"This is? The Eye of Agamotto?"

In the center of New York City, Stephen Strange looked at the portal that suddenly flashed in front of him and the object that fell from it, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

Only then did Stephen Strange see clearly that the thing that appeared through the portal was the Eye of Agamotto.

It's just that the Eye of Agamotto was not worn by Gu Yi, how could it be?

Looking down at the Eye of Agamotto in his hand, a bad premonition appeared in Stephen Strange's heart.


"It looks like this fight can't be fought."

Putting away the move of [Bachi Qionggou Yu], [Polusalino] fell from the air, and said to the [Sakaski] in front of him with a somewhat regretful expression on his face.

"You should be thankful that Abnormal saved you."

With a stern face and a cold snort, [Sakaski] said not to be outdone, but the boiling lava on his body gradually went out.

"Yeah, so lucky."

Regarding [Sakaski]'s words, [Polusalino] reached out and patted his chest, but his expression was obviously somewhat mocking.

Feeling the heavy irony on [Polusalino]'s face, the crimson magma on [Sakaski]'s extinguished arm tumbled again.

"[Sakaski] Your temper is really as grumpy as ever."

Successfully provoked [Sakaski], but [Polusalino] laughed like a normal person, turned his head to look at [Kuzan] beside him, and Kizaru said with a smile on his face.

"Speaking of which, the little brother [Bruno Bugarati] seems to be where the anomaly appears."

With hindsight, he scratched the back of his head, [Polusalino] finally showed a somewhat different expression on his slow face, and put his hands up and down in front of his chest, accumulating a mirror like a mirror. Jin Guang said immediately.

"[Yagata Mirror]."

In the voice of [Polusalino], a golden beam of light was emitted from the golden light and continuously fell on the surface of the buildings around the city center to form a track of light, and [Polusalino]'s body was also accompanied by the beam's movement. The refraction also moved quickly.

Watching the figure of 【Polsalino】 transformed into a beam of light.

"[Frozen Moment]!"

[Kuzan] frowned, raised his hand, emitting a bone-chilling cold air, and froze an ice road in front of him. Then, the moment he stepped on the ice road, he was wrapped by a cold air to form crystal clear ice boots. The ice path [Kuzan] slid in the direction of Rikers Island Prison at an unimaginable speed.

"[Big Spitfire]!"

Seeing that both [Polusalino] and [Kuzan] are moving towards the location where the space-time crack appeared.

[Sakaski] Not to be outdone, he stretched out his hands and pressed it on the ground.

A large amount of magma rolled and condensed along his body and flowed into the ground to form a terrifying kinetic energy. The moment when the huge kinetic energy was continuously compressed and finally compressed to the limit, [Sakaski] let out a roar, and the time was like a volcanic eruption. In general, the magma accumulated underneath erupted in an instant, pushing his body to fly towards the prison with billowing smoke and lava.

"Captain, we..."

Seeing that, starting from [Polusalino], [Kuzan] and [Sakaski] are heading towards Rikers Island Prison one by two.

Falcon hesitated for a moment, looked at Steve beside him and asked.

"Let's go too!"

Without any hesitation, Steve retracted himself and looked at [Sakaski]'s figure with billowing black smoke, and replied decisively.

"But before that."

"We must first find a way to get Hulk out of the magma stone first."


"Prince T'Challa, be careful!"

Outside the Avengers Building, Okoye waved the spear in his hand, and fired a laser from the tip of the spear to penetrate the body of a monster on the opposite side.

Beside Okoye, members of the Guards were also wielding their weapons, and all kinds of deformed and ugly monster fighters rushed forward constantly.

After taking a breath, Okye immediately turned his head and said to T'Challa, who was also fighting the monster behind him.

"Please obey King T'Chaka's orders and come back to Wakanda with us."

"New York City has been taken over by these ugly monsters and is in great danger, and as the prince of Wakanda, you shouldn't put yourself in such danger."

Following the order of King T'Challa, Okoye came to New York with the Guards, intending to take T'Challa away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, they were attacked by monsters and were forced to stay in the Avengers Building to help them fight against these monsters.

"I am no longer the prince of Wakanda, my father has stripped me of my identity."

Relying on his black panther uniform, he forcibly endured the attack of a monster with fingers all over his body. Techa stretched out his sharp claws and instantly cut off most of the fingers on the monster's body, watching these being cut off. The fingers that were still twisting and squirming on the ground, T'Challa forcibly endured the inappropriate palms in her heart and penetrated the monster's head, and then panted and replied.

The new generation of black panther suits made by combining Zhenjin Technology certainly gave T'Challa powerful strength, but this did not make up for the fact that his suits were just ordinary people.

The repeated battles had made him tired.

However, the surrounding monsters showed no sign of diminishing at all.

The power of [Weird Light Wave] is that it can not only turn the person touched by the light wave into a deformed monster, even a wall or a mailbox will be grotesque as long as it comes into contact with the light wave.

"No, Prince T'Challa."

Hearing the words of Nate Chara, the captain of the Guards, Okye immediately said.

"You are the only son of King Tchaka and the destined heir to the next king of Wakanda. Even if King Tchaka punishes you and deprives you of your status as a prince, it will only be temporary. Wait until you arrive in Wakanda. After that, the king will withdraw the punishment."

Okoye is very clear that since King T'Challa sent himself to New York, it means that the king actually still cares about T'Challa.

Especially for a royal country like Wakanda, T'Challa's heir status is a fact that is clear to almost the entire Wakanda.


Facing the persuasion of the captain of the SS, Okoye, T'Challa's expression fell silent.

He silently threw the claws of the monster in front of him to the ground, and then gritted his teeth and said, "I know, but I can't just leave New York like this, not only Chang Amir, but now the whole New York is in a state of turmoil. In the midst of danger, I can't just turn a blind eye."


Okoye obviously couldn't understand T'Challa's decision.

"New York belongs to the United States. Even if these monsters appear, the problem should be handled by the United States, not you, the prince of Wakanda, Prince T'Challa, to help the United States fight to protect their country."

In Okoye's cognition, it is obviously impossible to understand why T'Challa made the decision to help America.

In the United Nations, the relationship between Wakanda and the United States, disguised as a backward third world country, is not very good.

"Everything I do is not because of America."

Turning over his body, like a cheetah, tearing apart the trash can activated by weird light waves in front of him.

T'Chaka replied solemnly: "It's for Wakanda, and only if the crisis caused by these monsters is sealed in New York City, Wakanda will continue to be safe."

[Bill Seifer]'s goal is to bring chaos to the world.

Even if Wakanda's performance is closed again, it is a member of the world after all.

It is also one of the goals of [Bill Seifer] to create chaos.

So, in order to avoid the disaster of New York City in Wakanda, T'Challa decided to help the Avengers.

To help the Avengers is to protect Wakanda.


"How's the situation?"

Controlling the nano-suit and flying towards the prison, Tony's expression in Mark51 was very solemn.

Tony also accepted the declaration of [Bill Sever].

It was for this reason that he flew to Rikers Island Prison immediately after his meeting with Parker Robbins hastily ended.

"very bad."

In the ear, Natasha's voice is also not optimistic.

"According to statistics, more than 300,000 people have changed under the influence of grotesque bubbles in four days and become monstrous creatures. The entire New York City has been paralyzed, and the city government is also occupied by grotesque creatures... "

"The White House has prepared for the worst, but facing so many monsters, even the military can't do anything. Once the weapons of mass destruction are used, the entire New York City will be destroyed. This is the White House unwilling to see.”

As one of the most prosperous cities in America, if New York is destroyed.

It represents more than just a city.

"Tell the guy in the White House that I've got a clue, give me a little more time."

Tony also does not want to see New York destroyed. Although the current situation, New York has become devastated under the destruction of monsters, but he is very clear.

Once the White House orders the use of missiles to destroy it, the casualties will be hard to count.

"Nick Fury has gone to the New York City government to maintain the situation, but you should know, Tony..."

In the Avengers Building, Natasha looked at the shocking data that was constantly displayed on the screen in front of her eyes every moment. Even as a super agent, she was silent for a while.

"We're running out of time."

"Then buy a little more time and tell the people in the White House that if they fire their weapons, then wait for [Bill Seifer] to rule the world."

In this case, Tony has made a threat to the White House directly through Natasha, regardless of his identity.

Although he knew very well that if it came to the last minute, his threat might be meaningless.

However, this at least surfaced his attitude, and it also allowed the White House to hesitate a little when it finally issued an order.

"I understand."

From Tony's words, Natasha clearly felt his determination.

Inside the Avengers Building, Natasha nodded and said solemnly.

"Of course, this is only the means used in the worst case. Maybe we won't be able to use this time, and we will find a way to deal with Carl."

Hearing Natasha's response, in the nano-suit, Tony kept his solemn face showing a smile, and was about to speak to ease the solemn atmosphere.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light beam suddenly landed on the chest of Mark51, which was flying fast in midair, and was refracted again.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there are other people flying in the air, what a surprise."

In the refracted beam, a slow voice flashed in Tony's ear.


The sudden appearance of light beams and sounds clearly shocked Tony.

The Mark51, which was controlling the rapid flight, stopped and suspended in the air. Tony looked at the beam of light that was still refracting on the ground buildings, and even his breathing was a little short.

"Jarvis, tell me what I heard just now, is it a hallucination or..."

Looking back, Tony couldn't be sure if what just happened was real.

"There is indeed a sound, sir."

Playing the slow voice in Tony's ear again, Jarvis responded to the voice, and soon there was a result.

"According to the comparison of the voice lines, the owner of this voice and the captain of the second tactical unit of the scp foundation who appeared during the battle with Davy Jones on the [Flying Dutchman] in Upper New York Bay——【Wave Rusalino] matches."

Inside Tony's helmet appeared the figure of [Polusalino] with a pair of sunglasses, a stubble on his face, a tall and thin figure, and a suit with yellow and white stripes, Jarvis said.

"The scp foundation?"

Listening to Jarvis' report, Tony looked at the very characteristic appearance of [Polusalino] in front of him, and the vague memory in his mind began to become clear, and the appearance of the light beam was also the same as that of [Polusalino] in his memory. Salino] Davy Jones fighting on the [Flying Dutchman] is right~www.NovelMTL.com~ It seems that people from the SCP Foundation are also attracted by [Bill Seifer]. "

Regardless of the relationship between the Avengers and the scp foundation in Canada.

At this time, the appearance of the scp foundation, but Tony's heart is only happy.

Take a deep breath and repress your emotions.

"Sir, it looks like it's not just [Polusalino] heading towards the prison..."

Controlling the nano suit to return to the flight mode again, Jarvis spoke again to remind.

In the satellite image of Jarvis, except for [Polusalino] who moves in the incarnation beam.

The [Kuzan] who made the ice slides and the [Sakaski] who was billowing black smoke like a volcanic eruption all appeared in it.

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