Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 555: Nanosuit

"Sir, the temperature on Simon Williams is rising..."

In Mark51, Jarvis scanned the body of Simon Williams in front of him and reported to Tony.

"The strange device he is wearing seems to be constantly stimulating the muscle fibers of his body, allowing him to gain powerful strength beyond ordinary people in a short period of time."

"This point, I don't need you to tell me."

In fact, Jarvis's analysis is not needed, but from the instantly soaring size of Simon Williams in front of him, Tony can feel the powerful strength emanating from the opponent.

As he spoke, Tony didn't hesitate in the movements of his hands.

After all, passive beating is not his Tony Stark style.

I saw him lift his hands wrapped by the nano-machines and fold them together, and then he saw that a large number of nano-robots combined in the palms of the two armguards were instantly transformed into a huge muzzle aimed at the person in front of him. Simon Williams.

【Combined hand cannon】

This is the most suitable attack method developed by Tony based on the characteristics of the Mark51 nanomachine, which is different from the Mark series suits developed before. Because of the nature of nanotechnology, Tony could not carry a series of weapons and equipment such as a series of muzzle micro-missile bays.

Therefore, the construction of weapons and equipment through the autonomous deformation characteristics of nano-robots has become the most important attack method of Mark51.

Of course, because the Mark51 belongs to the first generation of nano suits developed by Tony.

The weapons built by the battle suit are not perfect, and many designs conceived in his mind cannot be realized due to the bearing performance of the nano-robots.

In front of him, the [Combined Hand Cannon] that Tony transformed through Mark51's hands can already be said to be one of the most powerful attack methods of this nano-suit.


Accompanied by a low voice, the faint blue light condensed at the muzzle of the Mark51's hands.

The next second, a faint blue beam of light burst out from his hands and shot towards Simon Williams' tall body after transformation.

Click, click!

The gauntlet was temporarily transformed into the muzzle, and due to the impact of the energy beam, a subtle shattering sound was emitted.

Obviously, such an intensity of energy attack is a little too reluctant for a set of nano-suits that can only be regarded as the initial experimental stage.

Looking down at the broken part of Mark51's palm, the nano-robot spontaneously began to repair the damaged position of the battle suit. The other intact nano-machines on Tony's body directly replaced the damaged nano-machines. After just a few seconds, the battle damage on the hand armor was restored. As always.

"It seems necessary to document the wear and tear of nanorobot repairs as well."

Of course, this is only superficial.

In fact, the wear and tear of the nanorobot itself during the repair process is also a noteworthy issue.

Although, compared with the general steel suits, the nano suits with self-healing and deformation ability have a very obvious advantage.

However, some problems that did not exist in the original battle suits have also become places that Tony pays attention to now.

He didn't want to wait until the next battle, the nanomachines wrapped around him would fight less and less, and finally return to the original pre-transformation appearance.

"It's useless, Tony Stark."

He looked away from the strong chest covered by the [Enhanced Suit], and there was a ferocious smile on his face.

The [Enhanced Suit] given by Jin Bian was more powerful than Simon Williams expected, and even the energy beam launched by Mark51 could not penetrate the defense of the [Enhanced Suit] and hurt Simon Williams himself.

The muscles that squeezed his fists and arms showed a tendency to expand, and Simon Williams lifted his left leg and stepped down heavily on the steps of the Capitol.


The next moment, in a huge rumbling sound.

The stairs at the foot of Simon Williams were torn apart, and his own huge body was also pushed by this force and rushed in front of Tony with a huge sound of breaking through the air.

"Caught you, Tony Stark!"

The huge two-meter-high body raised a gust of wind and appeared in front of Tony. Simon Williams raised himself under the enhanced strength of the [enhanced suit], and his right arm with thick thighs opened his palm and grabbed it. on the shoulders of Mark51.

Simon Williams' huge strength, even the protection Tony with the nano-suit Mark51 can still feel the terrifying grip from his shoulders.

Even Tony didn't doubt that if it wasn't for the protection of the nano-suit, his shoulders would have been shattered under the power of Simon Williams' grasp.

"This time, I see what other means you can use."

With a ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth, Simon Williams endured the pain that seemed to be torn from his muscles under the stimulation of the [enhanced suit], and said fiercely.

[Enhanced suit] The improvement of Simon Williams' body is obviously not without harm. After all, this kind of forced transformation directly turned a poor second generation who could be said to be powerless into the current situation. Fight against each other with Iron Man, and even present a situation of suppressing each other in front of you.

Of course there is a price to be paid.

Of course, when transforming the [Enhanced Suit] before, the clone [Dr. Vega Punk] who was in charge of the transformation had already thought of this.

Because, at the same time when the [Enhanced Suit] activates the strengthening function, the spherical device located on the back of Simon Williams' neck will inject the adrenal hormone hidden in it into his body at the same time, allowing Simon Williams to maintain his mood. Excited and able to withstand the side effects of body muscle strengthening to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, how do you think a poor and rich second-generation who has not received any training before, how can he endure the severe pain of this kind of rough stimulation.

Just because of Simon Williams' hatred for Tony?

Under the stimulation of the injection of adrenal hormones in the body, Simon Williams' emotions have been in a state of excitement. He looked at Tony who was firmly held in his hands in front of him, and his entire inner emotions seemed to explode at the same time. Come on.

He raised his hand and landed on Mark51's helmet, and roughly pulled the steel mask off Tony's face. Simon Williams grabbed Tony in front of him with his arms and said in a victorious tone.

"I want everyone to see that you, Tony Stark is just a hypocrite who hides behind a mask, what iron man, superhero, it's all just a tool that you use to deceive others for profit , I'm going to remove your disguise and let everyone see your ugly face, Tony Stark."

The palm that grabbed Tony's shoulder was like a nail stuck on Mark51's shoulder armor, and a large number of nano-robots began to be damaged under the power of Simon Williams.

After tearing off the mask, Tony, who was exposed in front of Simon Williams, had a pale expression. He grabbed one hand on Miracle Man's sturdy arm and twitched the corner of his mouth as if he was enduring the severe pain from his shoulder.

Although the situation in front of him is very critical, the expression on Tony's face still shows no fear.

Turning his head with difficulty, he looked at the hideous face of Simon Williams in front of him, Tony's eyes swept across the steel mask from the Mark51 on his other hand, and he grinned and said with a reluctant smile: "If you With that in mind, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Simon Williams."

"Actually, it wasn't just you who caught me, I got you too."

Tony's voice fell in Mark51.

On Simon Williams' left hand, the steel mask that was torn off instantly began to change shape, and the nano-robot that made up the mask transformed into a strangely shaped metal handcuff in just ten seconds. At the same time, a large number of nano-robots also wrapped his palm at the Mark51 shoulder armor that Tony was grabbed by Simon Williams' right hand.


When the device transformed by the nano-robot trapped Simon Williams' hands, a notch inside the device immediately generated a strong electromagnetic attraction, and a violent electric current followed Simon Williams. S's hands exploded.


Under the current package, Simon Williams let out a painful roar, and the whole person immediately fell to the ground and twitched.


Covering his shoulders and falling down, the nano-robot on Mark51 once again deformed a metal mask on Tony's helmet to wrap his face again.

Tony gritted his teeth and turned his arm, which was in constant pain, while looking at Simon Williams, who was screaming in pain under the electric current formed by the handcuffs, panting and said, "It looks like an ugly face is exposed. Not me, Simon Williams."

"You think that beats me, Tony Stark."

Falling to the ground, every time Simon Williams struggled with the cuffs on his hands, a dazzling electric current hit his body.

The electric shock of the nano-cuffs is enough to put an adult into a coma, but the [enhanced suit] on Simon Williams helped him offset most of the electric damage, allowing him to keep his current appearance and face Tony Cry out.

Just, as time goes by.

The stimulating effect of the adrenal hormones on Simon Williams began to subside, the red eyes that were full of bloodshot eyes gradually recovered, and the muscles that swelled like chicken blood also seemed to be deflated at the same time. The ball recovered as well. .

"No, it's not time yet, I haven't..."

Looking at the shrunk body that was visible to the naked eye, the expression on Simon Williams' face finally became flustered, and he could feel the originally powerful strength in his body began to diminish.

However, before Simon Williams could say anything, with the recovery of the excitement brought about by adrenal hormones, the side effects of the powerful strength brought about by the stimulation of the muscles by the previous [strengthening suit] also found him. Under the stimulation of severe pain in the whole body, Simon Williams only had time to let out a scream, and his eyes fainted.

In fact, in the midst of this pain, it was a good thing that Simon Williams fainted.

"Sir, the target appears to have passed out."

Looking at Simon Williams, who just rolled his eyes and fell down, Mark51's Tony heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time his entire body swayed and half-kneeled.

Obviously, Simon Williams' attack just now also caused damage to him, especially the shoulder injury. If it wasn't for the fact that the palm still had a touch, Tony would doubt whether one of his arms was damaged by Simon Williams. Broken.

"Next time, no matter what method I use, I must upgrade the defense capabilities of the nano-suit."

Gritting his teeth, inside the Mark51 helmet, Tony's forehead was dripping with sweat from the constant pain from his shoulders.

He secretly made a decision in his heart. Tony controlled the nano-helmet on his head to deform to reveal his face. He gritted his teeth but subconsciously landed on Simon Williams, who was unconscious not far away, especially when he swept across Simon. On Williams' body, which was completely dark and did not seem to be heavy, the frown that was already wrinkled deepened a bit.

From the battle just now, the performance of the [Enhanced Suit] on Simon Williams has clearly proved its special place.

Even from Jarvis' scan of the [enhanced suit] on Simon Williams, Tony could see that a lot of powerful technology was hidden in it.

But, where did this weird device on Simon Williams come from?

If Simon Williams had such a powerful technological invention from the beginning, the Williams Invention Company would not have developed into the field it is now in his hands.

But if the contraption wasn't invented by Simon Williams' Williams Invention Company, then...

Looking at Simon Williams in a coma, various speculations and thoughts in Tony's heart continued to emerge.

However, before Tony could understand the cause and effect of everything, a huge roar suddenly came from mid-air and immediately attracted his attention.

Looking up, I saw a huge body spraying flames from the soles of its feet and appearing in the air, slowly falling in front of the Capitol.


Looking at this tall figure appearing in front of him, Tony couldn't help showing an expression of disbelief.

Because the tall figure that appeared in front of him was not someone else.

It is Jin Ning who was once thought to have been eliminated by Axing in the battle, and even part of the technology and inspiration of this Mark51 suit on his body comes from the transformation of Jin Nian into a 'pacifist'. 'The wreckage of the robot.

That's why Tony was so surprised when he saw Jin resurrected in front of his eyes.

"Long time no see, Tony Stark."

Turning his head, Jin Ning looked at Tony in front of him, and a faint red light flashed in the mechanical eyes.

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