Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 368: accelerate

Latest website: Inside the antique shop, Li Ran wondered if Barry Allen's self-introduction was poisonous.

Otherwise, why, every time he finished the introduction, he would always be beaten by someone slower than him.

Even Barry Allen, who he played with his clone, couldn't escape this fate.

Looking at the clone on Liberty Island that was knocked away by the spider, although, as far as the actual situation is concerned, the damage to the clone will not affect Li Ran as the main body. Moreover, Barry Allen, who plays Reverse Lightning, seems fragile, but in fact, as a B-level character card role in Li Ran's hands, his fighting ability is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even, even if he does not resist at the moment and allows Spider-Man to attack with all his strength, it is a question whether the opponent can hurt Barry Allen.

Having said that, Li Ran's expression was still somewhat embarrassed when he thought that he had vowed a moment ago that he could not be hit, but was hit by Peter the next moment, and staged a classic car rollover scene.

Fortunately, it wasn't me that was embarrassed.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran muttered to himself.

Even if, in reality, the avatar, Barry Allen, is actually himself, but in the face of the face-slapping scene staged on Liberty Island, Li Ran still resolutely made a separation action, and forced it to do nothing. said like.

On Liberty Island, feeling the attitude of the main body to distance itself, the clone Barry Allen was a little speechless.

cough cough-

Even so, it should continue to continue.

Slowly getting up from the ground, Peter's previous attack on Barry Allen obviously used all his strength, but at the moment he still looked at the little spider in front of him with a calm expression: "I admit, I'm underestimating you, Spider-Man. I didn't expect that under such a completely disadvantaged situation, you would be able to seize the opportunity to counterattack me..."

As he spoke, Barry Allen reached out and touched his body that was hit by Peter, and then grinned under the uneasy gaze of Little Spider: "However, do you really think that with such a little clever method, Can you beat me?"

Crooking his neck, Barry Allen stretched out his finger and pointed to the [Rabbit Charm] on his forehead: "The [Rabbit Charm] given to me by Lord [Holy Master] represents the magical power that exceeds the speed of light. , Although due to the limitations of the human body, I can't achieve 100% of the power of the spell like the Lord [Holy Master], but, under the power of the [Rabbit Charm], my speed has also reached very terrifying. above the supersonic speed. So, the fight with you just now was just a warm-up for me to use the power of the spell, and then it's my real speed... It's over, Spider-Man."

It should really be over, because Peter's unexpected performance has delayed the clone Barry Allen for a lot of time. Thinking of what he has to do next, he has to use a little more of the power of "Sparkling Fruit" to speed up. Quickly resolve the situation in front of you.


In the face of Barry Allen's words, Peter's expression under the mask did not waver in any way. He slowly closed his eyes, trying to focus his consciousness on the spider sense in his body again to deal with what the reverse lightning did. counterattack.

However, the moment Peter closed his eyes, he felt the hairs on his body suddenly stand up.

The whole person also jumped aside without hesitation under the influence of spider sense, trying to avoid the attack from Barry Allen.

"to make……"

With his legs bent under the superman's bouncing force, he made a huge jumping motion, and his feet fell to the ground. The idea in Peter's mind just emerged, and the next moment he felt a huge force coming from his neck, and he lost it as soon as his eyes darkened. total awareness.


"Captain, there is good news and bad news for me. Which one are you going to hear first?"

Outside the Immigration History Museum, Steve noticed the situation of the Statue of Liberty, raised the shield in his hand and was about to take action when Agent Hill's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The good news?"

Without hesitation, Steve responded.

"The good news is that Master Ye and the defenders have come to Manhattan Island, and I believe it won't be long before they can join you."

Hearing Agent Hill's report, the look in Steve's eyes flickered.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the arrival of the defenders and Ye Wen is indeed a good news.

However, Steve did not forget that what Agent Hill said before was two good news and one bad news.

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is..." In Stark Industries, in the New Energy Building, Agent Hill used Stark Industries' satellite to look at the picture on Liberty Island and answered: "According to Falcon's report, Hulk has again It's out of control again and is now wreaking havoc on Liberty Island."

"I understand."

Nodding, Steve didn't show too many unexpected expressions about Hulk's loss of control.

Or it should be said that this and such a situation developed, although not what Steve hoped to predict, but he was somewhat mentally prepared.

As a member of the Avengers, he is naturally very aware of the situation among the members, and it is the Hulk in Dr. Banner.

Hulk's power is not only a great weapon for the Avengers, but it is also a double-edged sword that can easily hurt others. If used well, the result of the New York War is a kind of proof, but once the Hulk gets out of control, it will be a huge threat even to the members of the Avengers.

After all, Hulk, who was caught in a rage, didn't have much reason at all, nor did he have the ability to distinguish between enemy and foe.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, Steve will not let Dr. Banner transform into Hulk, and even if the power of Hulk is needed, he will try his best to shorten the whole battle to the shortest time. , to avoid the Hulk's already unstable emotions becoming uncontrollable due to long-term battles.

These were originally in Steve's plan.

Using the power of Hulk to contain the resurrected Statue of Liberty, he and his clone [Uncle Long] acted together to contain the culprit [Rat Charm] that caused these situations.

However, the development of the situation exceeded his original plan. With the pull out of time, the searched for the [Rat Charm] did not arrive, but Banner, who transformed into Hulk, went wrong first.

"I'll rush in the direction of the Hulk now."

Although none of the arranged mission plans went smoothly, Steve still responded calmly.

Shen Sheng replied to Agent Hill in the New Energy Building, and Steve stepped on his motorcycle and rushed in the direction of Hulk.

Right now, it is important to contain the [Rat Charm], but if the furious Hulk cannot be calmed down, it will also be a hindrance to the next actions of the Avengers. Without the power of the Hulk, Steve didn't feel that they still had a chance to prevent the resurrected Statue of Liberty statue and thus get the chance to cast the spell.

"Keep up with the captain, Mr. Long."

Seeing the back of Steve leaving, Natasha immediately pulled her avatar [Uncle Long] into the car, hit the resurrection statue in front of the car, stepped on the accelerator abruptly and chased after him.



On Manhattan Island, Jessica controlled her body to float in mid-air, looking at the huge statue of the Statue of Liberty walking from Liberty Island, she couldn't help but let out a swear word.

"So, what the heck is going on, aliens invaded Earth and resurrected the Statue of Liberty to try and take over New York, or is the Statue of Liberty on that **** island for too long and wants to move The location, the picture in front of you, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a scene that only appears in a sci-fi movie."

Although they already knew a little about the situation from Ah Xing's mouth, Jessica and the others never thought that the whole situation had developed to this level.

"Sci-fi movie, what is that?"

He also stopped beside Jessica in a flying posture. Hearing the cursing in the mouth of this petite but extremely irritable private detective, Ah Xing immediately asked with a puzzled expression.

"A scenario created by ordinary people that theoretically does not happen in reality."

"But hasn't the alien invasion of New York already happened?"

Hearing this, A Xing blinked and silently made up the knife.


Ah Xing's words left Jessica speechless for a few seconds, and then she curled her lips and scolded: "shit, you are right, Ah Xing, reality is the most nonsense thing compared to the scenes in the movie."

On the ground, because of the difference in the way of action, the remaining defenders and others rushed to Manhattan Island a few steps behind Jessica and Axing. Luke Cage looked at the scene on the island and couldn't help but pick himself Thick black eyebrows.

"The Avengers won't count on us to help stop the Statue of Liberty."

Although he gained a bit of superhuman strength because of the experiment, Luke Cage was able to block the 46-meter-tall Statue of Liberty with just his own strength.

"I can feel that a huge force is constantly approaching."

Turning his head, Matt closed his eyes tightly, but the ripple power in his body continued to spread. He felt the ripples generated by the huge vibration generated by every step of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.

"This point, we don't need you to say it, we already know it."

Falling from the air, Jessica couldn't help but reply when she heard Matt's description.

"So, what should we do next, folks?"

Taking a deep breath, he looked again at the huge statue of the Statue of Liberty that was getting closer and closer from Liberty Island. Jessica originally thought that after so many battles with the defenders, her heart was strong enough. However, looking at the huge statue on the island that seemed to have no end in sight, Jessica's arm was still strong. Involuntarily, there was a slight trembling.

She pouted, with a reluctant smile on her face, she turned to look at the defenders beside her, and asked.

However, he noticed that even the voice of his questioning became trembling.

No wonder Jessica behaves like this, with such a huge body of the Statue of Liberty, the power contained within it. She didn't need to do anything special at all, just a slight wave of her arm was enough to kill her. After all, not everyone has a body as sturdy as the Hulk, able to withstand several blows from the Statue of Liberty and still be intact.

Compared with ordinary people, Jessica has superhuman strength and flying ability.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, her abilities are not much different from ordinary people for the Statue of Liberty.

"I'll try it first to see if I can stop this big guy's actions."

Controlling his body to lift off again, Ah Xing took the initiative to speak and said something to the members of the Defenders Alliance.

He brought the Defender Alliance to Manhattan Island through Axing, and his purpose was not to block the Statue of Liberty with the power of the Defenders.

Nodding his head, as the core of the defenders, Matt also knew that it was a fantasy to fight the Statue of Liberty just by looking at their strength, so he decisively chose a task suitable for the defenders: "In this case, Then just do as Ah Xing said, and a few of us are responsible for evacuating the citizens near Manhattan Island to avoid serious casualties in Manhattan if Ah Xing cannot stop the Statue of Liberty."

"Although I can't help a lot in battle, I can still do this task."

"Just last night, I was in my dad's barber shop, and I didn't expect to have to face a Statue of Liberty that could destroy the whole of New York the next day."



"Dr. Banner, calm down, Dr. Banner, can you hear my voice?"

It didn't take Steve too long to go from the Immigration History Museum to the location of the In just a few minutes, he came to the place where Hulk and the Statue of Liberty fought before, In the huge pothole in front of me, I saw the Hulk Hulk who was really wreaking havoc.

Stopping his motorcycle, Steve blocked the shield in front of him, and made a tentative cry while cautiously approaching Hulk's position.


Just, obviously.

The Hulk, who was caught in a rage, could not be awakened by just a few simple shouts from Steve.

He plunged his sturdy arm into the ground and set off a huge rubble. Hulk raised his head and let out an angry roar. He waved his fist and was about to do more damage. The moment he turned around, the dark green pupils reflected it. Not far away, Captain America leaned over cautiously with a shield in hand.

"Hu... hu... hu..."

For a time, Hulk's movements stopped slightly.

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