Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 654: Broken Bridge


With the rapid tire friction sound, the vehicle escorting the grotesque was abruptly stopped in front of Eric.

Flicking his fingers, he dismantled the **** car that was tightly stitched together in an instant. The scene inside was exactly what the six-eared grotesque said, without half a grotesque figure in it.

The whole **** truck is a bait.

This will lure the new grotesque brotherhood led by Magneto to take the bait.

"Just, aren't you afraid of setting yourself on fire, Tony Stark."

Looking at the empty carriage, the expression on Eric's face showed no joy or sorrow.

Putting his eyes on the driver's seat of the **** car, and looking at the figure with an unusually indifferent expression in front of the steering wheel, Eric immediately reacted. The man in the car is the key to fighting the grotesque attack this time.

"Did you really come?"

In the driver's seat, Jack Simon looked at Eric in front of the car, squinting his eyes slightly, revealing an expected expression.

I picked up the cigarette at hand and lit it, and a yellow light flashed from the lamp ring in my hand in the smoke produced by nicotine.

"I've been waiting for a long time, Magneto."

As his thoughts flashed, Jack Simon said that the cigarette he was holding also burned to the end.

As the last bit of soot scattered, the power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in Jack Simon's hands expanded and manifested into roaring wild dogs rushing towards Magneto in front of him.

Facing these wild dogs, Eric frowned slightly.

There was no hesitation in the movement of his hand, and he immediately controlled the surrounding vehicles to decompose into pieces of metal fragments and flew towards the wild dog.

The sharp metal fragments instantly cut the wild dog in half. However, this fatal injury fell on the wild dog, which was completely composed of the energy of the lamp ring, but it was undoubtedly greatly reduced. , opened his mouth and let out a roar, rushing towards Eric.

Realizing that these wild dogs was not easy, the expression on Eric's face couldn't help but change, but without any hesitation, he immediately controlled a large amount of metal around him to form a wall in an attempt to stop the wild dogs' offensive.

"The power of the lamp ring is not as simple as you think, Eric."

Looking at Eric's response, Jack Simon, who was in the car, lit a cigarette again and sighed.

As the [Yellow Lantern Ring], which purely uses giant manifestation energy as its attack method, its upper and lower limits are extremely obvious.

Although, because it is not the relationship of the original universe of [Yellow Lantern Ring], the ability of the lamp ring is not as powerful as the original version. However, perhaps because of the symbiotic relationship of the 'Parallax Demon', the power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in Jack Simon's hands has increased a little bit more than what Li Ran had obtained before.

Although there is still a gap between this enhancement and the power of the A-level cards in Li Ran's hands, it is still a pleasant surprise.

Bang, bang!

The embodiment of the wild dog slammed into the steel city wall made by Eric with a dull thud. The iron wall made of large amounts of metal was comparable to the second executive order issued by the new president to build the wall on the border between the United States and Mexico. Much thicker and without any gaps.

The wild dog opened its mouth and bit the wall with its sharp teeth. Apart from forming a few bite marks, it was unable to cause any obvious damage to the iron wall.

Seeing that, the steel city wall cast by Eric seems to have the effect of blocking the attack of the lamp ring.

However, in the next instant, the energy on the yellow [Yellow Lantern Ring] on Jack Simon's finger surged again.

On the other side of the iron wall, the group of wild dogs that kept biting against the hard wall gathered together like a river.


These wild dogs gathered together and turned into a huge wolf, roaring deafeningly against the steel city wall.


In the next second, Huge raised his huge claws and crashed into the steel city wall in front of him with a roar.

With the collapse of the iron wall, Eric, who was behind him, was immediately exposed to the eyes of the giant wolf.

A cruel look flashed in the yellow eyes. Looking at Eric, who had lost the defense of the steel city wall, the giant wolf did not hesitate or pause, then opened his huge mouth and bit Eric viciously. go down.

If the giant wolf bites the truth this time.

Even Eric, who is Magneto, has no chance of being spared. After all, although he has the ability to control the magnetic force, his physical quality is only stronger than that of ordinary people, and he does not have the powerful self-healing ability like Logan.


Seeing that, Eric was about to die in the mouth of the giant wolf.

Suddenly, a huge dark green figure appeared from the air, and suddenly knocked the giant wolf in front of Eric into the air.

The giant wolf embodied by the energy of the lamp ring is extremely large in size and strength, which can be seen from Eric's iron wall that was destroyed by a single blow.

However, it is such a huge energy creature, but at this moment, the figure that suddenly appeared on the battlefield was crushed and beaten.

Needless to say, this dark green figure is naturally the Hulk that Banner transformed into.

Of course, although in terms of strength and defense, the giant wolf embodied by the [Yellow Lantern Ring] is not the opponent of the Hulk.

However, as an energy life, the giant wolf's performance of not being afraid of life and death largely offset these weaknesses.

Looking at the giant wolf who was entangled with Hulk and fought inextricably for a while.

Jack Simon raised his brows, and the next moment, a giant wolf appeared again from the lamp ring and rushed towards Eric.


However, the attack of the giant wolf that appeared this time was still blocked.

"Captain America."

Looking at Steve who appeared in front of Eric, holding a vibration gold shield, the expression on Jack Simon's face finally changed a bit.

Holding up the vibranium shield in his hand, he blocked the giant wolf's attack. Behind Steve, the Winter Soldier immediately raised his mechanical arm and transformed into an energy cannon that blasted away the giant wolf's head with blue rays.

Destroyed by a shock cannon, the giant wolf's body that had lost its exposure stopped moving, but the energy that dissipated in the next instant formed a new head again in the gap, and shook a few times.

"What an unexpected reunion scene, Captain America."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Jack Simon got out of the car, looked at Steve and Bucky who were standing in front of the giant wolf, and said in a slightly sighing tone.

"Not long ago, we were all teammates fighting side by side, but now we have fallen into such an embarrassing situation."

Tightening the shield in his hand, Steve looked at the giant wolf roaring in front of him with vigilant eyes, heard Jack Simon's ridicule, and then said silently.

"Jack Simon, do you represent the position of the Chaos Insurgency, the Registrar?"

"Although, I personally admire your spirit of fighting, Captain, but unfortunately, the 'Chaos Insurgency' has always advocated cooperation. We are not the self-righteous guys of the SCP Foundation, and the federal government is also the 'Chaos Insurgency'. 'One of the people I wanted to work with, so sorry, Captain."

"I don't know if you can let me handle the Magneto behind you."

For Steve's questioning, Jack Simon's attitude was very cooperative.

However, the answer in his mouth was not as friendly as it appeared.

The eyes behind the shield met Jack Simon's smiling eyes, and Steve did not give in the slightest step in blocking Eric's footsteps.

He gave the answer with his own practical actions.

"You're making me a little embarrassed, Captain."

In the face of Steve's unrelenting attitude, Jack Simon's face showed a distressed look.

"In this case, then I can only offend the captain. After all, I have already promised Tony that I will help him solve the problem."

As Jack Simon's voice fell, the giant wolf in front of Steve and the others began to change, from a vicious wolf on all fours to a ferocious giant werewolf.

Raising his head and letting out a silent roar, the werewolf swept Steve and the others in front of him with fierce eyes, and suddenly rushed towards them in the next moment.

At the same time, the giant wolf who was fighting Hulk not far away also transformed into a huge octopus, waving its tentacles tightly around the Hulk, blocking it from heading towards Captain America and others.

"You think these things alone can beat me!"

From the beginning, whether it was the attack of the embodied creature or the appearance of Hulk and Captain America and others, everyone subconsciously ignored Eric, one of the protagonists of the whole incident.

He looked at Captain America who stood in front of him, fighting the embodied werewolf.

A sharp light flashed in Eric's eyes, he couldn't tolerate this feeling of being ignored.

Stepping back, he raised his hands and closed his eyes, recalling the power he had used in the base with the help of Charles.

The large amount of magnetic force in his body began to surge, and these forces were no longer attached to the surrounding metal, but penetrated deeper into the huge high-speed bridge above his head.


With the influence of Eric's power, the steel frame connected in the bridge began to twist, and cracks appeared on the bridge.

"Quick, get out of here..."

On the bridge, the grotesque man who had been watching the battle below shouted.

They looked at the broken bridge and started to run away with frightened expressions.

Standing under the high-speed bridge, two bright red nosebleeds flowed out of Eric's nose, and he himself continued to manipulate the metal inside the high-speed bridge without realizing it, floating the entire section of the fracture. stand up.

On the broken bridge, large pieces of rubble fell.

Eric gritted his teeth, constantly overdrawing the power in his body to control this section of the bridge to slowly fall in the direction of the werewolf.

A section of high-speed bridge that breaks and moves, the scene presented is undoubtedly very shocking.

Looking up and looking at the floating broken bridge, Jack Simon couldn't help but raise some of his eyebrows, and without hesitation, he controlled the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his hand to form a translucent shield to protect himself.


And in the next second the protective cover was formed, the power in Eric's hands also loosened.

The broken bridge, which was controlled to float in the air, made a huge rumbling sound, and it slammed down, directly smashing the manifested werewolf away.

At the same time, the flying gravel damaged the entire road, as if it had been baptized by missiles.

"Cough cough..."

At the same time, the destruction and rumbling caused by the impact of the broken bridge also drowned out Steve and others.

After dozens of seconds, in a ruined battlefield.

The [Yellow Lantern Ring] in Jack Simon's hand flickered, and a dust mask appeared on his face, and a lot of gravel scattered around him.

Putting away the energy shield wrapped around him, Jack Simon looked at the scene in front of him.

Aside from the gravel ruins all over the ground, neither Captain America nor Magneto has disappeared.


"...The destruction of the high-speed bridge caused more than 100 injuries in the entire New York City. For this attack, the President issued a severe rebuke, believing that everything is the responsibility of superheroes and grotesques who do not want to register, and the public is opposed to it. The dissatisfaction of the registered superheroes has reached a peak. According to the latest poll, the polls supporting the anti-registration faction are less than 3%, but the polls supporting superheroes dominated by Tony Stark at the same time, then It has reached a record high of 90%. It can be said that the incident of the high-speed bridge caused the entire American people to support the implementation of the "Superhero Registration Act"..."

On the news program, Magneto's actions pushed the entire "Superhero Registration Act" opposition to a more passive situation.

The populace recognized the danger of the grotesque and feared their power.

This feeling of fear has surpassed the values ​​of freedom and democracy that they have professed in the past.

"I assure you, Mr. President, that I will take care of everything."

Inside the Avengers Building, Tony assured the new president on the phone.

"Whether it's The Grotesque or Captain America."

Ended the call with the new president.

Tony turned his head, looked at Natasha next to him, shrugged his shoulders, and made a helpless expression.

"It seems that our president is getting impatient, and the actions of the anti-registration faction have obviously caused him a huge irritation."

"The high-speed bridge incident dropped his polls by five percentage points, and the stock market took a heavy toll."

In this regard, Natasha calmly gave the answer.

"Is there any trace of Captain America?"

Hearing Natasha's answer, Tony raised some eyebrows, and then changed the conversation to ask.


Shaking her head gently, Natasha replied.

"Continue to search, since he appeared once, then there will be a second time, a third time..."

Facing Tony's order, Natasha nodded, turned and left the room where he was.


Looking at the back of Natasha leaving, Tony's eyes flickered.

"Mr. Stark, 'Sentry' has been completed."

At this time, in the room, Ultron's voice sounded and made a report to him.

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