Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 534: Ultimate Plasma Fireball

"Ultron, report the engine energy situation."

In [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], Tony looked at the rough sea and asked Ultron.

"Only 46.5 percent of the energy for nuclear-powered engines remains."

In this regard, Ultron quickly made a report.

The huge steel armor consumes a huge amount of energy every time it fires a super-pulse laser beam. Even the nuclear-powered engine that has been transformed and fired by Mr. Fantastic Reid cannot support [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] to launch more than four super-pulse shots. Pulsed laser beam.

After all, normally, if the target can withstand the power of a hyperpulse laser beam, it itself means that the laser can cause less damage than expected.

"Is there only one last chance left?"

In the face of the situation told by Ultron, the expression on the face of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] Nettoni couldn't help but be a little dignified. Looking at the direction of the sea where [Holy Master] fell through the screen in front of the console, he didn't think that it was only by You can kill the [Holy Lord] with the super-pulse laser beam just now.


Sure enough, under Tony's gaze, a huge water column rose from the sea.

In the water column, the huge body of the [Holy Lord] appeared, and a large amount of sea water turned into water vapor under the action of the high temperature surging on it, and it continued to emerge. Compared with the previous time, there were more dense magma textures. It appeared and flowed on the body of the [Holy Lord] to the extent visible to the naked eye.

[Thermal Energy Converter] truly continuously absorbs the power of the ultra-pulse laser beam emitted by [Anti-Holy Armor II].

"Mr. Stark, [Holy Lord]'s core temperature at this moment has exceeded 50,000 degrees."

In [Anti-Master Armor II], Ultron reported the situation to Tony.

"Maybe we can add another fire to make it even hotter."

Judging from the content reported by Ultron and the picture in front of him, Tony clearly noticed that the [Holy Lord]'s situation at this time was unusual, which also happened to meet the possibility mentioned by the previous father.

Thinking of this, Tony controlled the huge muzzle condensing beam on the chest of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] and planned to make persistent efforts.

"Looks like you're the anomaly that caused the SCP Foundation's containment operation to fail this time?"

But, at this time, Jack Simon controlled the energy of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] to block in front of the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], looked at the [Holy Master] like a hill in front of him, looked up and down and said.

"Stop, Ultron."

Jack Simon's action made Tony have to stop the launch of [Anti-Holy Armor II], and the energy in the muzzle on the chest of the huge armor also dimmed.

"Who are you?"

Opening his mouth and letting out a huge roar, [Holy Lord] looked at Jack Simon floating in front of him and the unusually conspicuous yellow light on him.

"My name is Jack Simon, and I am a member of the 'Chaos Insurgency'. How about [Holy Master] Are you willing to join the 'Chaos Insurgency'?"


In [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], Tony was shocked when he heard Jack Simon's invitation to the [Holy Master], and the expression on his face changed accordingly.

He did not expect that Jack Simon would actually make such a move under the imminent situation in front of him.

Inviting [Holy Master] to join the 'Chaos Insurgency', Tony's colleagues who were shocked by Jack Simon's actions, also understood why the scp foundation where [Uncle Long] was before behaved like this to the 'Chaos Insurgency' The reason for the strong hostility is not only because of betrayal, but also because of the behavior of the 'Chaos Insurgent', which cannot be described by common sense, or unscrupulous.

"How about it, [Holy Master] If you join the Chaos Splitter, we can solve everything you did before."

Ignoring Tony's shocked emotions behind him, Jack Simon looked at the huge body of the [Holy Lord] in front of him, and continued his invitation with a faint smile on his face.

If [Holy Master] really joins the Chaos Insurgency, is it good or bad?

For a moment, under the sudden development of events, Tony in [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] couldn't help but start to speculate in his mind whether it would be a blessing or a curse if it really happened.

"join in?"

On the sea, in the face of the sincere invitation from Jack Simon, the [Holy Master] opened his sharp mouth and let out a deafening laughter.


Under the vibration of laughter, the entire sea surface was like a tsunami, and huge waves were constantly raised.

After a long time, I saw the [Holy Master] stopped, looked at Jack Simon with his scarlet eyes and shouted: "A mere human, you actually want me to be ruled, you stupid humans are the most stupid. A good destination is to be a slave of my [Holy Lord] and live the life that a human being should have under the kingdom I rule!"

"Another uncommunicable anomaly?"

Although he did not give an accurate answer, the words of the [Holy Lord] also clearly surfaced his attitude.

Seeing this, Jack Simon shook his head and sighed, with a helpless look on his face, obviously it was not the first time he had seen such a scene.

"Sure enough, there are only a few anomalies that can communicate, and most of them can only be dealt with through containment."

Shaking his head, Jack Simon raised his arm wearing the [Yellow Lantern Ring] and turned to the [Holy Lord] in front of him, and the smile on his face also subsided: "In that case, I'm so sorry, just There is only one option left, forcing containment."


As Jack Simon's voice fell, the huge chain condensed by the [Yellow Lantern Ring] instantly fell under the body of the [Holy Lord]. This chain embodied by the energy of fear is stronger than expected, even if It was the [Holy Lord] who struggled for a distance while the chains were entangled, but more chains emerged from Jack Simon's hands, wrapping the [Holy Lord] on the sea tightly.

[Yellow Lantern Ring] can materialize everything the holder thinks, and the chain that Jack Simon has now is just one of the most primary manifestations of the energy of [Yellow Lantern Ring].

Click, click—

"Do you think you can trap me with these **** chains alone?"

Within the layers of entangled chains, the [Holy Master] made a huge roar, and the chains kept cracking under the great strength struggle. The broken chains turned back to yellow again when they left the body of the [Holy Master]. energy body.

"Of course the chain can't solve you. Although I am very cold about the scp foundation's affairs, I have to admit that their containment work has always been rigorous, if it is not for special circumstances beyond the plan, otherwise it will not Containment failure has occurred."

Facing the roar of the [Holy Lord], Jack Simon calmly pushed the sunglasses on his face that were transformed from the [Yellow Lantern Ring].

"However, you seem to have forgotten the [Holy Lord], and it's not just me who is fighting with you now."

While speaking, Jack Simon controlled himself to dodge to the side, and immediately revealed the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] behind him and the huge muzzle flashing on his chest.

"[Anti-Holy Master Armor II] has entered the range, and the ultra-pulse laser beam is ready to launch-"

In [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], Tony looked at the [Holy Master] who was locked in place by Jack Simon's chains and couldn't move. He recalled the cryptic reminder that the other party had made to him before, and he could not be sure of the previous Jack Simon. Is the invitation for [Holy Master] to join the 'Chaos Insurgency' real, or is it just to delay time.

Of course, no matter which one it is, now is not a good time to think again. The energy condensation of the ultra-pulse laser beam on the body of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] is almost complete. If Dad's speculation is correct, then this It will be their hope of defeating the [Holy Lord].

"Tony Stark!"

However, just a few seconds before the ultra-pulse laser beam was about to be launched, the [Holy Master] who was trapped by Jack Simon's chains on the sea suddenly said: "You think I didn't find your purpose, the [Tiger Charm] maintains The magical power of Yin and Yang, I know better than you."


[Holy Master] This sudden speech caused a sudden change in Tony's face in [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], and a sense of unease began to emerge in his heart.

"So I want to thank you, Tony Stark, if it weren't for your help, I couldn't make this move."

With the roar of the [Holy Master], the surging magma texture on its body began to gather towards the chest, and then under the gathering of a large amount of high temperature, the chains wrapped around the chest of the [Holy Master] were melted and turned back in an instant. The yellow energy, at the same time, the abdominal carapace on the chest of the [Holy Lord] also seemed to have reached its limit, and it opened directly and turned into a huge flame that enveloped the entire sea.


【Ultimate Plasma Fireball】

This is [Gamera], which collects the energy mana of the earth in oneself, and converts it into plasma energy through the plasma converter. After reaching the upper limit of stored energy, the abdominal carapace opens and releases it directly. It is the ultimate meaning of killing the monster [Gamera]. . Roar to the sky while collecting mana.

Being named [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], its destruction power is naturally far more than [High Energy Plasma Fireball].

In theory, even 【Gamera】can only be used once in a lifetime.

Of course, this is only a theory. In fact, whether in the [Gamera] series of movies, or after the system has been turned into a character card, [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] has become a unique trick that can be reused.

Of course, because of its enormous power, it is not easy for [Gamera] to use [Ultimate Plasma Fireball].

Just as before, the [Holy Master] really absorbed the attack of the Truman aircraft carrier battle group, as well as Thor's lightning and the two ultra-pulse laser beams of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], before it could launch the [Ultimate Plasma]. Fireball] energy.

Such a troublesome and hugely consuming move, its power cannot be described by simple hugeness.

At the moment when the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] was generated, the entire sky was shrouded in red light.

The buildings and forests on the land were destroyed and turned to ashes in an instant, and even the ground was scorched by the scorching high temperature to form a blackened earth. These grounds swept by the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] were even alive. It does not exist, and even a single plant will not grow in the next hundred years, and it will become a complete dead place.

At the same time, the destructive beam formed by the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] continued to spread outward, and almost reached the land where the Avengers were located after more than ten seconds.

Looking at the forest that was shrouded in red ominous light and instantly turned to ashes, Susan propped up her body without hesitation to create a transparent ability and stood in front of her. In the huge vibration, he did not hesitate to block the front of the stand. Vision's forehead flashed with yellow light, and the power of the mind gem burst out, becoming the second protection after the stand.

Holding the shield in his hand tightly, Steve stood in front of him without any hesitation.


However, whether it was Susan's energy stand or the power of the mind gem that exploded from the vision, under the terrifying power of [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], they could not form an effective block, and the stand collapsed instantly after just resisting for a few seconds. Opened, and the subsequent illusion was also knocked out by the impact of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball]. Under the red light of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], the Stone Man made a shrill scream.

Steve was holding a shield against the power of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], and he was about to be engulfed by the red light.

At a critical moment, a high-speed flashing figure appeared in front of Steve, reaching out and pushing Captain America out of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball].

"No, Carter!"

Feeling a huge force pushing him away from his position, Steve turned his head to look at the figure in front of the red light and could not help crying out in pain.

"Sorry, Steve, it looks like it's me who can't keep the promise this time..."

Under Steve's gaze, Peggy's lips curved into a poignant smile.

The next her figure was enveloped by the red light generated by the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball].

"no no!"

Seeing this scene, Steve was about to rush in the direction of the red light that engulfed Peggy as if going crazy.

"team leader!"

Fortunately, Falcon Banner and others grabbed his body and caught him.

Ironically, as the red light engulfed Agent Carter, the power generated by the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] seemed to be exhausted at this moment, and it stopped in front of Steve and the others.

As the red light gradually dissipated, Steve looked at the scorched black ground that existed under the red light, and a piece of scorched black cloth in the sky fell on him.

Reaching out and taking off the cloth on his shoulders, Steve looked at the cloth in his hand, tore off the hood that was already in tatters on his head, and knelt on the ground, holding the cloth tightly in his hands and placing it in his arms, His broad shoulders began to shake silently.

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