Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 47: 1st Class C card

Sure enough.

See the word [Synthesis] displayed on the system.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, Li Ran's steady breathing subconsciously became a little faster.

After all, this is a C-rank card, which theoretically requires 10,000 Legendary degrees to be drawn from the [Bronze Treasure Chest].

I just don't know, I don't know, how different is the C-rank character card from the D-rank character card?

According to Li Ran's analysis, if the grades are based on abilities, the E-level cards are obviously the cards at the stage of ordinary people, even if there are occasionally characters with special abilities like [Baby] or the [Men in Black] just drawn before. Cards, but most of them are ordinary characters without any abilities.

From the D-level cards, they gradually transformed into characters with certain extraordinary abilities, whether it was the original [Phantom Thief Kidd] or the ones that Li Ran had drawn successively like [Ah Xing] or the latest one just out of the box. 's card 【Ip Man】. It's just that the character abilities of these cards have obviously grown a lot compared to E-level cards, and they can even compete with one against ten, or even dozens.

However, obviously, in the face of some more dangerous situations, the ability of the D-level card character alone is somewhat dwarfed by that.

For example, what Li Ran encountered in Harlem before, if it wasn't for Luke Cage's appearance, even if he could successfully overcome the difficulties, it would not be as easy as it is now.

Therefore, striving to gain more fame to draw more powerful cards has always been Li Ran's goal.

After all, as an insider of the world of American comics, he can clearly know it.

In a short time, New York will become the whole world, no, it should be said that it is the center of the battlefield in the universe.

If you don't want to turn into ashes under the snap of your fingers, naturally you need to work harder.

Regarding the speculation about the C-level cards, from the experience between the E-level and D-level cards in the past, the ability of the character should be strengthened, at least when facing the threat of firepower, it should be able to deal with it calmly. Firearms should no longer be a problem for characters with C-level cards.

Thinking about what to do, there is a ready-made C-rank card waiting for him right now.

Shaking his head, throwing away the chaotic thoughts in his head, Li Ran put his eyes back on the system in front of him.

With him, he clicked on the [Synthesis] at the bottom of the introduction data.

I saw that a white light flashed in the column of [C-Class Card Fragments × 5] that was originally realistic in the system.

Immediately afterwards, a brand-new bronze-colored glossy card appeared in front of Li Ran's eyes.

[C-rank card - Mizuki]

[Skills: Chakra, Three Body Technique, Broken Curse Seal]

[Background introduction: Mizuki, the villain in "Naruto" and its derivative works, was originally the country of fire, Konoha Ninja Village Ninja. He was despicable and cunning, and had strong jealousy. He used Naruto to steal the sealed book, He also told Naruto to seal the Nine Tails in his body. As a result, he was defeated by Naruto's multi-shadow clone technique. Later, Mizuki defected to Orochimaru, but in the end it was just an abandoned chess piece of Orochimaru. 】

[Remarks: Joke, a brat like you, I can kill one with one punch... ah~~~~~~~~~~~~]

Mizuki? It's the character that hasn't appeared in three episodes of Hokage yet.

To be honest, the first C-rank card actually only drew a character like Shuimu, who was obviously a passer-by. Li Ran said that it was obviously impossible not to be disappointed.

It's just that disappointment is disappointment. The cards have been synthesized so far, and it is useless for him to say anything. Therefore, restraining the disappointment in his heart, Li Ran put his attention on the card in front of him. In any case, since in the evaluation of the system, the character [Shui Mu] can be defined as a C-level card, so naturally he has him Certain truth.

Putting on the [Shui Mu] card, the first thing Li Ran felt was the chakra energy that was constantly circulating in his body.

Obviously, [Chakra] is also a passive skill like Wesley's [Adrenal Acceleration] skill.

However, Li Ran had neither the feeling of exploding seeds nor the illusion of uncontrollable power surging when he felt the amount of chakra running in his body.

Sure enough, a dragon's set is a dragon's set, and even the level of chakra is only average?

Shaking his head, Li Ran guessed that even as a C-level card, [Shui Mu] is obviously the inferior type of C-level card.

Putting down his research on Chakra, Li Ran immediately turned his attention to Shuimu's two remaining skills [Three Body Technique] and [Broken Curse Mark].

[Three Body Art] As the most iconic and most extensive ninjutsu among Naruto, it is also one of the compulsory examination items for graduation from Konoha Ninja School. It can be said that it exists throughout the entire work.

As one of the teachers of the ninja school, Mizuki naturally mastered these three ninjutsu skills.


If you follow the requirements in Naruto, you must use the gesture of the seal to activate the ninjutsu, but obviously, the system skips this step and turns the [Three Body Art] into a skill-like As Li Ran's thoughts turned, he heard a 'bang', and Tony Stark appeared in the antique shop.

This is much simpler than the disguise and makeup of [Phantom Thief Kidd].

Looking at the familiar moustache face that appeared on the glass in front of the cabinet of the antique shop, Li Ran raised his eyebrows, and then grinned at the glass. If he hadn't clearly known that he was using the transformation technique, he would have Almost thought Tony Stark was right in front of him.

After the transformation technique was lifted, Li Ran tried the effects of the double ninjutsu technique and the clone technique again.

In general, the role of the [Three Body Technique] is more useful than he imagined. [Shui Mu] can be systematically evaluated as a C-level character card. Obviously, the [Three Body Technique] has played a big role in it. However, Li Ran was still a little speechless when he felt that the number of chakras in his body was suddenly reduced by one-third.

After complaining silently for a while, Li Ran then turned his attention to the last skill of [Shui Mu], which was [Broken Curse Seal]. Li Ran doesn't know much about Hokage, but he also knows that the curse mark on [Shui Mu] should come from the ability given by Orochimaru.

Needless to say, if the [Three Body Art] is the basis for the system to define [Shui Mu] as a C-level character, [Broken Curse Seal] is the key to his evaluation.

However, the word "broken" made Li Ran a little puzzled. He guessed that it might be because the magic mark ability implanted by Orochimaru in Hokage to [Shui Mu] was an experimental existence, so the word "broken" was broken again. However, no matter what, Li Ran was quite curious about the ability of the spell seal.

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