Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 659: Imprisoning Captain America


He punched the red giant with one punch.

Hulk roared in the sky, and the constant anger in his heart swallowed up his little sanity.

Waving his thick arms to lift the cement block on the ground, he vented his inner anger that seemed to never be filled. At this moment, Hulk had completely fallen into a state of rage.


A roar came from the ruins of the base.

The red giant's outstretched arm grabbed onto a fractured concrete pillar in the base. With the expansion of the arm muscles, slender cracks appeared on the whole pillar. Abruptly grabbed the pillar by the waist.

"Ah ah ah..."


An angry shout came out of his mouth, and the red giant grabbed the pillar to form a howling wind, and slammed it towards Hulk fiercely.


He raised his feet and stepped on two huge potholes on the ground. Facing the pillars swung by the Red Giant, Hulk, who was in a frenzy, didn't have any idea of ​​dodging. He slapped heavily on the chest a few times, and then met the whistling concrete pillar without dodging or avoiding it.

The stone pillar slammed on Hulk, making a dull crashing sound and splashing a lot of gravel and dust.

Hulk's huge body was forced back several meters by the huge force from the stone pillar, and his stout feet pulled out two long ravines on the ground.

Using his body to block the stone pillar swung by the Red Giant, Hulk raised his hands to interrupt the pillar, grabbed a piece, and smashed it towards the Red Giant.



"Doesn't anyone think we're not fighting the same war?"

With the sturdy exoskeleton given by the Radiant Dragonfly to block Luke Cage's fist with his face, Ned looked at the fierce battlefield around him and took another look at himself and Luke Cage, you punch me punch.

There is always a feeling of a huge gap between them.


"Vision, stop the anti-registration faction from retreating."

Raising his hand to block Captain America's fist, Tony looked around and began to reduce the number of anti-registration grotesque figures, and gave orders to Vision through the communication device in the helmet.

Tony's voice flashed in his ears.

Vision sideways dodges Wanda's attack.

Reaching out his palm and rubbing Vision's cheek, Wanda looked at the body it was passing by and without hesitation, pressed his palm down and slashed heavily.


Controlling the density of his body to the level of a diamond in an instant resists Wanda's fist.

Vision turned his head to look at Wanda with a determined face, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to hurt you."

With the words of apology in his mouth, Vision's hand movements did not hesitate at all, and the high-intensity light emitted from the gem on his forehead fell on Wanda instantly.


Not far away, noticing Wanda who was hit by the light emitted by Vision, Kuaiyin's originally silent expression changed instantly.

In the next instant, the whole body was wrapped in silver-white light and turned into an afterimage, leaving the Golem in battle and going to Wanda's side.

Helping up the injured Wanda, Kuaiyin turned his head to look at Vision and was about to shoot in the flickering of silver-white light.

"Leave now!"

However, at this moment, the injured Wanda grabbed Kuaiyin's arm and said weakly.

Hearing Wanda's words, Kuaiyin looked at the anti-registration factions around him, and finally accepted her suggestion in silence.

He held Wanda's figure and flickered for a while.

The next second, the traces of the two disappeared from Vision's eyes.


The departure of Quicksilver and Wanda seems to have become the last straw that crushed the battle against the anti-registration faction.

Freed from Wanda's restraint, Vision began to join other battles.

With the power of himself and the Mind Stone on his forehead, many members of the anti-registration faction are controlled by its power.

Finally, with a loud bang.

Scott Lang's huge body fell to the ground and shrank back to its original reminder.

He took off the mask on his head and shouted with an uncomfortable expression.

"Who can give me an orange to replenish energy?"


"You failed, Captain."

The final blow threw Steve hard.

Tony raised his palm to his head and said expressionlessly.

Centered on Captain America Steve, a large number of members of the anti-registration faction were controlled and arrested throughout the base.

Jessica Jones is pinned to the ground by the Sentinel robot.

Not far from her, Magneto Eric's whole body was controlled by a special carbon nanotube material restraint.

Similarly, more grotesques.

And the Hulk or Banner controlled by Charles.

There is no doubt about the power of Hulk in a violent state, and even the red giant transformed by General Ross cannot completely suppress it.

However, compared to his strength, Hulk is obviously much weaker in the face of spiritual power.

Through powerful spiritual power, Eric forcibly suppressed the Hulk in Banner's body and changed back to the human appearance from the transformation of the Hulk.

"So, this is the victory you want?"

Facing Tony's words, Steve let out a heavy breath, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at the anti-registration faction and the similarly scarred and exhausted members of the registration faction who were under control, and asked Tony rhetorically.

Tony: "..."


"...The Registrar superheroes led by Iron Man won a great victory, not only successfully capturing the leader of the Anti-Registration faction Captain America, but also capturing Eric the Magneto, the initiator of the Tell-Bridge incident, according to the latest Judging from the situation...the most likely outcome for these anti-registration members is to be put in a special prison...Although the federal government is reluctant to disclose the specific location of the prison, but..."

"From superhero to super criminal, what did Captain America do?!"

"Captain America, the superhero destined to be eliminated."

The news that Captain America was arrested by the Registered faction soon spread to the ears of the American people through various media reports.

There is obviously a huge difference in the views of the American people about what happened to Captain America.

A superhero who was once a symbol of America's spiritual democracy has been arrested for opposing the Superhero Registration Act.

Makes the whole bill look ridiculous.

Even some people are starting to think about whether the Superhero Registration Act is really the right thing to do.

"We're one step closer to making America safer and greater."

"Captain America doesn't represent America, he's just a stubborn old man with a shield!"

Of course, these thinkers are only a minority.

At least it does not include the new president in the White House. As soon as he learned that Captain America was arrested, the excited president announced the news through Twitter as soon as possible before major media reports. incident, and taunted Steve very closely.



A punch hit the steel frame in front of him to form a clear depression. Bucky looked at the content of the news report and the photo of Steve wearing the restraint, and the expression on his face was extremely cold.

"I'm going to save Steve."

"Calm down, Bucky."

Looking back from the photos in the news, the appearance of Captain America wearing a restraint was extremely dazzling to all the members of the anti-registration faction present.

However, Hawkeye Clinton suppressed his inner emotions and prevented the Winter Soldier's reckless actions.

"I'm sure there will be another trap waiting for us where Steve is being held."

The war at the base was a heavy loss for the anti-registration faction.

Including Captain America, Jessica Jones of The Defenders, Magneto Eric and Banner and those grotesques all fell into the hands of the Registry.

Not to mention, Natasha, who was originally lurking inside the registration faction.

"I promised Steve that I would definitely save him."

Hawkeye's concern is understandable.

However, Bucky the Winter Soldier apparently ignored this.

He looked at the eagle-eyed Clinton in front of him, then glanced at the rest of the anti-registration faction.

"Even if I'm the only one left, I'll save Steve."

"I used to think that when I got out of jail, my fists would only be aimed at criminals."

Bucky the Winter Soldier stubbornly wants to rescue Captain America from being captured by the Registry.

However, the contradictions within the anti-registration faction do not stop there.

Luke Cage looked down at his fist and said in a murmured voice.

The civil war between the Registry and Anti-Registration superheroes leaves him bewildered.

He knew very well that he was not fighting evil criminals, but superheroes who fought criminals just like him in the past.

"It's not just a simple battle, and when you decide to fight the law, be prepared to sacrifice for it."

Repairing his metal wings, replacing broken parts.

Falcon Sam pressed the button on the backpack, retracted the refinished mechanical wings again, carried the backpack behind him, and said a slightly heavy topic to the members of the Registration Group.

"Black slavery was once the law, and the so-called Superhero Registration Act was to separate superheroes from humans."


"I thought I'd be happy when I put you in jail."

Raft Prison, Tony looked at Captain America locked inside through the cage, with a complicated expression on his face.

"But, it seems, that's not the case."

Tony's eyes swept from the cage where Steve was being held, and then fell on the grotesques and superheroes around him.

"My position on joining the Superhero Registration Act may have personal feelings, but in a way, I do have plans to consider the future of superheroes."

"Superheroes can't compete with the Registration Act forever, as long as you're willing to sign the Registration Act..."

Withdrew his gaze and landed on the silent Captain America in the cell.

Tony took the initiative to make concessions.

"To end all this, this unnecessary war, I am willing to let go of my personal grievances, even... hatred."

Saying this sentence, for Tony, is undoubtedly a huge concession.

It means that he puts down his hatred for the Winter Soldier and chooses to stand in the future of superheroes and start thinking.


Tony's words made Steve, who had been silent in the cell, raise his head.

He looked at Tony outside the cage, stood up, walked to the cage and stared at the figure that was only separated from him by a wall.

"Anyone wants to prevent bad things from happening before they happen, but doing so often only makes the situation worse. We used to try to save everyone, but we couldn't save everyone, but I never Thought about giving it up, and the same goes for the Superhero Registration Act, it's the wrong law, it shouldn't be there..."

"It looks like we obviously can't get a consensus on the registration bill thing."

Tony was not surprised by Captain America's resolute attitude.

If, otherwise, it wouldn't be the Captain America he knew.

"I look forward to the day when you change your mind, Captain."

He glanced deeply at Captain America in the cage.

Tony turned to leave the raft prison.

With the sound of Tony's footsteps walking away, the entire raft prison returned to its original cold and damp state.

"Do you believe in fate? Do you think our meeting is meaningful..."

Watching the back of Tony leaving, Steve retracted his gaze silently, turned and walked towards the cell.

However, at this moment, an old and familiar voice suddenly came from the cell next to him.


Controlling the nano-suit on his body, he left over the raft prison.

Not long after Tony left.

A boat appeared in the endless sea.

"Is it here, Raft Prison."

On the boat, Simon Williams looked at the icy prison on the lonely island, turned his head and said something to the tall figure beside him.

As a prison holding a large number of dangerous criminals.

The federal government has maintained secrecy over the location of the Raft Prison.

However, no matter how secret the location is, it will eventually be exposed one day, especially since this time, superheroes have been continuously sent to the raft prison.

By bribing the insiders of the alliance Simon Williams finally got the answer he wanted, and finally locked the prison with a positioning device hidden on the guards responsible for escorting the grotesque. Location.

"Next, what should we do?"

Finding the location of the raft prison is only the first step in all plans.

Simon Williams turned his head to look at Jin and asked.

Facing Simon Williams' question, Jin Bing's mechanical eyes flashed a ray of light, and then he took out a box with a red button from his body.

"Now, press the button on the box."

"This is your next step?"

His eyes fell on the button that seemed to have nothing special in Jin Bing's hand. The expression on Simon Williams' face was full of doubts, but he still reached out and pressed the blue button on the box in accordance with Jin Bing's request.

"Look here, I'm Mr. Mission Bliss!"

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