Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 488: make a fake

The noise made by everyone in Pym Technologies' laboratory did not bring too many surprises to Darren Krauss.

In fact, as early as the beginning, he did not expect everyone to understand the power of the Hornets.

The world is always stupid and arrogant, they always only believe what they know.

Except for a few smart people, such as him, most people are reluctant to accept new things.

However, it doesn't matter, everyone will know the existence of the Wasp Warrior after today, and be crazy about it at the same time.

Thinking of this, a smile on Darren Claus's face involuntarily emerged.

Curling the corners of his mouth, his eyes inadvertently noticed Dr. Hank Pym, who was silent beside him.

For Dr. Hank Pym, Darren Claus once had respect, but these respects were quickly exhausted after he came into contact with the existence of the "Pym particle".

He hates Dr. Hank Pym's selfishness and stubbornness, and is unwilling to hand over the 'Pym particle', but it doesn't matter now, even without Dr. Hank Pym's power, he has successfully researched the 'Pym particle' Pym Particles' everything, and he won't hide it like Dr. Hank Pym foolishly, all he has to do is change the world with the Wasp Warrior he developed using Pym Particles.

"You know, Hank, you should definitely take a look at yourself, you've always thought I was hiding everything about 'Ant-Man', but now I'm taking the consequences, even if you don't need me, I still crack everything, and you I can only stand here and watch as I use this technology to make a name for myself."

"You will never succeed."

Facing Darren Krause's obviously provocative words, Dr. Hank Pym suppressed his emotions and said without a trace of emotion.


"Then I'll wait and see."

Hearing Dr. Hank Pym's words, Darren Krause's eyes flickered, but he did not continue, but turned to face everyone in the laboratory again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can understand the doubts in your heart at the moment, just like the human beings first faced the gramophone and the telephone, when showing the emergence of technology, everyone is often so confused, but, fortunately, everyone here All of you will be the first to witness the existence of this great technology, in short, we will all be recorded in this great history, everyone, let me introduce you - Ant-Man!"


Aside, Hope has been observing the expression on Darren Krause's face, and when he shouted the last sentence, his inner uneasiness instantly emerged to the peak.

At this time, Darren Krause turned around and pressed the button of the central device in the laboratory. The wasp warrior suit placed in it immediately appeared in his hand, and Scott, who also sneaked in at the same moment, appeared in his hand. · Lang fell into a special security device.

"Hey, little guy."

Holding a miniature device with a wasp fighter, Darren Krause watched Scott Long fall into his trap with a willful smile on his face.

"This is?"

On the other side, in the laboratory, everyone saw Scott Lang's vivid figure in the Ant-Man battle suit appearing in the security device, and suddenly exclaimed involuntarily.

The appearance of Scott Lang in front of him has clearly proved the success of Darren Krause's experiment.

And no matter how many words are introduced, what I see with my own eyes is more shocking.

"I'm starting to see why you're coming to Pym Technologies now."

Looking at Scott Lang's tiny figure, the Stone Man couldn't hide his inner shock, even though he had seen a lot of advanced technology in the Avengers Building, but the man was reduced to the size of an ant The technology still somewhat challenges his thinking limits.

"However, it seems that the situation at hand seems to be somewhat complicated."

Although shocked by the technology of Ant-Man, the Stone Man also noticed the unusual atmosphere in the laboratory.

"I have always suspected that you secretly hid an Ant-Man battle suit, and I also know that you will never give up on my invention, so I deliberately made a so-called phantom thief notice, disguised as phantom thief Kidd to take a fancy to the wasp The illusion of a warrior, using the famous name of the thief Kidd in New York City to force you to act. I know that after learning that the thief Kidd is eyeing the wasp suit, you will definitely not be able to bear it, and The result was as I expected."

"What, the notice letter from Kaito Kidd was actually faked by you!"

In the laboratory, when Darren Krause personally admitted the fact that he forged the notice, the expression on the face of the black female policewoman Sidis suddenly became angry.

On the other hand, Director George Stacy also looked at him with a bad expression and said, "Mr. Darren Krause, you should know that forging evidence to report a crime is not an interesting thing."

Facing the questioning of Director George Stacy, Darren Krause did not have the slightest look of fear on his face, but said confidently: "I think I will give George Stacy about this. Director Daisy, you have a perfect answer, for example, for breaking into Pym Technologies and trying to gain access to my research, Ant-Man, the wasp fighter, whose real identity is an absconding criminal, Scott Lang."

Unhesitatingly revealing the identity of Ant-Man, Darren Krause looked at Director George Stacy and said with a smile: "A superpower criminal, I think Director George Stacy, you know a little bit. I'd be more than happy to arrest him, and for that, Pym Technologies would offer its most sincere thanks, it's been said that the NYPD hasn't been refurbished for a long time."


In the face of Darren Krause's very tempting proposal, Chief George Stacy's face showed a hesitant expression at the right time.

Beside him, the black policewoman Sidis and her partner Rem couldn't help but glance at each other silently. To be honest, they both thought that Darren Krause's suggestion was quite reasonable.

In particular, as police officers, they know very well that Darren Krause's forgery of the phantom thief Kidd's notice is not enough to bring him to justice, especially on the premise that the other party is a rich man, he is completely You can exonerate yourself by paying a lawyer.

And just when Darren Krause, including the black policewoman Sidis, thought that George Stacy would choose to compromise.

The police chief suddenly looked down at the watch on his wrist, looked up at Darren Krause, who was full of confidence in front of him, and suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with the situation in front of him. Question: "Mr. Darren Krause, do you know that in ancient China, there was a legend that three people lied that there were tigers in the city, and those who listened believed it to be true. If there were too many false legends, eventually It is very likely that it will become a reality.”

"What are you trying to say, George?? Director Stacy, I think I've shown enough goodwill."

In the face of the meaningful words of Director George Stacy, Darren Krause suddenly had a lot of unease in his heart.

At this moment, the director of George Stacy, who was opposite him, suddenly said softly: "It's time."

Following the words of Director George Stacy, Darren Claus subconsciously looked down at the time on his watch.

At this moment, the time - 23:45.



"who is it?!"

New York, Police Department, Restrooms.

The black policeman looked at the toilet cubicle where the sound of the crash was constantly heard, and the expression on his face instantly turned solemn.

"If it's a prank, it's not funny at all."

While making a warning in his mouth, the black policeman's hand has already crossed his waist and took the gun in his hand.

As a policeman, he is very clear that even in the police station, he cannot relax his vigilance. After all, New York City is not stable, especially the law enforcement officers who have offended some guys more or less in their hands, and sent a lot of social debris to prison. After the scum is released from prison, they will not remain grateful to the cops.

With a gun in one hand, the black policeman cautiously approached the location of the compartment.

He reached out and touched the door of the compartment, and it closed without any accident.

Without any hesitation, the black policeman grabbed the door and pulled it hard, then abruptly opened the door that was closed from the inside.

What appeared in front of him was actually his own boss, Chief George Stacy, who was locked in the toilet cubicle with a rope wrapped around his mouth and taped to his mouth.

"George?? Chief Stacy!"

Looking at Chief George Stacy who was **** in the bathroom, the black policeman's face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

If Chief George Stacy was locked in the bathroom of the police station, who was the one who went out with Sidis and the others?


In Pym Technology, the sudden darkness caused everyone in the laboratory to panic.

The Stone Man subconsciously stepped in front of Reed and Susan.

"Don't panic, Pym Technologies' backup power will be restored soon."

And in this panic, Darren Krause tried his best to maintain the situation.

pat, pat-


But, at this moment, an untimely fan flapping sound suddenly came from the darkness, and then Darren Krause felt something flashing in his hand, grabbing the device containing the wasp warrior. Walk.

"What is it, **** it!"

The wasp warrior in his hand disappeared, making Darren Krause's calm mood instantly panic a little bit.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly lit up in Pym Technology's laboratory, and it landed straight on the security device in the center.

At some point, a figure in a white cape suit and top hat appeared there. He stretched out his fingers and soon a pigeon flapped its wings and landed on his hand.

"It's Kaito Kid!"

Looking at the conspicuous and special costumes that appeared in the laboratory, many people present recognized the identity of the intruder.

"Director, monster thief..."

The black female policewoman Sidis looked at the thief Kidd who appeared in shock, turned her head and really wanted to tell Chief George Stacy, but saw that the original position of Chief George Stacy beside her did not know when. Empty.

Reaching out his fingers to take over the wasp suit on the pigeon's claws, the thief Kidd lowered the white top hat on his head and swept over the people in the laboratory, especially stopped on Darren Krause's face.

As Darren Krause just explained, originally, Li Ran had no plans to arrange the appearance of Phantom Thief Kidd. After all, with the improvement of the combat level, the legend that the Phantom Thief can bring to him has become less and less. . Especially since he has other plans in place in Shanghai in the North Atlantic.

However, sometimes plans often fail to keep up with changes.

Li Ran had no plans to let the phantom thief appear, but who would have thought that Darren Krauss would suddenly put his hand up and create a fake notice to declare that the phantom thief wanted to steal the Wasp suit.

Although, Darren Krause's purpose of forging the notice was just to force Dr. Hank Pym and others to take action.

However, he didn't know that his actions also indirectly provided Li Ran with a stage to perform.

Since everyone else took the initiative to set up the stage, then Kidd, the phantom thief at the center of the entire incident, naturally had no reason to be absent.

Judging from the cards in Li Ran's hands at present, it is obviously easy to play the role of a phantom thief.

"Ladies and gentlemen……"

With his arms open, the white dove in his hand still spreads his wings and sprinkles white feathers around him. Kidd, the phantom thief, behaved like a gentleman to everyone in the laboratory: "The wonderful performance is about to start, please don't remove your own. Eyes, but also protect your body."

"Phantom Thief Kidd!"

Seeing the phantom thief Kidd who appeared in the laboratory and greeted them, the willful expression on Darren Krause's face instantly distorted: "How is it possible, the notice is obviously just me pretending to be Yes, why are you here."

"Since the master has carefully set up the I, a performer, have no reason to be absent."

Facing Darren Krause's question, the phantom thief still replied in a relaxed tone.

Turning a large number of the wasp warriors in his hands, Kaito Kid looked at Darren Krause and said, "The armor of the yellow demon, I will respectfully follow it."

"I don't care what the reason is for you to appear here. If you want to take away my wasp warrior, then don't blame me for it!"

The loss of the Wasp Warrior's uniform has obviously made Darren Krause lose his composure.

Wasp warriors are the key to his rise, so he will never let them fall into the hands of others, not even Kaitou Kidd.

Thinking of this, Darren Claus immediately gave orders to the security guards in the surrounding laboratories.

"Give me a hand!"


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