Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 538: black contract


However, soon, General Ross' unwillingness turned into decadence again.

His eyes stopped at his broken arm for a while, and General Ross pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal an obvious bitterness.

"No matter how unwilling it is, now I have no capital to fight anymore."

America will not allow a crippled soldier to hold an important position in the military.

"Hum hum hum, I can feel a strong unwillingness in your heart."

Just when General Ross was resentful on the hospital bed, a wafting laughter suddenly sounded in the ward.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a pineapple hairstyle, a dark blue left eye and a **** right eye with numbers appeared in the ward.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the sudden figure in front of him, General Ross's brows suddenly wrinkled.

The hospital he was in at the moment was affiliated with the American military. In other words, it was impossible to allow unidentified guys to come in at will with its tight defense.


Thinking of a possibility, General Ross's eyes flickered and he said, "Don't you want to give me even this time?"

As a hardliner in the American military, General Ross has led many military experimental plans, which naturally involve the interests of many people. The strange man who suddenly appeared in the ward in front of him was obviously mistaken by him as a backhand made by the military to deal with him.

"If I die, you'll never want to get the remaining 'Project Greenskin' experimental data."

If there is anything that General Ross has at the moment worthy of the attention of the American military, it is only his previous experimental data on the Hulk. During the pursuit of Banner, General Ross caught a man named Samuel Stern. The guy, he called himself Mr. Lan, once participated in Banner's research on the power of gamma rays, and tried to make Banner back to his original appearance, but unfortunately they failed in the end, even Samuel Stern himself mutated under the influence of gamma rays.

In addition to Samuel Stern, General Ross also had some experimental data on abomination in his hands.

Although, I hate to die under the one-shot Turtle Qigong of the [Turtle Immortal], and not even the ashes are left behind.

However, it is undeniable that, compared with the Hulk who is always in a rage and destroys all the time, the disgusting situation of remaining sane after transformation is more favored by General Ross.

Through the study of the data left by the Abomination, General Ross has grasped some control over the gamma rays.

If it weren't for the Canadian mission, he would have even started working on gamma rays.

It is for this reason that General Ross regards the man who appeared in his ward, who was full of mystery, as the end of the military's "green skin plan".

"Hum, it seems, you seem to have misunderstood something."

In the face of General Ross' threat, the man in the ward, or [Six Paths], showed a strange smile on his face.

"My purpose, from the very beginning, was not the so-called 'Green Skin Project' as you said..."

As he said that, he aimed his **** right eye at General Ross on the hospital bed, and the number 'six' in his pupil flashed a strange light.

Under the gaze of [Six Paths], General Ross's original resolute eyes immediately became slack.

"Remember, your misfortune is that you were listed as part of my plan."


"Please don't smoke in front of me, people who smoke secondhand smoke inhale more harmful substances than those who smoke, and the highly carcinogenic benzene ammonium nitrite. Smokers will absorb 5.3 to 43 micrograms, while smokers will absorb 680 to 823 micrograms. Micrograms. Absorbed levels of quinoline - 11 times as much as secondhand smokers, around 18,000 micrograms. That is to say, more harm to people around than smokers!!"

In the Avengers Building, Tony couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes as he looked at Jack Simon who was righteous in front of him and the cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

"I think about smoking, Mr. Jack Simon, you should be the one who is least qualified to question me."

Ignoring Jack Simon's scientific and dogmatic analysis, Tony lit the cigar in his hand. He is more aware than Jack Simon about the dangers of smoking. The task of saving the world is far heavier than it seems. If he doesn't find a way to alleviate it The pressure, Tony may not be able to persist.

"Don't compare me to you."

In this regard, Jack Simon showed a surprising reaction.

He snuffed out the cigarette in his mouth, and at the same time took out a skillful igniter and held it in his mouth: "The reason why I smoke is because there is a compelling reason, I would rather not touch this thing if I can. ."

"A compelling reason?"

On the side, when she heard Jack Simon's answer, Natasha's eyes flickered, and then she asked tentatively with a charming smile.

"Then Mr. Jack Simon, I wonder if we have the honor to know the reason?"

Facing Natasha's temptation, Jack Simon's face showed a meaningful smile, and at the same time he refused without thinking: "Of course not."

For Jack Simon's rejection, Natasha's bright smile didn't have the slightest impression, she just turned her head slightly to make a regretful look: "Yes, it seems that I acted too abruptly."

"Actually, I—just kidding."

However, just as Natasha was trying to maintain a considerate and considerate persona, Jack Simon changed the subject again, showing a just-right smile on Natasha's beautiful face, and at the same time prepared a long time ago. The content said: "[Black Contract] This is the reason why I have to smoke."

"[Black Contract]?"

Hearing the name confided from Jack Simon's mouth, Natasha cooperated with a puzzled expression.

"[Black Contract] used to be one of the highest-level containment objects belonging to the SCP Foundation, and of course it has now become the containment of our 'Chaos Insurgents'. The appearance of [Black Contract] is a skin of an unknown creature. Made of parchment-like objects, the front of [Black Contract] uses a large number of unknown fonts to record the content, and the back is printed with distorted and indescribable patterns. According to the analysis of the scp foundation, and another containment The power of [Universal Translator], I learned that the text on the front of the containment is a contract. Later, in the experiment of the SCP Foundation on [Black Contract], it was found that as long as someone touches [Black Contract], the Become an existence called a 'contractor' and acquire random superpowers, of course, at the same time, the 'contractor' must also pay a 'price' for the use of his abilities..."

"'Contractor'? 'Price'?"

After listening to Jack Simon's description of the power of the [Black Contract], Natasha's eyes immediately fell on the cigarette in his mouth.

If Jack Simon didn't lie about the [Black Contract], then the price of Jack Simon's ability as a 'Contractor' Jack Simon should be smoking.

This also confirms why Jack Simon himself is so resistant to smoking, but he has to smoke.

It's just that although a lot of important information has been excavated from Jack Simon's mouth, although the process of collecting this information is very intentional by Jack Simon himself.

However, no matter what purpose Jack Simon holds, Natasha will not miss this opportunity.

Therefore, she twitched the corners of her mouth and asked further: "So, what is Mr. Jack Simon's ability as a 'contractor'?"

Looking at Natasha with a smiling face and charming eyes, Jack Simon also had a gentleman's smile on his face: "Theoretically, the contract ability is the secret of the 'contractor' and the best means of protection. It's just not like anyone revealed, after all, once the ability is revealed, it is easy to encounter restraint. However, who made Ms. Natasha so beautiful and moving, and I also believe in the Avengers, it should not be Doing such a thing, so I made an exception to tell you the contract ability."

As he spoke, Jack Simon's eyes swept across the surface in front of him, making an expression of disinterest, but Tony, whose eyes drifted towards him unconsciously, deliberately lowered his voice and used a serious expression. In a serious tone, he said: "The ability I contracted from [Black Contract] is called Sexual Transformation."

"As long as I activate the ability to stare at a person for five seconds, I can change that person's gender."

After speaking, Jack Simon looked at Tony with a meaningful expression on his face.


Facing the gaze cast by Jack Simon, Tony shouted to Jarvis like a conditioned reflex.

Immediately afterwards, a set of steel battle suits instantly wrapped his whole body tightly, not even letting go of his head.

At the same time, the rest of the surrounding Avengers also looked like they were facing the enemy, as if they were facing poisonous snakes and beasts.

How Jack Simon's words can be replaced by anyone else who has nothing to do with the scp foundation can't have such a big impact on the Avengers. However, Jack Simon's identity came from the organization "Chaos Insurgents" that betrayed from within the SCP Foundation.

And more importantly, the previous containment expert [Uncle Long] of the SCP Foundation has already performed an unknown transformation in front of the Avengers. That powerful mental pollution, even if Tony recalls it now, there is still a vague feeling of hot eyes.

With the combination of these two factors, it is no surprise that the Avengers, at least Tony and the others, successfully believed in Jack Simon's contract ability.

Sol took a few steps to the side, then felt unsafe and continued to move a few steps towards the corner, hiding his sturdy figure in the corner, secretly praying not to confront Jack Simon. on the eyes.

As a powerful warrior of Asgard, Thor is not afraid of sacrifice, but this does not mean that he is willing to change from a man to a woman.

After all, he has a girlfriend.

But I don't want the next time I see Jane, the two will change from a couple directly to a sister.

Sol shuddered when he thought of the scene where he and Jane were walking hand in hand like good sisters. He squeezed Thor's hammer tightly and moved a little closer to the corner wall.

His eyes swept across the members of the Avengers in front of him, and every Avenger who made eye contact with Jack Simon quickly retreated back as if they were bristling, fearing that they would be affected by Jack Simon's ability.

This funny scene not only brought an interesting scene to Li Ran in the antique shop, but also supplemented the legend that was exhausted by his continuous opening of treasure chests.

However, when Jack Simon's eyes fell on Natasha in front of him, it was time.

The super agent did not put on a panicked expression like Tony and the others, but instead looked at Jack Simon silently for a while with a calm expression on his face.

At the same time, in the antique shop, there is no legend related to Natasha on the data panel.

"You don't seem to be afraid of my abilities, Ms. Natasha?"

Looking at Natasha's calm expression in front of him, Jack Simon couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said.

"If I can, I would really like to try it out. What kind of feeling would it be like to become a man."

Under the gaze of Jack Simon, Natasha smiled and said her thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to speak slowly: "What's more, if I guessed correctly, Mr. Jack Simon, your contractual ability is not the so-called sexual transformation at all, right?"

"Have you been seen through?"

For Natasha's merciless dismantling, Jack Simon reached out and scratched his hair, and said with a smile: "I thought my acting skills were good, after all, even so many Avengers members were deceived by me. already."

"Mr. Jack Simon, you've never acted too lightly, although I knew from the beginning that you must have other purposes when you contacted the Avengers, but you revealed your contracting ability so It's a bit too simple, as if we're afraid we don't know."

"It turned out that I was too impatient."

Hearing Natasha's analysis, Jack Simon had a remorseful tone, but there was no remorse on his face, he was still smiling with a cigarette in his mouth.


The content of the conversation between Jack Simon and Natasha caused the Avengers who were originally facing the enemy to fall into an awkward silence.

"Cough, I just want to test the flight speed of the armor in an emergency."

After coughing lightly and putting away the helmet, Tony answered seriously.

"It now looks like there's a lot of room for improvement."

Sol: "I feel that the architectural style of the walls of the Avengers Building is completely different from that of Asgard, and there may be something I can learn from."

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