Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 508: sharp turn

Canada, military base.

A large amount of dense fog surrounded the base, bringing a mysterious color to this otherwise ordinary base.

These thick fogs have been appearing since yesterday and have lasted for a whole day without any signs of dissipating. Obviously, they are not explained by ordinary weather phenomena.

"How's the situation?"

And in a place one kilometer away from the base, in a camp area that can clearly be seen as a makeshift camp, the general appeared in it with a straight face.

Voting in the Capitol would last all night, but the general obviously couldn't spend time sitting there with a group of short-sighted politicians.

Unlike these speculators who don't understand the actual situation, the general is well aware that the situation at the base is not optimistic.

The scp foundation occupying the military base is certainly a problem, but the bigger problem is the petrified giant monster in the base or the [Holy Lord] in the mouth of the mage.

The general knows that if the Foundation's so-called containment operation fails, what happens next will be a catastrophe that Canada cannot face. And at this critical juncture of the life and death of this country, the damned group of politicians in the Capitol is still in the mood to hold a so-called vote.

When he thought that Canada's future was going to be in the hands of those greedy politicians, the general's already uneasy feeling was obviously a little heavier.

"Report, sir, we have used drones to conduct reconnaissance work on the base, but the results are not satisfactory."

In the face of the general's question, a soldier who looked like a non-commissioned officer immediately got up and reported.

"The thick fog that appeared outside the base blocked the drone's camera line of sight, and as long as the drone had lowered its shooting, it would be destroyed by the current shock. After sacrificing dozens of drones, we only shot Got some blurry pictures."

The drones mentioned by the non-commissioned officers are not simple drones used by ordinary people.

As a UAV used by the military, it is far superior to civilian machines in terms of the compactness of the machine and the shooting pixels, and it can also be modified and matched with an appropriate amount of weapons to fight. Of course, such a UAV device is also expensive in terms of price. The same is true.

Therefore, the loss of dozens of UAVs is actually a small loss for the Canadian military.

"Take the picture out and take a look."

Although he was heartbroken by the loss of the drone, the general knew that this was not the time to care about these.

Compared with the loss of the machine, he is more concerned about what kind of picture content the drone captured from the military base before it was damaged.

"Follow your orders, sir!"

Facing the general's order, the non-commissioned officer turned his head to look at the soldier beside him without hesitation, and the latter nodded and typed on the computer keyboard of the camp for a while. Soon, several pictures that were obviously blurred and shaken appeared on the computer screen in the camp.

Although most of these captured pictures are blurred or even unrecognizable due to the camera shake, the general still has a glimpse of the current situation in the base through a few of the still clear pictures.

Compared with the situation when they evacuated from the base before, the appearance of the military base has obviously changed greatly at this time, and the most obvious one is naturally the tall building built around the [Holy Lord], you can see A large number of people in white research uniforms are surrounding the building, all kinds of weird devices in their hands are doing something to the [Holy Master].

At the same time, a large group of men in black suits with serious expressions were doing patrol work in the base in an orderly manner.

The sudden appearance of many mysterious personnel in the military base made the general frown, but what surprised him even more was the huge building in the picture.

After all, it has been less than a day since they evacuated from the base, and the place where [Holy Lord] was a day ago was still the ruins of an original military building, which means that the scp foundation was in less than a day. In time, a huge building was successfully constructed.

"Is this the energy the scp foundation has?"

In the temporary camp, the general looked at the blurred image on the computer, but the expression on his face was somewhat complicated.

It was only now that he clearly realized the power of the SCP Foundation as a mysterious organization.


New York, Avengers Building.

Because of the news delivered by [Uncle Long], the original tension within the Avengers has been relieved a lot.

Although deep down, they are still a little uneasy about the containment of the SCP Foundation, but the Avengers still decided to hand over the [Holy Master] to the Foundation for the time being. The meeting is professional. From the description of the Foundation's containment expert [Uncle Long], it can be seen that they have found a way to contain the [Holy Lord] at all.

bang, bang—

Bang bang!

Avengers Building, underground base.

Tony wore boxing gloves in both hands and was constantly punching the sandbag in front of him.

Although as Iron Man, most of his combat power comes from the iron suit, but Tony did not relax his physical training because of this.

After all, no matter how powerful the steel battle suit is, there will be occasions when it cannot be used or damaged, and what he does is to maintain his combat power as much as possible under such circumstances, at least until the second steel battle suit arrives at the battle scene.

"You look a little uneasy, Mr. Stark?"

At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded behind Tony, who was intent on boxing.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Vision appear in the boxing ring in a floating posture.

"Huh, huh~"

Stopping his boxing, Tony panted and glanced at the Vision that appeared behind him. He took off the boxing gloves with some effort. Tony picked up the water next to him and took a sip to replenish the missing water in his body. He glanced at the yellow gem on Vision's forehead and said, "Is this also what the power of the Mind Gem told you? It's really a convenient ability."

"Do not."

However, in the face of Tony's sigh, Vision shook his head unexpectedly.

"Even without the power of gems, I can clearly feel that Mr. Stark's mood is unusual at the moment."

As he spoke, Vision's eyes swept across the boxing glove that Tony had thrown on the ground, and the gem on his forehead flickered, and he saw the glove float under an invisible force and landed where it should have been.

"All right……"

Looking back from the floating boxing gloves, Tony shrugged when he heard Vision's answer: "Look, it's me being too obvious."

Putting down the water in his hand, the expression on Tony's face was a little confused: "I'm just a little... a little... Obviously the Avengers have worked hard to protect everything we cherish, but the challenge seems to never end, I I originally thought that when artificial intelligence appeared, everything would change, but I successfully created Ultron, and the result was no different."

Seeing Tony's confused appearance in front of him, a light flashed in Vision's eyes, and then he said silently: "In fact, during this period of time, I have been observing the development of everything and came to a calculation conclusion, since Stark Sir, after you announced your identity as Iron Man to the public, the number of publicly identified superheroes began to grow sharply, both the Defenders and the Fantastic Four appeared in front of everyone because of this, but at the same time, there was destruction. The number of events that are possible in the world has also increased in proportion to it..."

"You mean, it's all because of us?"

In the face of Vision's analysis, Tony immediately reflected the meaning of his words.

"I mean there may be a causal relationship, the presence of superheroes attracts challenge and crime, and crime fuels further conflict, which breeds horrific disaster."

"The appearance of the scp foundation also confirms this from the side. According to all the information, it can be seen that the foundation was originally hidden among the public, and has always maintained a low-key style of behavior. Even the information cannot be detected. However, frequent anomalies occur. The incident has forced them to appear in front of the public, and this situation, or it also represents more and more abnormal events in the world, has made it impossible for the scp foundation to maintain a secretive style of conduct as in the past."

"It's like a cycle, a vicious circle."

Faced with the vision's analysis, Tony came to an answer with a simpler conclusion.

Superheroes surround the earth, but it is precisely because of their existence that those ambitious must use more powerful means to realize their ambitions and even commit crimes.

In that simple example, if the weapon in the hands of the orderer is a knife and a gun, then the most attack a criminal can use is a knife and a gun, but if those who fight criminals become superheroes with extraordinary power, then the means of these criminals It also turned into a variety of extraordinary powers.

"That's a wonderful irony."

It's not that Tony hasn't thought about the possibility proposed by Vision, but he is very clear that once this possibility is established, it will be a big blow for all superheroes.

They work hard to fight criminals, only to end up being the source of it all.

"Tony, there is a situation!"

In the underground base, before the conversation between Tony and Vision was over, he suddenly saw Steve come to the boxing training ground where he was with a frown and a serious face.


"Tell me, Captain, what happened?"

After a few minutes, all the members of the Avengers who were still in the Avengers Tower gathered in the room.

Tony asked the serious-looking Steve while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Facing Tony's question, Steve's eyes met with Agent Hill, who was also in the room.

"Let me tell you."

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury, who had the same dignified expression, said slowly.

"I received news from the White House not long ago that the Pentagon did not seem to agree with our proposal after evaluating everything. They believe that the threat of [Holy Lord] is too great, and Canada is too close to Murray. If [ The threat of the Holy Lord would be an unbearable blow to America, so they decided to strike first."

"Preemptive strike?!"

Hearing the news of Nick Fury, Tony frowned immediately.

"what do you mean?"

At the same time, Nick Fury also nodded and said: "In fact, from an intelligence perspective, the White House has ordered an aircraft carrier battleship group to go to Canada, and a troop has also been mobilized to the direction of the military base. , prepare to use the powerful firepower to directly launch a firepower attack on the [Holy Lord]."

"Fire strike, haven't they thought about the possible consequences of the failure of the attack method?"

"Obviously, the U.S. military doesn't think they're going to fail."

"Canada, don't they have any reaction?"

"All actions are based on military exercises. Canada has raised objections. However, it is clear that the United States, which has made a decision, does not care about some protests. Moreover, there are already many Canadian parliamentarians who are related to the United States. With their help, even if the Canadian government has opinions, it will not be able to form an effective means of opposition."

The White House's response was obviously beyond the Avengers' expectations, but in some ways it made sense.

After all, it can be seen from the history of war development in the United States that in all wars, the last thing the United States wants to see is war or destruction on the American soil.

Whether it's World War II or Pearl Harbor.

Once the danger touches the mainland, whether it is willing or not, the United States will naturally participate in the At the same time, the war is also a good reason to divert the people's outlet for the United States. The super crime in the United States has caused a great crisis of confidence in the government. The White House man clearly felt that his polls were falling.

Although he has entered the second half of his second term, he does not want his exit to be too miserable, and what happened in Canada has undoubtedly become a means of consolidating people's hearts in his hands.

Canada is too close to the United States. At the same time, although Canada has made great efforts to block the intelligence of the [Holy Lord], it still has not escaped the espionage methods of the United States. After knowing the possible threat of the [Holy Lord], the United States will naturally not. May turn a blind eye.

In addition, under such a threat, the hawks within the American military have brought the best conditions to start a war. The same well-informed arms dealers also hope that the battle will take place. It is a matter of course to send troops under the combination of several.

What's more, the target this time is not a certain country, but a huge monster that threatens the world, so the United States doesn't even need to make a pretentious performance.

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