beard."

"However, one thing is true."

"That is, Captain America never backs down easily."

His legs changed rapidly on the deck of the ship, Steve tightened his arms, and without hesitation, he aimed at Simon Williams in front of him and threw his fist again.

"It's useless, Captain America."

Raising his arms, the body wrapped in the [enhanced suit] blocked Steve's attack. Simon Williams raised his thighs and made a rapid air-breaking sound, and kicked at Steve.

"Captain needs help!"

Do your best to suppress the tuxedo guard in front of you.

Scott Lang gasped and looked at Steve who was beaten by Simon Williams not far away, and then turned his head to face Jessica Jones who was beside him.

"How to help."

He raised his arms controlled by the restraint device and slammed it on the ship's disguise.

Jessica Jones gritted her teeth and pulled her hands out of the broken restraint wreckage, speaking to Simon Williams.

"Equipment, I need the equipment that the blue guys took out from the raft prison before."

Mr. Mission Bid not only took their group of prisoners out of the raft prison, but also took the equipment they used before out of the prison.

"But how do we know where those things are placed!"

Waving his thin arm, he punched a tall tuxedo guard in front of him. Hearing Scott Lang's request, Jessica Jones said with a frown.

"Maybe I can help a little."

Hearing the conversation between the two, a grotesque man who also shot at the tuxedo guard suddenly spoke up.

Looking at Scott Lang with his dark eyes, he said, "My eyes have a see-through function, and even metal can't block my vision. I can use this ability to help you find equipment."

"Perspective ability?!"

Hearing this grotesque man's words, Jessica Jones raised her eyebrows, and then she seemed to think of something and quickly reached out to block the key parts of her body.

On the other side, Scott Lang also instinctively blocked his lower body, looked at the grotesque and said, "Oh, man, your ability is really..."


Seeing the almost identical reactions of the two anti-Registration superheroes, Scott Long and Jessica Jones, the grotesque couldn't help showing a speechless expression, but began to explain: "Relax, the perspective of my eyes The ability is stronger than X-ray, which means that in my eyes, you look like two moving skeletons, and there is no possibility of being seen."

"Who knows if what you said is true or false."

As for the explanation of the grotesque, Scott Lang is naturally a hundred people who do not believe it.

However, Jessica Jones on the other side has put this little embarrassment behind her, looking at the grotesque man with dark eyes and saying, "If that's the case, then let's act."

Seeing that Jessica Jones, a female superhero, didn't say anything, Scott Lang naturally gave up and entangled in the issue of perspective.

However, when acting side by side, he also said that he couldn't help asking this grotesque man.

"Since you can see through, doesn't it mean that even if you stay at home, you can see the movement of the bathroom next door."

"Scott Lang!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just asking casually..."


"Let me reveal a little bit, and I promise I won't tell the story."



bang bang-

Pull the trigger in her hand, Natasha, who has a gun and a gun without a gun, have completely different performances in terms of combat effectiveness.

The bullet fired from the dark muzzle hit the body of the tuxedo guard in front of her accurately. Natasha turned over and took out the unfinished pistol from the corpse of the other tuxedo guard. She moved nimbly to avoid the flying Bullets, and even the most daring restraint in his hand to act as a shield to block a few bullets.

Shaking his wrist, he felt the restraint on his hand loosen.

Natasha rolled her body to hide beside a tuxedo guard, reached out and groped for an identity card from the other party's body.

Flip the card and insert it into the gap of the restraint in your hand, bending and twisting it several times.


The already broken restraint on the wrist was actually unlocked and opened.

The heavy restraint hit the ground with a dull thud, and Natasha touched the red mark on her wrist. The whole person rushed towards the surrounding tuxedo guards with more flexible movements than before.



He waved his fist and smashed the entire body of the tuxedo guard who was blocking the way on the wall of the ship to form a sunken depression visible to the naked eye.

Looking at Jessica Jones' violent fighting style, Scott Lang couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes, and the footsteps that were close to the other side couldn't help but move a few times.

"found it!"

However, just when Scott Lang was doing this action sneakily.

The grotesque man in front of them both stopped suddenly.

His dark eyes looked at a huge electronic iron gate in front of him and said.

"It's in there."

Hearing the grotesque, Jessica Jones raised her arm to shoot.

"Wait a moment."

Just before this moment, Scott Lang suddenly spoke up, looked at the combination lock on the iron door, moved his fingers, and said with a confident expression on his face.

"I'm good at opening doors."



Cross your arms to block Simon Williams' fist.

Steve made a counterattack with a hard look on his face.

In terms of fighting skills, Simon Williams' ability is vastly different than Steve's.

However, the [Enhanced Suit] on his body perfectly offset this weakness.

The enhanced strength and strong defense of the [Enhanced Suit] allowed Simon Williams to give up the defense and completely attack Stephen in an offensive manner.

"If you only have this level, then, Captain America, say goodbye to this world."

The power filled with the [Enhanced Suit] on his body made Simon Williams look extremely arrogant.

He waved his fists like raindrops on Stephen's body, and at the same time kept opening his mouth to make a mockery.


Grind his teeth and endure Simon Williams' attack after attack.

The strength of each punch of Simon Williams is extremely huge, and he can even bend iron bars, but Stephen, with his strong physical fitness and amazing perseverance, endured all these attacks.

Moreover, in the eyes that were blocked by the arms, there was not the slightest drowsiness in the eyes.

"It's now!"

It was another powerful attack, and Stephen's body was knocked back a few steps by this fist.

However, Captain America's extensive fighting experience helped him to be acutely aware of the pause in Simon Williams' attack.

Gritting his teeth, he forcibly took a punch from Simon Williams, and his left arm also slammed heavily on Simon Williams' cheek that was not protected by how [enhanced clothing].


With the unreserved fist strengthened by Steve's injection of super soldier serum, Simon Williams' brain instantly fell into a blank.

After his eyes were dazed, he took a few steps backwards, and the whole person was even more drowsy without the slightest consciousness.

"I said, your big words are meaningless to the battle."

Standing still, Steve looked at Simon Williams, who was shaking his head in front of him.

He made a solid counterattack in a silent tone: "In World War II, I have already experienced a war that is more cruel than these big words in your mouth."

Under the protection of the [enhanced suit], although Simon Williams' brain was hit hard by the fist, he still managed to regain his consciousness.

Raising his hand to touch the blood on his nose, Simon Williams looked at Steve in front of him at this time, but the previous contempt was no longer in his eyes.

He made so many attacks on Captain America, none of which was as serious as the one the other party gave him at this time.

Touching his drowsy brain at the moment, the killing intent surged in Simon Williams' heart.

"Captain, go on!"

However, at the same time that Simon Williams strode towards Steve.

On the deck of the ship, Jessica Jones' voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a hurried sound of breaking through the air.

A star-shaped shield with scratches on its surface flew in Steve's direction.

Raising his hand to catch the thrown vibranium shield, feeling the familiar touch, Captain America's inner strength emerged again.

"Now, it's my turn to fight back."

Armed with a shield, he transforms into a full-body Captain America.

Steve faced Simon Williams who was rushing over, and he rushed forward without dodging.


The fist wrapped in the [Enhanced Suit] collided with the shield in Steve's hand and made a dull crashing sound.

Captain America with a shield, and Captain America without a shield.

The difference is more obvious than Natasha with or without a gun.

Swinging the shield in his hand made a violent counterattack against Simon Williams.

"My head is a little dizzy."

On the edge of the shield that no one could see, Scott Lang pulled his hands on the shield, his shrunken body swayed back and forth with the shield in Steve's hand again and again, and the face under the mask looked uncomfortable. .

"If I had known, I should have moved in a different way."

There was a complaint in his mouth, and his body was collided with Simon Williams' fist again by the swinging shield.

Scott Lang gritted his teeth and let go of his hands, and his whole body fell on Simon Williams' [enhanced suit] like an inconspicuous black spot.

"Who invented this kind of clothes."

Grabbing the smooth [Enhanced Suit] with both hands and feet, Scott Lang complained while trying to keep himself from falling off the moving Simon Williams.

He firmly grasped the [Enhanced Suit] with all four limbs, and moved his body little by little with difficulty.

Scott Lang finally stood up staggeringly, made the last leap, and landed on the control device at the circular position of the wrist of the [Enhanced Suit].

There are very few places where the [Enhanced Suit] on Simon Williams can stay, and the ones that are obviously special are the few circular devices.

"Let me see."

Grabbing his feet on the circular device, Scott Lang landed on the control device that was constantly being liquid inside.

Reaching out his hands, he attacked these devices without hesitation.

Anyway, for Scott Lang, no matter what it is, as long as it is destroyed.

As the key devices on the [Enhanced Suit], these control devices naturally have extremely strong defensive functions.

However, the design of these functions obviously did not take into account the situation when the opponent who launched the attack was an ant-sized human being.

Under the destruction of Scott Lang's single-mindedness, the circular device at Simon Williams' wrist made a subtle air sound, and then the liquid inside began to flow out uncontrollably.


With the outflow of this liquid, the strength of Simon Williams' arm instantly dissipated like a deflated ball.

His fist hit the shield in Steve's hand, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little distorted.


And at the same time, Scott Lang on his wrist pressed the button in his hand, and the shrunk body instantly became a normal body shape, and swayed heavily at the shocked Simon Williams. Fist down.

"No, no, my [enhanced suit], my power..."

The outflow of fluid from Simon Williams' [Enhanced Suit] wrist seems to be a chain effect.

With the loss of arm strength, the entire [Enhanced Suit] also lost its effectiveness.

And without the support of the strength of the [Enhanced Suit], Simon Williams lost his ability to stand at the same time, not to mention fighting.

The whole person was paralyzed directly on the deck of the ship, like a fish out of water.


Looking at Simon Williams, who fell to the ground completely incompetent, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the situation around the ship's deck, the tuxedo guards, with the cooperation of Natasha and the grotesque prisoners, also seemed to have little power to parry.

Seeing that the counterattack worked, Steve felt a little relieved at the same time.

He looked away from the battle on the ship's but immediately noticed the tall figure that appeared on the ship at some point.

"Golden Bian!"

Looking at the tall figure and icy face, Steve's finger gripping the shield increased a bit, and the expression on his face instantly became dignified.

bang, bang—

The same shot hit a tuxedo guard.

Natasha noticed the situation on Steve's side, followed his gaze to see Jin Ning appearing on the ship, and her eyebrows wrinkled immediately.

"The task that the doctor gave me has been completed."

Under Steve's gaze, a red light flashed in Jin Bing's mechanical eyes, but he expressed his position with his cold mechanical voice.

"The rest is the battle between you and Dior."

"My job is to document what comes next, whether in the end Dior's plan succeeds or fails."

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