Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 482: Reappearance of the notice

Notice: The bell of midnight is about to ring, and when everyone welcomes the Holy Lord, I will come to the world of fantasy and reverse, and take away the armor of the yellow demon.

- Phantom Thief Kidd.


"Phantom Thief Kidd?"

Looking at the prominent notice in the newspaper, Dr. Hank Pym couldn't help frowning.

On the other side, the doctor's daughter Hope also received a call from Darren Krause at the same time, and briefly exchanged in the gaze of the two of them.

"Looks like everything in the papers is true."

Hanging up with Darren Krause, Hope frowned at the notice printed in the newspaper, delivering the bad news to his father, Dr. Hank Pym: "Darren K. When Rolls came to the office in the morning, he found the notice on the table. He mobilized all the monitoring in the company and did not find how the other party put this thing on the table. Darren Krauss Although I was disturbed, I also thought it was a good publicity opportunity, so I told it to the brow without any concealment. Now, the New York City Police Department has taken over the security work of the wasp suit, and , according to Darren Krause, he would hold a press conference on the day the thief was stealing to show the media the success of his research."

After telling the two people in front of him all the current situation he had, Hope said with a solemn expression: "Now, the situation is more complicated than we expected, and..."

As he spoke, Hope's eyes stopped on Scott Lang, who was beside him, and then he turned to his father, Dr. Hank Pym, and said, "He was not prepared at all, the original plan was already It’s dangerous enough, and now there’s the thief Kidd coming out to disrupt the situation, the current situation is simply not something that a person who is not even familiar with the battle suit can handle, if you take…”

"No if!"

Frowning interrupted Hope's next words, Dr. Hank Pym took a deep breath, his attitude still as stubborn as a stone: "Everything continues to go according to plan, and Scott is still the core of all our actions."

"You never listened to my request, never!"

Dr. Hank Pym's almost cold attitude obviously stimulated Hope. She took a deep look at the two people in the room, and turned and left the room with a sad face.


All that was left was the loud closing of the door.

"Are you sure you won't go after her?"

Sandwiched between the father and daughter, Scott Lang glanced in the direction Hope left and then looked at Dr. Hank Pym, who was silent on the side, and couldn't help but persuade.

"If you chase it out now, it should be too late."

"It's not your business."

Facing Scott Lang's persuasion, Dr. Hank Pym restrained the expression on his face, returned to his original expressionless look, looked at him and said, "I thought I had trained you before. Enough is enough, but the appearance of Kaito Kidd is obviously beyond my expectations. In order to make all plans go smoothly, I think you should have more brutal training and get ready. Scott Lang, take over. If you are not careful in the training you come down, you are likely to die.”


Hearing Dr. Hank Pym's reminder, Scott Lang couldn't help swallowing, looked down at the notice in the newspaper, and tried to change the subject.

"Compared to these, don't you wonder what the notice letter left by Kidd the thief is suggesting?"

"The bell of midnight is about to ring to represent the time at 23:30, and when everyone welcomes the Lord, the Lord represents **** Christ, and his birthday is even on December 25th, the world of fantasy and upside down, upside down refers to The reversal of size also refers to Pym Technologies, where the 'Pym Particle' experiment is being conducted, which is where the notice was sent, and the final yellow demon's armor is of course the wasp warrior made by Darren Krauss."

Faced with Scott Lang's question, Dr. Hank Pym parsed out all the contents of the notice letter almost without hesitation.

"Are you still weird now?"

After analyzing everything, Dr. Hank Pym looked at Scott Lang with a confused expression in front of him and asked again.

"have nothing left."

Faced with Dr. Hank Pym's questioning, Scott Lang subconsciously muttered to himself.

"Very good, then change into the battle uniform, we need to re-form the following previous plans, this time you need to be careful not only Darren Krause also uses the protection system in the company, but also the thief Kidd peeps, we must get the battle suit before the phantom thief succeeds."

"So, this time, will I fight Kaitou Kid face-to-face?"

Hearing Dr. Hank Pym's reminder, Scott Lang took a deep breath, and the expression on his face suddenly burst into a kind of momentum that he didn't have before.

"You seem very excited."

Noticing the change in the expression on Scott Lang's face, Dr. Hank Pym asked strangely.

"Of course, this is the phantom thief Kidd. Legend has it that the phantom thief who roamed the whole city of New York to turn around the city's police but still gets away with it. I have already heard of his deeds. He is a legendary figure in prison, and even There is a legend that the phantom thief Kidd once confronted the Avengers, and even the avengers couldn't catch the phantom thief."

As a thief forced by life, Scott Lang obviously has a different impression of the legendary thief Kidd.

Especially as a peer, the phantom thief is still active in New York City, provoking the police through the notice letter, but he can get out after the incident, but he himself went to prison because of a mistake, and now he wants to be able to get rid of his criminal shackles. , had to return to his old business as Ant-Man under the semi-threat of Dr. Hank Pym to steal the wasp warrior's suit.

"I don't care what you think about this so-called phantom thief Kidd, in short, you have to be mentally prepared, Scott Lang, this time the plan will not be as simple as originally thought, if you fail , don't expect me to save you, in fact, after you enter Pym Technology, everything will depend on you alone and the ants controlled by you."


Hearing Dr. Hank Pym's solemn reminder, Scott Lang's mood suddenly turned from the excitement of Kaito Kidd to silence.

He was silent for a while, before nodding his head and replying in a firm tone.

"Well, I know what to do."


The North Atlantic, as one of the four oceans in the world, is also one of the most important fishing grounds in the world.

The catch of the Atlantic Ocean once ranked first in the world's oceans, although after the 1960s, it was lower than the Pacific Ocean and relegated to the second place. However, the catch per unit area still ranks first in the world.

Therefore, every year, tens of thousands of ocean-going fishing boats ride the wind and waves to come to this natural fishing ground gifted by nature to fish.

The Quebec ocean-going fishing boat is one of the most insignificant fishing boats among the many ocean-going fishing boats.

"How's the situation?"

On the fishing boat, a bearded white sailor glanced at the degree of damage to the fishing net and asked with a frown.

"Something bad!"

With a labored cry, the last net was pulled onto the boat. The sailor glanced at the meager harvest, and even his mood became a little depressed.

Sailors of overseas fishing boats are a kind of work that makes people feel physically and mentally tormented, especially after ocean-going ships go to sea, they often have to float on the sea for several months before they can go back. During this period of drifting, their income and fishing at sea If the fishing results are not optimistic, it means that the income of sailors will plummet.

"Damn it, have we been cursed during this time? We haven't caught any valuable seafood for six or seven nets. If this continues, even if I go back, I'll probably go drink and find a way."

"You're not bad. I still have a huge amount of alimony to pay. If this trip doesn't yield good results, I've already made a plan not to return to the land."

Obviously, the salvage of the Quebec Ocean was not satisfactory.

In fact, in recent years, due to overfishing, the entire Canadian fishery resources have been depleted. Too many fishing boats have caught too few fish, and more monks and less porridge have become the status quo of Canada's ocean-going industry today. Especially around them, there is a big unreasonable man, America.

The United States not only eats Canada to death on land, but also shows a domineering attitude in the pelagic fishery of the North Atlantic.

On the other hand, the Canadian government is particularly short-sighted towards the fishing industry. As a result, their fishery is only concentrated on a small number of species for fishing, which makes the already fragile fishery even more vulnerable due to the simplification of products. fragile.

Of course, the structural problems of the entire Canadian fishing industry are not the concern of their group of living sailors aboard the Quebec Ocean.

What they are concerned about is whether this trip to the ocean can make enough money, and obviously, as far as the current situation is concerned, the result is not optimistic.

"Okay, don't say any more."

Frowning, an obviously older old sailor stopped everyone's complaints.

He glanced at the few harvests on the fishing net: "If you have time to complain, it is better to fix the fishing net. If you still have time, you can try fishing around again. You are not a novice who just got on the boat. If If the harvest is unsatisfactory, it will be a loss for everyone.”

The old sailor's words obviously played a role. Hearing his words, although the sailors still whispered about the bad luck of this trip, the movements of their hands were obviously accelerated.

A few hours later, after dealing with the repaired fishing net, they worked together to put the previously sun-dried fishing net into the previously selected sea area, and immediately began to chat one after another.

"If we have Captain America, why can't we have a Captain Canada?"

"Maybe it exists, we just don't know it."

On the open and boundless sea, scenery is the least valuable thing, especially as sailors of ocean-going fishing boats, they are used to seeing this kind of stereotyped sea scenery, so the topic of sailors soon turns from women who often talk about And on to the topic of superheroes.

"Maybe our government is also secretly conducting experiments."

"Forget it, I don't believe they have the guts to do it. It's better to believe in the Avengers than to believe in our government. Anyway, if there is any threat, I think that sissy Prime Minister will also go to the White House and pray to the Avengers. Started."

Because of the geographical relationship, even if Canada is reluctant, it still has to rely on the strength of the United States.

This situation has caused a lot of anti-American sentiment among Canadians.

Especially in an already competitive industry like fishing, Canadians have no choice, despite their inner dissatisfaction with their weak Prime Minister.

As I said before, although Canada is a country on the surface, it has always acted in the eyes of the United States.

Even if it occasionally shows a rebellious appearance, it will soon soften.

From the topic of superheroes and discussions to dissatisfaction with the Canadian government, the sailors are getting more emotional.

However, they were so excited that they did not notice the eerie quietness of the surrounding sea area.



With a loud and harsh pulling sound, the Quebec Ocean was pulled by an invisible force, and the fishing boat that was sailing and fishing abruptly stopped its sailing route.

Under the action of huge inertia, the sailors who were caught off guard on the deck fell to the surface one after another.

Fortunately, the windy and sun-dried life made most sailors rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Except for a few unfortunate ones who suffered head-breaking blood when they hit the sharp corner of the ship, there were no serious accidents. .

"What's the Why did the boat stop suddenly?!"

Although the injury was not serious, most of the sailors still made loud noises. After all, the one just happened was caught off guard, and they didn't have time to react at all.

"Is there something wrong, or is there something wrong with the ship's power system?"

Trying to shout to appease the confused sailors, the older old sailor made a guess based on his experience.

"There is no problem with the power system, the captain said everything is fine."

However, the sailor who came out of the cabin denied the old sailor's guess.

"What's the reason for that? Could it be that our fishing net accidentally hooked onto a reef on the bottom of the sea?"

face such a result. The old sailor's weathered brow wrinkled a little more.


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