Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 541: Illuminati

"Why do you think I'll agree to your invitation?"

Tony's idea of ​​the Illuminati is good, but from the actual situation, there are obviously many problems.

Dr. Hank Pym looked at the confident guy in front of him, and immediately made a rhetorical question.

"I don't have the slightest interest in saving the world."

Dr. Hank Pym may have been active as Ant-Man for a while, but that experience did not bring him any joy, but instead became the most painful experience of his life.

During the mission, he lost the love of his life and indirectly led to the now frosty relationship with his daughter.

"Wasp Lady."

However, in the face of Dr. Hank Pym's decisive refusal, Tony slowly said a name.

"You're investigating me!"

Hearing the name that came out of Tony's mouth, Dr. Hank Pym's expression suddenly turned cold.

About the Wasp or his wife Janet von Dyne, who used to be Dr. Hank Pym's most trusted partner, he used 'Pym Particles' to transform a Wasp battle suit similar to Ant-Man and his wife, Janet von Dayn, was the user of the original Wasp.

However, during a mission with Dr. Hank Pym, in order to stop the missile, the Wasp shrank to a subatomic size, so she was lost in the quantum realm and could no longer return to the real world. It was precisely because of that encounter that made Han Dr. Ke Pym relinquishes his identity as Ant-Man.

At the same time, this quest was deleted while leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. to ensure that no one would know what happened that time.

But obviously, Tony knew about the incident in other ways.

"You should know, Dr. Hank Pym, that there are no eternal secrets in this world, especially in the online world."

For Tony with artificial intelligence, as if he wants to investigate the truth of a thing, there are few obstacles at all.

By searching for the information and intelligence left by the American military and S.H.I.E.L.D., although Dr. Hank Pym and deleted most of the intelligence content related to the Wasp, Ultron still successfully passed a foreign The information and intelligence pieced together about what happened to Dr. Hank Pym.

"so what!"

The Wasp woman in Tony's mouth certainly made Dr. Hank Pym's emotions agitated, but he soon recovered.

"Do you think that relying on a so-called intelligence, you can let me join the Illuminati you said?"

"I certainly didn't think it would be that simple."

Dr. Hank Pym's stubborn attitude did not exceed Tony's expectations.

He looked directly at the expressionless man in front of him, smiled and said, "But I know that after that incident, Dr. Hank Pym did not give up his research in the quantum field, which means that you have never given up on the quantum field. Has given up on the rescue of the Wasp."


Tony's words made Dr. Hank Pym's mouth tremble.

That's right, although decades have passed since what happened, Dr. Hank Pym has never given up on rescuing his wife.

It's just that the mystery of the quantum field has exceeded Dr. Hank Pym's imagination, and every unsuccessful research has made his heart beaten.

"Perhaps I didn't make it clear to you Dr. Hank Pym that my goal with the Illuminati members is to assemble the smartest and richest beings in the world, and I happen to have both."

Facing Tony's somewhat smug look, Dr. Hank Pym couldn't help but pouted, but he had to admit that what the other party really said was the truth.

He was accustomed to showing off, but Tony quickly brought the topic to the point: "Of course, the more important thing is that when a group of smart people gather together, the inspiration that can be inspired is far more than a person's hard thinking. , I don't think you'd be clear about this as the equally smart Dr. Hank Pym."

Tony's words didn't explain it though.

However, Dr. Hank Pym, who discovered the 'Pym particle', has obviously reacted. He looked at the confident man in front of him, and the look in his eyes began to flicker.


"Are you ready?"

Inside an abandoned warehouse in New York.

Peter the little spider looked at the figure in front of him, dressed in dark green tights that couldn't hide his plump figure, and couldn't help but ask.

"Give me a little more time."

In the face of his friend's inquiry, Ned, who was standing in the same place, suddenly took a few deep breaths, looked up at the steel frame above his head, and hesitated for a while before nodding and answering.

"I'm ready."

"Be careful, then, Ned."

Hearing Ned's answer, Peter nodded slightly, and then loosened the steel frame that was tightly held by the spider silk in his hand. The next moment, driven by the huge weight, the whole steel frame made a heavy rumbling sound. He smashed heavily towards the dark green figure below.

Pressing the spider silk launcher in the palm of his hand, the spider kept his eyes fixed on the falling steel frame. As long as Ned showed a little unbearable situation, he immediately ejected the spider silk and pulled the whole steel frame away. .


With a loud bang, it echoed in the abandoned empty warehouse for a long time.

"I succeeded!"

Ned closed his eyes and caught the falling steel frame with both hands.

After a few seconds, he carefully opened his small eyes, looked up at the steel mask above his head, and the half-mouthed mask showed an excited expression, and looked at the little spider not far away and shouted: "I succeeded, Peter , I caught the steel frame."


Hearing the excited cheers of his friends, Peter couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw Ned who was unscathed, and quietly lowered the arm that he had been raising.

"Super power, it seems that I have super power in my super power!"

Here, the little spider just breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Ned who was under the steel frame was still shouting excitedly there. He held the steel frame high and walked back and forth as if showing off, but accidentally stepped on the huge black cloak behind him, and the whole person slipped. It fell heavily on the ground, and at the same time, the steel frame in his hand immediately hit him.



Seeing Ned being hit by the steel frame, Peter's expression suddenly became tense.

"I'm fine!"

Fortunately, at this moment, Ned, who was under the heavy steel frame, raised his palm to indicate his situation.

"Super defensive."

Hearing Ned's energetic voice under the steel frame, Peter was relieved and secretly confirmed another super power of Ned in his heart.

In fact, these two abilities did not exceed Peter's expectations.

From his research on dragonflies, dragonflies with exoskeletons have relatively strong defense capabilities, and their power as an insect is also one of their capabilities.

However, with regard to the most important flying ability of dragonflies, Peter has never discovered this in Ned.

Of course, the little spider didn't think there was anything strange about it. For example, although he had the ability to bounce and cling like a spider after being bitten by a radiant spider, he also didn't have the ability to shoot spider silk. , and now the spider silk on his body is only produced by the spider silk launcher he invented.

"Perhaps Ned doesn't have the flying ability of a dragonfly either."

Looking at the breathless dragonfly Ned who broke free from under the steel frame, the little spider had a thoughtful expression on his face.


"I disagree!"

America, Military District.

A middle-aged man clearly dressed as a senior military officer objected to the outcome of the meeting.

His eyes swept over the silent General Ross, and said rudely: "In Ross's situation, it is no longer suitable for him to hold a position in the American military, and the incident in Canada has made the United States' influence in the whole world to a certain extent. The level of reduction, at least thousands of soldiers have to end their military careers and be forced to retire, there must be an explanation for these things.”

"We all know that Canada's huge creatures are beyond the combat capabilities of the United States."

However, amid the strong opposition from the men, another officer with a high-ranking position spoke up immediately.

"Even the entire Truman aircraft carrier battle group suffered annihilation. Ross was able to let the vast majority of American soldiers survive. It is already the limit."

Hearing the words of the high-ranking officer in front of him, the officer who spoke first suddenly showed an incredible expression on his face.

Obviously, as far as he knew, the officer in front of him was one of the people in the American army who had the most trouble with General Ross, so how could he suddenly help Ross speak.


Not just this officer, but the other top military leaders also spoke one after another.

"If Ross is dealt with now, it will inevitably make the outside world question our American military and think we are too callous, especially when the Truman aircraft carrier captain Calvin Hakimzad is posthumously recognized as a hero. , and doing so will inevitably be caught by those members of Congress."

"This year's defense budget has not yet come out. Maybe we can use Ross's situation to fight for it..."

"With so many soldiers lost, it is necessary to show a positive image of the American army through the example of Ross."

"A general with a physical disability may be able to become the focus of propaganda."

With the words of several officers coming and going, General Ross, who should have been punished or even brought to a military court, has actually become a positive role for the American military to promote.

"You, what exactly..."

Seeing these fellow officers whose attitudes were completely different from those of a few days ago, the officer who first spoke against them couldn't help but open their mouths.

He felt that something was not right in the situation in front of him.


However, at this moment, a soldier who had been standing by the side lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

The officer turned his head and looked into the eyes of the soldier, and then his original disapproval attitude changed immediately. He sat back in his seat, and his dazed eyes returned to clarity after a few seconds, as if there was no Noticing what had just happened, he did not pay attention to this soldier who should not have appeared in the high-level meeting.

"No, your ideas are too radical, you should use..."

Seeing the last officer against him also changed his attitude.

In the conference room, General Ross, who had been silent, stood up from his chair.

In the current situation, there is nothing to worry about.

"How is the progress of the experiment?"

Leaving the meeting room, General Ross walked towards somewhere in the barracks and asked the soldiers who had been following him behind him.

"There has been some progress, and the second phase of the experiment can be launched soon."

In this regard, the soldier made a serious report.

Nodding, it didn't take long for General Ross and the soldiers to come to a military laboratory.

In the laboratory, a large number of military researchers are constantly busy with their work, and General Ross directly came to the center of the experiment, in front of a strange figure with a big dark green head.

"Dr. Samuel Stern, is everything going well?"

Samuel Stern, the weird figure with a big green head today, is also Mr. Lan in Banner's mouth. He once helped Banner to study the gamma rays in his body. It looks like this because when Banner was arrested before, he was forcibly ordered by Bronsky to inject Hulk serum into his body, turning it into abhorrence. He was slapped with a slap by the emotionally distorted hatred and injured his head, and the Hulk serum took the opportunity to drip into it, causing the brain to mutate and become the weird appearance it is today.

Although the appearance has become weird, it is precisely because of the effect of Hulk serum that Samuel Stern's brain mutation has far surpassed the wisdom of ordinary people, and the insatiable desire for ~After General Ross captured him, instead of resisting, Samuel Stern made a request for help with his research.

"It's going well."

Raising his huge green head and looking at General Ross in front of him with dark green eyes, Samuel Stern's face showed a weird smile and said, "I have already obtained a few keys from Banner's hands. As long as I continue to study through these data, I think the secret of Hulk's power will be successfully deciphered soon, and then I will gain more powerful wisdom..."

As he said, Samuel Stern's eyes stopped on General Ross's broken arm: "And you will also repair your body and gain more powerful strength."

After laughing, Samuel Stern's eyes didn't stay on General Ross's side for a second, and he quickly turned his attention back to his own research.

And hearing Samuel Stern's confident assurance, General Ross couldn't help but reach out and touch his empty arm.

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