Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 376: restitution

Latest URL: "Unknown Premonition?"

How can this kind of words come out of anyone else's mouth, Agent Hill may still be somewhat skeptical.

However, the strange magic that Daddy had shown before, and the unexpected effect, had reduced Agent Hill's suspicion of him to a minimum. Therefore, the next second when he heard Dad speak, he involuntarily released the accelerator he was stepping on and slowed down the speed of the car.

At the same time, at the moment when the speed of the car slowed down, Agent Hill saw a figure in a strange red uniform flash away, and disappeared again after passing the little pepper who was pulling A Bao away not far away.

"Who was that figure just now?"

Agent Hill did not think that the picture she just saw was just her own illusion. She turned her head to look at the dignified father on the side, which basically proved this point.

"It's the holder of the [Rabbit Charm], and he has already appeared."

Staring at the fleeting figure, Dad immediately replied.

"We must do something to prevent the [Rat Charm] from falling into his hands. If the [Rat Charm] is taken by him, then the [Holy Master] will most likely break through the seal with the power of the [Rat Charm]. "

"But, that kind of speed?"

Although Agent Hill knew that the magic of the Rabbit Charm was to let the user master the power of rapidity as early as in her father's introduction, she was still a little shocked when she saw this power of high-speed movement with her own eyes. Somewhat at a loss: "How can we stop it, under normal circumstances, we can't even see the movement of the other party clearly."

"Moreover, we need to face more than just the power of the [Rabbit Charm]."

Agent Hill did not forget that the reason why they were in the car at the moment was because of the attacks of the 'Red Skull' who were resurrected under the power of the [Rat Charm].

What's worse than being attacked by a spell's power?

That is to encounter two spells at the same time.

"Only magic can defeat magic!"

Throwing out his familiar catchphrase, Dad looked at Barry Allen's long-disappeared figure, and said seriously: "A cunning rabbit can never catch up with a hard-working tortoise, Dad needs a tortoise shell as a magic tool, Come and prepare the magic to restrain the [Rabbit Charm]."

Although I can't understand why the tortoise shell can restrain the rabbit, I remembered the series of strange magic rituals that my father performed before, including the magic used to find the [Rat Charm] not long ago, and Agent Hill immediately gave up. Plan to think more deeply.

She raised her head and glanced at the little pepper running in the distance, hesitated for a while and finally decided to follow her father's wishes to find the turtle shell needed for magic first.


"Be sure to catch up."

In Mark47, Tony controlled his suit to push the speed to the limit, watching the distance from the Stark Industries building cursor displayed by Jarvis in the helmet getting closer and closer, but his inner anxiety did not seem to decreased, but became more anxious.

"Sir, Miss Pepper cannot be reached..."

In his ears, the news from Jarvis made Tony's already uneasy heart a little heavier.

"Jarvis, put all your energy into flying."

"However, if you do this, sir, the flight mechanism of the Mark47 will be severely damaged, and such an overloaded flight will not last too long. According to my calculations, it can only last for three minutes at most. It will start to heat up."

"You can't manage so much, just do as I say."

Without Jarvis reminding him, Tony knew that what he did was a little hopeful to quench his thirst. However, when he thought about the situation that Pepper might encounter, Tony couldn't calm down.

"Okay, sir."

In the face of Tony's insistence, Jarvis couldn't persuade him any more, with a response from the artificial intelligence.

In the next second, a large number of fiery flames surged out from the jet port behind Mark47, which directly increased the speed of this high-speed flying steel suit by a few points.


There was a loud cracking sound in mid-air, forming a red light across the sky.



Combined with the combined attack of several steel battle suits, the heavy metal gate on the passage was pierced with a loud explosion.

"Looks like they've escaped."

A white light flashed in his eyes, and Mark43 swept the empty appearance in the passage and said.

"They can't escape very far."

Holding the spell in one hand, the 'Red Skull' looked at the scene in the passage and said through gritted teeth.

Turning his metal head full of scratches, Mark43 swept the spell in the hand of 'Red Skull', the light in the helmet flickered: "In fact, compared to the two who escaped, the more important thing is to plan, to have so many With the Iron Legion as the support, we are fully able to carry out the plan again.”


Hearing Mark43's reminder, the distorted expression on the face of 'Red Skull' calmed down again. It glanced at the empty passage with a reluctant expression and retracted its face: "Everything is based on plans."

The plan in the mouths of Mark43 and 'Red Skull' is the ambition of 'Red Skull' to occupy the White House.

Although they lost the power of the Statue of Liberty, Stark Industries' mansions made up for their lack of power with the many steel suits that had been resurrected under the power of the spell.

Relying on so many and powerful steel legions, the 'Red Skull' rekindled his ambitions.

Hidden aside, the sand clone turned into a giant eagle statue watched the persevering "Red Skull" and Mark43. Although he admired their spirit, he was worthy of the villain.

But it is also clear that their so-called plans have basically no chance of success.


"It looks like the [Rat Charm] is in your hands."

The spell has been in the hands of 'Red Skull' for so long, and it should be time to change hands.

"who is it?!"

In the office, the tone and expression of Mark43 and 'Red Skull' changed at the same time when they heard a sudden sound.

Turning his head, Mark43 looked at Barry Allen who appeared in the office at an unknown time. Although the face on the metal helmet could not make an anthropomorphic expression like the 'Red Skull', the voice also showed incredible emotions. Changed: "How did you break through the warnings of the Iron Legion and get here."

Although the resurrected steel suits do not have the assistance of Jarvis like Tony does, they have a certain degree of detection function as the combat suits themselves. In particular, with so many steel suits in and out of Stark Industries, Mark43 couldn't imagine how Barry Allen could get around these steel legions.

"You mean the rubble down there?"

In the face of Mark43's questioning, Barry Allen's mouth under the mask twitched slightly, and his tone was full of disdain and sarcasm.

"In their current situation, it's hard to even stand up, let alone stop me."

Barry Allen's words made the white light in Mark43's eyes flicker.

It didn't expect that the steel armor that went after Pepper outside the building had undergone such a major change during the time when it was just distracted.

However, before Mark43 could react to this, the 'Red Skull' beside it suddenly changed his face, looked down at the [Rat Charm] in his hand, and then looked at Barry Allen's head in front of him. The mask, he said in surprise: "The spell on your mask, why, you also have a spell on your body..."

Hearing the surprised performance of 'Red Skull', Mark43 couldn't help turning his helmet and aiming it at Barry Allen. The system in the steel suit immediately locked the conspicuous Rabbit Charm on the mask on Barry Allen's face. ].

"You finally noticed."

Hearing the voice of 'Red Skull', Barry Allen immediately sneered: "Don't you think that there is only one spell from beginning to end."

With that said, Barry Allen's eyes swept across the 'Red Skull' Mark43 and many resurrected steel suits in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, and said sarcastically: "However, I can't expect too much, After all, you guys are nothing but products that were resurrected under the power of the [Rat Charm], no matter how realistic they look, they are still just a bunch of rabble fakes."

"The power of the [Rat Charm] comes from the great Lord [Holy Master]. It is one of its twelve divided powers. Now it's time to return it to its original owner."

"Return to the original owner!"

Although, the appearance of Barry Allen, and the secrets he revealed about the spell, shocked the resurrected items such as the "Red Skull".

However, hearing Barry Allen's intention to withdraw the power of the spell, the Red Skull tightened the spell in his hand, and the surprised expression on his face immediately turned hideous: "No, [the rat spell 】's power belongs to me, and you can't take it away from me, not even the original owner of this spell."

Taking heavy steps to stand in front of the 'Red Skull', also as a product of the resurrection under the power of the spell, Mark43 is very clear that they are actually grasshoppers on the same rope as the 'Red Skull', if the 'Red Skull' loses With the spell, these resurrected statues or steel battle suits will also lose their lives.

Following Mark43's move, the other steel suits in the office also raised their palms and aimed at Barry Allen in front of him.

"You seem to have made a mistake."

Looking at the 'Red Skull' facing the enemy and the resurrected steel battle suit, the expression on Barry Allen's face still did not change in the slightest. It seemed that the flickering artillery fire around him did not pose any threat to him.

"I'm not discussing anything with you, I said so many reasons, I just want to tell you that I will take back the [Rat Charm] belonging to Lord [Holy Master], as for your reaction to this. , Whether it is excitement or anger is not what I need to care about, because when the [Holy Master] recovers the power of the [Rat Charm], you will all return to the way you were originally."

After saying all this, Barry Allen twisted his head, looking at the tightly protected 'Red Skull' behind Mark43, twisting his head and making a gesture of shooting.

Facing Barry Allen's words, it was already obvious that the preparations could no longer be obvious. The white light in Mark43's eyes began to emit a dazzling light, and at the same time, the body of the steel battle suit standing beside him also emitted light. A low roar gathered the energy in the chest into the palm of the hand.

Seeing, a conflict is about to be launched.

Suddenly, from outside the Stark Industrial Building, a huge roar and the sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded.

Hearing the loud noise, both Barry Allen and Mark43 in the office turned their heads subconsciously.

Immediately after, the next second when their eyes were watching, a red figure cut through the void and suddenly rushed into the office on the top floor.


With the crashing sound, the figure smashed through the table in the center of the office and knocked over a large shelf, and finally scratched a distance on the ground, leaving a deep ravine, and finally stopped in a harsh friction sound. own glide.

"Cough, Jarvis, maybe, next time we should design a special landing device for the suit to deal with this situation."

Inside Mark47, Tony coughed violently, reached out and pressed the button on the helmet, and spoke to the broken transparent helmet, while not forgetting to say to Jarvis.

"I have already reminded you sir, that overloaded flying will damage the flight equipment of the Mark47. You should be glad that the Mark47 had problems at the last minute, otherwise, the result of your landing would not be as good as it is now. already."

After answering a few words to Tony and ending his own repair, Jarvis dutifully reminded: "However, sir, I think you should take a look at this more than this. the current situation."

Following Jarvis' reminder, Tony retracted his thoughts from the frightening landing of the previous second, and glanced up at the scene in front of him.

Looking at the dense number of enemies in the office, he immediately restrained his complaints. He glanced at Barry Allen, who was aimed at the muzzle by the many resurrected steel battle suits, and then at Mark43 not far away, and hurriedly pulled A reluctant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Well, did I come at a bad time? In fact, all this is just an accident. You can completely ignore my arrival and continue what you should do."

"No, you came just in time, Tony Stark."

Looking at the uninvited Tony, Mark43's scarred metal mask issued a cold reply, and the next second, all the steel suits aimed at Barry Allen turned their palms to aim at Tony in front of him. A faint blue light shot out from the muzzle of the palms of the steel battle suits.


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