Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 420: Mimic deformation


The electric current in the control hand turned into a violent lightning strike to the opposite Captain America, although he kept describing his crazy ambitions to the Avengers, but the movements in Doctor Doom's hands were somewhat slack, or he would use his full strength to display enough. The powerful electricity that instantly destroyed half a block is far from the current level.

Covering his face with a cold steel mask on his face, Doctor Doom used electricity to block the progress of Captain America and others, but most of his thoughts were not above this.

Even Doctor Doom, who also had the ability to manipulate electricity for his own use, couldn't help but feel secretly frightened by the lightning and thunder caused by Thor's driving the clouds.

The power of natural lightning is not comparable to the currents wrapped around him. Such violent lightning can only be easily controlled by Thor with Thor's Hammer.

"Perhaps, after I absorb all the radiation power from the Fantastic Four, I can try it out..."

Of course, even with such a terrifying thunder and lightning, Doctor Doom did not think that the battle between [Ultimate Creatures] and the Avengers would fail.

No one knows better than him the power of 【Ultimate Creature】【Kaz】, especially after the opponent has integrated the abilities of many extraordinary people.

During the battle, Doctor Doom's inner thoughts emerged.

However, soon, the strange feeling coming from his body made the expression on his face under the steel mask suddenly change.

Looking down, I saw that a large amount of yellow sand had quietly spread over my legs.

"This is! Damn it!"

Doctor Doom is no stranger to the yellow sand wrapped around his legs.

In the previous battle between him and the Fantastic Four, if it weren't for these **** sands, maybe the development of the entire battle would have been another ending.

Therefore, looking at the sand wrapped around his legs and quickly spreading to his body, Doctor Destruction's eyes flashed with a trace of undetectable fear under the steel mask, and he subconsciously moved his steps to make a struggle. But with his move, the entangled gravel instantly soared, condensed into a high-density sphere in just a few seconds, and imprisoned Doctor Doom in it, leaving only a steel mask wrapped in it. The face is still out there.

"This time, I shouldn't be late."

Standing behind the cage made of sand, Ye Wen stretched out his hand and tidied up his sleeves, with a smile at the corner of his mouth and an always elegant expression on his face, he said to Steve and the others in front of him.

"Actually, Master Ye, you came just right."

Glancing at Dr. Doom who was imprisoned in the sand, Steve couldn't help but have a flash of doubt in his heart.

I always feel that the process of Master Ye's grasping the other party is a little too easy, as if...


However, before Steve could figure out everything, the loud thunder from above the tall building once again attracted the attention of several people.


Looking up at the lightning flashing in the dark clouds, Steve turned his head to look at the falcon beside him without hesitation.

"I don't know if the lightning will hit me."

Turning his head to look at the metal wings behind him, Falcon subconsciously worried, but without any hesitation in his actions, he waved his wings and grabbed Captain America in front of him and rushed to the place where Sol and the others were fighting.

"How about you, Master Ye?"

Seeing the backs of Captain America and Falcon flying into the sky, Natasha couldn't help but glance at Ye Wen beside her.

"I have my own way."

Ye Wen nodded slightly at Natasha's gaze, and then saw a large amount of yellow sand emerging from under his feet. Ye Wen stepped on the platform formed by the yellow sand to not lose to the hunters. The speed of the eagle went up.

Natasha raised her eyebrows and looked at the gradually blurred figures of the crowd. She turned her head and glanced at the imprisoned Doctor Doom beside her, and then whispered to Agent Hill in the Avengers Building.

"Hill, arrange for members of the Rescue Foundation to come and clean up..."


"Jarvis, activate [Peace Annihilator]."

On the top floor of the building, Tony looked at the [Ultimate Creature] covered in flames. The face in the steel suit was silent for a moment, and then gave an order in a cold tone.

Although Ultron is the focus of Tony's "Peace Plan", it is not the whole story.

As Tony's voice fell, in the Avengers Building, the arc reactor on the chest of a steel battle suit in a standby state immediately flashed a dazzling light, and according to the target address transmitted by Jarvis, a blazing flame slowly lifted off from the palm of the hand. .

"Do you think you can beat me with this little flame?"

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] that was burning with blazing flames, the expression on Sol's face did not flinch at all.

He is a mighty warrior in Asgard, always brave and leading the way in battle.

The Thor's Hammer held high in his hand once again condensed violent lightning into his body, and under the stimulation of the electric current, Thor's eyes emitted a dazzling white light.

"Feel the fury from Asgard, this hammer is for Johnny!"

There was a roar in his mouth, and Sol waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand, carrying the mighty thunder, and smashed it towards [Kaz] in front of him.


The violent lightning combined with the powerful impact of Thor's Hammer itself fell on the body of [Ultimate Creature], even if [Kaz] itself had amazing power after absorbing the abilities of the extraordinary, it could not bear the wrath of Thor. hit.

After all, as Thor's exclusive weapon, the material of Thor's Hammer itself is quite special.

Its hammerhead is partially modified from the center of a decaying planet, and the handle is the wood of the World Tree, coupled with the powerful thunder force endowed by Odin.

Therefore, Quake looks like a combat weapon, but it is actually a magic item.

As the [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz], his resistance to magic is actually not that strong.

After all, it can be seen from the introduction of the system that the abilities of [Ultimate Creatures] are more inclined to the abilities of the creatures themselves, and have nothing to do with extraordinary powers such as magic.

Fortunately, although the [Ultimate Creature] itself is not familiar with magical power, the tombstone itself has strong insulating properties among the supernatural beings integrated into the body. The power from above was unstoppable, and [Kaz] quickly changed his body structure, extinguished the flames on his body and reused his ability from the Wall-piercer, turning it into a liquid form for Thor's Hammer to penetrate. through your own body.

The liquefaction ability of the Wallpiercer combined with the insulation of the tombstone reduces the damage of Thor's Hammer to the body to a minimum.

"Looks like your moves don't work."

Looking down at the liquefied part of his chest, [Kaz] said with pride.

"who said it?"

Hearing [Kaz]'s words, Sol, who was standing in front of him, raised his golden eyebrows and raised his palm slightly.


Immediately after that, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and I saw the Thor's Hammer that had penetrated [Kaz]'s body and flew back again.

"Do you think I'll let you get this hammer again?"

Looking at Thor's Hammer flying backwards rapidly, [Caz] showed a hideous expression on his face. He stretched out his arm and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into an octopus-like tentacle, and instantly wrapped around the Thor's Hammer in mid-air. hammer.


The moment the tentacle was wrapped around the hammer, Thor's Hammer did not stop as [Kaz] expected, but instead erupted with a stronger force pulling his body towards Thor's direction.

"Sure enough, there's no way to grab this hammer by brute force alone?"

In the antique shop, Li Ran was not surprised by the result of [Kaz] blocking Thor's Hammer.

He had previously used the ability of [Fantasy Killer] to forcibly erase the magical power that Odin had placed on Thor's Hammer, turning it into an ordinary hammer that could be picked up at will.

But such a result does not mean that Thor's Hammer is weak, just because the ability of [Illusion Killer] happens to be specifically aimed at these special abilities.

Therefore, the magic on Thor's Hammer can be temporarily erased.

But now, with the [Ultimate Creature], although the character card of [Ultimate Creature] itself is the same as the character card of [Fantasy Killer], the characteristics of his abilities determine that it is impossible for him to use the [Fantasy Killer] ability as easily as Li Ran used to. Pick up Thor's Hammer.

"Only a qualified person can take the hammer of Thor, and obviously, you are not recognized by it."

Raising his arms, Thor could feel the powerful obstacles coming from [Kaz], but he didn't think that he could block his Thor's Hammer by just relying on these powers.

After all, even the big guy Hulk couldn't lift Thor's hammer with brute force.

His legs turned into creatures like tree roots and stuck in the middle of the floor. [Kaz] felt the increasing strength from the arms that transformed into tentacles, and the expression on his face became a little difficult to maintain: "Qualification? I don't believe it. As a [Ultimate Creature], I need a hammer to determine my qualifications."

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, his tentacles that were wrapped around Thor's Hammer immediately began to deform, first turning into a sac-like tissue to wrap the hammer, and then secreting a large amount of corrosive liquid and starting to fill the sac: " Since there is no way to grab the hammer here, then I will turn it into a pile of scrap iron, and I will see how it will confirm its qualifications after it becomes scrap iron!"

"Come back, Thor's Hammer!"

Although I don't think that there is any substance on earth that can corrode his sturdy Thor's Hammer, Sol's heart couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he heard [Kaz]'s words.

He subconsciously shouted, and under his summons, the Thor's Hammer wrapped by [Kaz] immediately broke through the obstacles and flew back to Thor's hands.


Putting away his palm, he felt the Thor's Hammer returning to his hand again, and the expression on Sol's face was determined.

However, he quickly felt the strange touch of the hammer handle, and Sol raised his eyebrows and controlled the hammer in his hand to emit electricity to clean it up.

"I said, you can't catch Thor's hammer at all."

Holding the Thor's Hammer cleaned up by himself, Sol looked at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him with strong confidence in his tone.

"Since that's the case..." He lifted his legs that had been plunged into the floor and deformed back to their normal appearance. [Kaz] looked at Sol in front of him, and said with a cold expression: "Then I can only integrate you into the body after Try again and see if you can grab the hammer."

"Actually, I don't think you'll have any chance of eating anyone else next."


With Tony's voice, a three-meter-high orange-red heavy steel battle suit was inserted into the battle.

Inside the suit, Tony turned his head, aimed at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, and used his icy voice to make an ultimatum: "Because, I will eat you, and then hit them all out bit by bit. ."

"Although I don't have much interest in you as an ordinary person."

As an [Ultimate Creature], [Caz] was already much taller than ordinary people, but even if he was two meters tall, he had to raise his head when facing the orange-red steel suit in front of him.

"But since you can't wait to rush forward, I can only eat you first, Tony."

"You can give it a try, but just wait a minute and don't get beaten up by me."

Inside the steel suit, following Tony's instructions, several rows of arc-shaped devices immediately stretched out from the shoulder armor of the [Peace Annihilator] wrapped in the outer layer, and yellow lasers instantly emerged from these devices.

[Peace Annihilator] As the name suggests, the manufacturing process of this steel battle suit refers to a lot of weapon data of [Pacifist], and it is also one of the prototypes of the steel battle suit that Tony plans to simplify and mass-produce in the future.

"I've heard people say that these weird weapons on you are one of the most powerful weapons in this era."

Looking up and down at the [Peace Kaz] in front of him, he tilted his head, and then his body quickly deformed within a few seconds, becoming a very similar to the opposite [Peace Annihilator]. looks like.

"So, this is the weapon you are relying on?"

Raising his arm twisted by the orange armor, [Kaz] looked at the facing [Peace Destroyer], and his dull voice came from the helmet.

"Jarvis, analyze the situation in front of you."

In the [Peace Annihilator], Tony looked at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him who looked almost exactly like him, and the expression on his face was obviously a little wrong.

"Although it looks very similar, the [Ultimate Creature] is not wrapped in a steel battle suit like Mr. You. On the contrary, from the results of infrared scanning, the composition of these outer armors is more similar to insects or carapaces. The biological shell tissue, of course, compared with the ordinary shell, the shell on the body surface of the [Ultimate Creature] is more solid, which has far exceeded the limit of the biological shell..."

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