Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 504: cunning [Holy Lord]

"Did you make it?"

In the military base, Steve looked at the [Holy Master] who was lying on the ruins, whose life and death were unknown, and the expression on his face was still not much relaxed.

After all, the power shown by the [Holy Lord] before was really too powerful.

The power of the [Charm] separated from him alone has brought huge problems to the Avengers. He really couldn't believe that the [Holy Master] who was freed from the seal of the fairy would do this after recovering the power of the [Charm]. It was easy to fall under the attack of [Dominic Butch].

Even if [Dominic Butch] is a member of the Foundation, the ability shown by the stand-in [Weather Forecast] is equally powerful and unpredictable, but...

She frowned slightly and stayed on the huge body of the [Holy Master] for a long time. Like Steve, Natasha also felt that all this was not simple.

Her keenness as a super agent turned into a faint unease hidden deep in Natasha's heart.

"It's still the same as it used to be, Dominic Butch."

Although the situation in front of him is full of doubts, [Uncle Long] still cooperated with a sighing expression and continued his performance: "The ability to substitute is a kind of change according to the physical and mental conditions of the awakened person, such as health, willpower, etc. The ability of 'evolution', and the ability of [weather forecast] represents a certain characteristic of Dominic Butch's heart, taciturn but full of justice, just like the weather, even behind the storm, there is still a splendor. The sun appears."

It seems to match the words of [Uncle Long], as the ability of [Dominic Butch]'s substitute [Weather Forecast] converges, the clouds shrouded in the sky over the base also dissipate, and the sun after the rain shines on the sky. Under the influence of water vapor, a gorgeous rainbow formed above the ground, bringing a sense of warmth to the devastated base.

"Be careful, Aaron, Dad has a bad feeling in his heart!"

However, just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the rainbow, they lost their minds.

The silent father suddenly spoke, looked at the direction of the [Holy Master], and reminded him with a solemn expression.

"[Holy Master], as an evil and terrifying demon, is also quite a cunning existence. Dad doesn't believe that just relying on the attack of that guy from the Foundation can defeat the [Holy Master] so easily. The things that the legendary immortals can't do."

"Or Dad, after a long period of sealing, the power of the [Holy Lord] itself is far less powerful than in ancient times, not to mention, the resurrection of the [Holy Lord] this time is not complete, you know that the foundation has already contained it before. There are many [Charms] that are the source of [Holy Lord]'s power."

Facing his father's reminder, [Uncle Long] gave his reasons.


Hearing [Aaron]'s acceptance, the old man frowned, obviously not quite accepting the explanation given by [Uncle Long].


"Huh, huh~"

In front of the huge body of [Holy Lord], [Dominic Butch] had a pale face with a somewhat labored expression on his face, shook his slender body, and stabilized it with the help of the substitute [Weather Forecast] behind him. He stopped, and used his blue eyes to scan the motionless body of the [Holy Master] in front of him.

Raising his arm, [Dominic Butch] made a gesture of contacting the Foundation for containment.


However, he saw that the [Holy Master] who had fallen motionless on the ruins of the base in front of him suddenly opened his scarlet eyes, and a tyrannical look flashed in his eyes.

In the next instant, he raised his sharp claws and set off a gust of wind, and grabbed it fiercely towards [Dominic Butch].

【Rock Claw】

As the name suggests, this blow is powerful enough to shatter a massive rock.

Compared with the huge body of the [Holy Lord], it is obvious that the rocks it crushed cannot be too small.

Although the [Holy Master] has always displayed a powerful destructive power in energy attacks since he woke up, it cannot be ignored that the terrifying power contained under his huge body, the attack and destruction of such a behemoth, even if the [plasma] is ignored Fireball] With such energy damage, physical attacks alone are enough to easily destroy a high-rise building.

"What? Dominic Butch, get out of the way!"

[Holy Master]'s attack can be said to be sudden. Even if Dad had reminded him before, everyone in the base did not expect that the vacuum environment created by [Dominic Butch]'s stand-in ability did not have any effect on [Holy Master]. Main] caused too much damage.

Seeing that the [Rock Claw] carrying terrifying power is about to fall on [Dominic Butch].

If this claw is implemented, even [Dominic Butch] cannot be spared the possibility.

Including, from the battle just now, it can be seen that the ability of [Dominic Butch] as a substitute [Weather Forecast] is obviously more inclined to control the weather and does not have much defensive performance.

Moreover, the side effects caused by the vacuum compression of oxygen also made Steve and others far away from the location of [Dominic Butch], and it was impossible to rescue them in the first time.

However, just under [Uncle Long]'s exclamation, everyone's stunned gazes.

[Dominic Butch] himself was surprisingly calm, and he looked up at the [Sacred Lord]'s [Broken Rock Claw] coming towards him.

The strong wind formed by the giant claws blew the white flat fur hat on [Dominic Butch]'s head.

At a critical moment, the stand-in [Weather Forecast] behind him responded.

There seemed to be a stream of light flashing in the purple eyes of the stand-in. It raised its fist and aimed at [Dominic Butch] in front of it. In the next instant, a violent hurricane emerged from its palm, under the power of the hurricane. [Dominic Butch] That rather tall body was easily blown like a piece of paper.

Hurricane is one of the most terrifying disasters in nature. The wind generated in an instant is enough to blow over tall buildings and uproot trees. Although the hurricane created in a hurry by [Weather Forecast] cannot reach this level, it is still enough to increase by an instant. The wind blows [Dominic Butch] out of the attack range of [Rock Claw] from [Holy Lord].


Just the next second when [Dominic Butch] was pulled by the hurricane, [Rock Claw] landed on the base with the power of Wan Jun.

The powerful force directly smashed the hard concrete floor and left a hole more than one meter deep, and it stopped after a large number of cracks spread for more than ten meters.

But under such a powerful [Rock Claw], there is no target [Dominic Butch].

[Weather Forecast] Waving his arm to slow down the hurricane surrounding [Dominic Butch] made him land on the ground not far away in a light way.

Falling on tiptoe, [Dominic Butch] straightened his back and looked at the [Holy Master] who seemed to be completely unaffected by his previous vacuum attack. His pale face could not help frowning, and he spoke slowly. Said: "It seems that the previous attack did not hurt you at all."

"Stupid humans."

Facing the words of [Dominic Butch], [Holy Lord] slowly propped up the huge body that was originally crawling on the ruins of the base, and his scarlet eyes looked at [Dominic Butch]. Roaring like a mockery: "You actually think that I, like you, the lower races, need to rely on oxygen to survive. As a noble demon wizard, a natural ruler, even in a **** space that is hundreds of times worse than the earth, I can be free. To survive, I will never grow old or die, even if I never eat or drink, it will not have the slightest effect, and the mere vacuum environment simply cannot cause much harm to me."

"Oh, I actually forgot."

With the roar of the [Holy Master], the old man also shouted with an afterthought: "After the [Holy Master] was sealed into a stone by an immortal, how could it be possible to survive such a long time without any breathing? It will fall down because of the vacuum."

"We all forgot, Captain!"

In the words of the [Holy Lord], Natasha also recalled: "The place where Canada first discovered the [Holy Lord] was in the North Atlantic."

"Dad, it's a little too late for you to say this now."

Hearing his father's reminder, [Uncle Long] couldn't help showing a speechless expression.


In this regard, the old man landed a knife directly on the head of [Uncle Long], and said with a dissatisfied face: "Father has already reminded you before, be careful of the [Holy Master], but how did you tell the old man Daddy, Aaron. You completely forgot what Daddy taught you before, never doubt Daddy's words!"

"Can't even a vacuum kill it?"

Hearing the roar of the [Holy Lord], [Dominic Butch] couldn't help but murmured, but the expression on his face was unexpectedly calm: "It really fits the characteristics of the containment."

As a Foundation fighter, [Dominic Butch] naturally needs to look like a professional.

"Since, even a vacuum environment can't destroy you, then you can only try other more rude means."

Straightening his back and making his own analysis with a calm appearance, [Dominic Butch] looked at the huge body of the [Holy Lord] in front of him, and made a serious decision.

As his voice fell, the stand-in [Weather Forecast] behind him immediately made a move.

I saw the avatar open his arms, and there seemed to be tiny lightnings floating in the lower body composed of clouds.


[Weather Forecast] Rotate his arm to the position of the [Holy Lord], bend his fingers slightly to make a flicking gesture, following a standard flicking motion.

From the fingertips of the substitute, a small lightning quickly formed in the air, and it continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few seconds, a ring-shaped crimson lightning sphere flew towards the direction of the [Holy Lord].

'Ball Lightning'

It is also a rare climatic manifestation in nature, which usually only appears in thunderstorms, and a special manifestation that occurs under the accumulation of a large number of lightning.


Under the control of [Weather Forecast], the crimson ball lightning accurately hit the huge body of [Holy Lord] in a strange and unpredictable flight, producing a huge electric shock sound.

However, the powerful current that fell on the [Holy Lord] did not bring about the damage as imagined.

"Is this what you call rude tactics?"

The tyranny in the scarlet eyes became more and more obvious, the [Holy Master] looked at the part where he was hit by the ball lightning, and roared and shouted.

"No, it's next!"

Facing the roar of the [Holy Lord], [Dominic Butch] replied calmly.


rumbling, rumbling—

Following his answer, a large amount of lightning and loud noises over the base shook the entire military base, and at the same time, blizzards driven by strong winds followed.

Thunderstorm is an extreme natural phenomenon that usually occurs in localized strong convective weather in tropical and temperate regions.

Thunderstorms can be accompanied by lightning strikes, lightning, strong winds, and significant precipitation, such as rain or hail, but can also occur with blizzards in winter, known as thundersnow.

The snowflakes brought by the blizzard instantly covered the ground of the base, and in the blink of an eye, winter suddenly appeared in the military base.

And the [Holy Master], who is the focus of care, is covered with a thick layer of white snow on its huge body, which makes it look like a huge snow-capped mountain under the reflection of the snow. Of course, the blizzard brought more than just low temperature and cold. Under the power of [Weather Forecast], extreme thunder and snow weather instantly shrouded the base.

Controlling the constant frictional charges in the clouds, a large amount of lightning struck the body of the [Holy Lord] like deadly spears.

In the cruel weather package of lightning, thunder and snowstorm, even the movements of the [Holy Master] became stiff.

A large number of dense lightning continuously left charred marks on the body of the [Holy Lord] Through the medium of snow, these lightnings were transformed into electric snakes and spread on his body. The surroundings of the Holy Master turned into a huge lightning cage, trapping him in place.

Boom, boom—

Under the light reflected by the continuous lightning strikes, not far away, the appearance of Steve and others also loomed.

Of course, the impact of thunderstorms is not just that simple. Inside the tank, the soldiers soon discovered that with the continuous lightning, the control system in the tank was obviously malfunctioning.

Looking down at the shield in his hand, Steve could also feel that under the influence of the lightning, the shield in his hand seemed to produce faint currents that impacted his arm.

[Weather Forecast] The thunder and snow climate created by the weather filled the entire base with a lot of electric charge.

Standing in front of the avatar, [Dominic Butch], under the light of these lightnings, looked more like Thor than Thor, a member of the Avengers.

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