Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 360: fight against each other

The latest website: "You know, I'm a person who always likes new things. For me, some old things like steel suits end up being a pile of rubbish."

In the face of Mark43's ridicule, Tony raised his eyebrows, not to be outdone, and replied.

Of course, although he did not respond politely at all, but looking at the battle armor that he had upgraded and transformed in front of him, Tony's heart was obviously not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

In theory, the energy in the Mark43 body is not enough to support the long-term operation of this suit and even fight. However, the Mark43 in front of him still appeared to be full of energy after being away from him for so long, which Tony blamed on the wonderful ability of the [Rat Charm].

After all, even a huge statue of the Statue of Liberty can be resurrected, and it seems that it is not too difficult to provide long-term energy for a steel battle suit.

"You're still as annoying as ever, Tony."

In the face of Tony's cynical response, Mark43's golden mask's eyes flashed white light: "Sometimes, I really can't understand why you are so annoying, but you can still continue to live well."

"Maybe it's because I'm smart enough, I'm a super genius after all."

Raising Mark47's wrist and tapping the transparent helmet on his face, Tony responded solemnly: "And you have nothing in it, Mark43."

"Super genius?"

Inside the steel suit, Mark43's tone became more and more cold: "You are more self-righteous than I thought, Tony."

"I think I'm telling a fact."

"Tony, only a living genius is a genius. What dies is just a corpse, and your end is destined to be that corpse."

"I still have at least one corpse left, and if you die, it's just a pile of scrap metal. But it doesn't matter, I will use the parts you have left to build a new suit, what do you think Is it better to be called a clown or a coward?"

"I have to say, Tony, you're a genius when it comes to **** people off."

The white flying light in his eyes became more and more dazzling. Facing Tony's violent counterattack, even Mark43, who was a steel suit, began to experience emotional fluctuations.

"You're not alone, Mark43."


On the opposite side, Tony's voice fell, and the next second, the pale golden laser cannon shot out from Mark43's chest.

In the sky, after the dazzling cluster cannon passed, Tony slowly remembered his calm voice as always.

"Do you think I'll have no way of coping with the situation I know I'll encounter with you again, Mark43?"

Inside the Mark47, Tony looked directly at the Mark43 in front of him through the translucent helmet, and a blue energy shield flashed on the Mark47 he was wearing to completely wrap the entire suit. The energy shield device on Mark47 is a brand-new form that Tony has transformed and upgraded after passing through the previous [Anti-Holy Lord] battle suit.

Compared with the original huge energy device, the device mounted on the Mark47 is more lightweight. Although the result is that the shield's protection is not as strong as [Anti-Holy Master], it is more than enough to face the Mark43's laser cannon. What's more, condensing the expression on his face, Tony raised his arm as he watched Mark43 in front of him, and the position of the palm gun in his hand was condensed by a large number of pale golden laser beams that were the same as the light gathered on Mark43's chest.

As Tony said to Mark43 before, as a genius, since he can install it on Mark43 by deriving the laser cannon from the weapon system of the "pacifist" robot, he can also install it on Mark43. On top of the new suit Mark47.


"Why can't I wake up to the ability to fly when I'm also a superhero?"

Holding the spider silk in his hand and sticking it to the huge Statue of Liberty in front of him, Peter jumped up to the shoulder of the statue with a reverberation, but he couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Although, he also knew that it was unrealistic to expect that he had been bitten by a radiation spider to mutate the ability to fly.

After all, it was a spider that bit him, not a radiant dragonfly or something.

However, thinking that he was desperately launching spider silk to rush in the direction of the goddess statue, while the falcon on the other side had already controlled his metal wings and flew to the head of the goddess statue, the little spider still felt a little envious in his heart. Woolen cloth.

However, although he envied the flying attitude of Falcon and Mr. Stark in his heart, Spider-Man looked down at Captain America on the ground driving a motorcycle towards the island, and inexplicably felt a bit of balance in his heart.

"You should be content, Peter, although you don't have the ability to fly, at least you still have a good means of movement."

Whispering to himself, Peter raised his head to look at the head of the goddess statue, took a deep breath, and the spider silk ejected from his wrist firmly stuck to the crown of the goddess statue's head.

Pulling the spider silk, Peter's slender but powerful thighs flicked suddenly, skillfully swinging himself up to the highest apex, but also at this moment, the spider-sensing ability in the body began to make a crazy reminder.


The next second, the familiar high-pitched bird chirping sounded in Little Spider's ears.


"Natasha, directions."

On Liberty Island, Steve drove a motorcycle under the command of Natasha behind him, and quickly drove towards the Immigration History Museum.

During this period, he crossed the resurrected goddess statue, but the Captain America had no plans to stop at all.

The Super Soldier Serum strengthened Steve's body in every way, but it didn't make him as crazy as the other injector, Red Skull. Although the vibranium shield in his hand claims to be able to withstand all attacks and bounce them back, Steve doesn't think that the small shield in his hand can withstand a light blow from the Statue of Liberty.

He's Captain America, not Captain Fool.

Going against a 46-meter-high opponent with a shield is what a stupid person would do.

Steve didn't stop the Statue of Liberty's footsteps, and it was impossible for the Statue to pay attention to Steve, Natasha and others passing by.

Slowly stood up and lowered the waving torch again, the goddess turned her patina-colored eyes to determine a direction, and then moved her footsteps and walked straight over.

During the movement, every footstep of the goddess left a deep mark on the ground that was as high as one person. Of course, the design and construction party of the New York road never imagined that the road that they had undertaken would one day be. You will be stepped on by a heavy statue weighing more than 200 tons.

However, even if they knew about it, there is a high probability that they would not be able to make any changes.

"Museum of Immigration History, Museum of Immigration History, here we come..."

Controlling the motorcycle under him, he skillfully bypassed the giant pit left by the movement of the goddess and drove towards the target. After dozens of seconds, Steve finally saw the immigration history museum that Natasha said.

As a museum under the foot of the Statue of Liberty, the Immigrant History Museum may not be as famous as the Statue of Liberty, but for a country with a long history of immigration and even itself formed by immigrant populations, this It's a rather iconic museum.

Of course, Joseph Pulitzer, who built the pedestal and the museum, would never have imagined that one day in the future their president would have a whim and build a five-dollar ladder on the Mexican border that he could successfully climb. And passing the wall, and calling it a great achievement, has blown the wall into an existence as famous as the Museum of Immigration History.

Joseph Pulitzer could not have imagined this, nor did Captain America, who is also the representative of the great American spirit.

At this moment, Steve looked at the tall immigration history museum in front of him, but the expression on his face was not at all relaxed.

"Natasha, I have arrived at the museum, and the current location of the spell is."

"According to the guidance of Daddy's magic, the [Rat Charm] is somewhere in this building."

In the car that was still driving, Natasha turned to look at the avatar [Uncle Long] who was in the passenger seat. Hearing the other party's answer, she immediately relayed the content to Steve in front of the Immigration History Museum. .

"In the museum?"

Hearing Natasha's report, Steve frowned tightly. He looked at the Immigration History Museum in front of him and instinctively felt the danger contained in the museum. Holding the shield on the motorcycle in his hand, Steve moved vigilantly and was about to explore the museum.

Just then, a crisp gunshot sounded.

Hearing the sound of gunshots coming from the museum, without any hesitation, Steve curled up instinctively, turning over to avoid where he was standing.

The next moment he dodged, a small pit mark appeared there.

"I thought who it was, but it turned out to be another Captain America."

Dodging this dangerous raid, Steve looked down at the smoking crater on the ground, the solemn expression on his face before it had time to emerge. I heard a harsh and familiar figure ringing from the Immigration History Museum.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of heavy footsteps, a ferocious face with a red skull appeared in front of Steve.

"Red Skull?!"

Looking at this familiar opponent who appeared in front of him, the expression on Steve's face changed involuntarily. In my mind, I subconsciously came up with the last scene of my confrontation with the Red Skull before being frozen. The last Red Skull of my memory was sent away under the power of cosmic magic. Steve died because of him, but he was not expected to emigrate. The unexpected place of the History Museum encountered each other: "You are still alive."

"I am alive, Captain America, until I destroy you."

In the face of Steve's questioning, the Red Skull's face showed a hideous expression: "Also, it is not only me, Captain America, who wants to destroy you this time, but also yourself."


If the sudden appearance of the Red Skull made Steve's mind a little confusing, then as the content of the other party's opening gradually deepened, Steve obviously came over slowly, and he frowned as he watched Looking at the 'Red Skull' in front of him, he carefully looked at the appearance of the other party. Although compared with other museum resurrection exhibits that he had seen before, the 'Red Skull' was very deceptive because of its unique appearance. In the tone of his speech, Steve still reacted.

"You are the museum's resurrected exhibit."

That's right, the so-called 'Red Skull' in front of him is actually the same as the 'Bucky' and the 'Captain America' he encountered before. They are all resurrected exhibits from the museum.

"I don't like the title Exhibit, Captain America."

Hearing Steve's name for himself, 'Red Skull' couldn't help but wrinkle in front of his red skeleton, and the expression on his face became gloomy: "But it doesn't matter, as long as you can get rid of you, then you won't. No one dares to call us an exhibit anymore."

As he said, 'Red Skull' turned his head to look at the Immigration History Museum behind him: "What are you waiting for, maybe what meaningless hope do you have for this Captain America?"

As the voice of 'Red Skull' fell, from the Immigration History Museum, two equally familiar figures of Steve walked out slowly.

"'Bucky' has another 'Captain America'."

Looking at the figure walking out of the museum, Steve's fingers holding the Zhenjin shield subconsciously tightened, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.


"Although I have metal wings."

Controlling the metal wings behind him to avoid the attack of the iron birds in front of him, Falcon panted and said, "However, this does not mean that I like birds, especially a group of iron birds."

The sharp beaks of the iron birds slid across the surface of the metal wings and made a piercing sound. The falcon gritted his teeth and endured the accompanying noise attack, while trying to close his wings to avoid being stabbed by the birds.

Through the analysis between the wings, the falcon can clearly see the sharp beaks and wings of the flock of birds, and listen to the silhouette of the metal wings that he controls, the falcon does not feel that he has the wings on his back. hard.

"I originally thought my mission was the I was losing ground under the attack of the iron flock, and when Tom Falcon reacted, I realized that I had already retreated to the point where I didn't know it. Unable to retreat, he looked down at the crown of the goddess on his back. Falcon knew that if he didn't do anything next, he might be waiting for the end of the incarnation sieve.

"I'm quite satisfied with the current image, so..."

Thinking of this, Falcon raised his leg and slammed on the crown behind his back, and then used this power to suddenly open the metal wings that he was defending with a flap. With this push, he was going to ask these dangerous iron flock of birds.

However, just at this time, a figure in red and blue tights suddenly appeared from under the crown of the goddess statue, and appeared behind Falcon in a dexterous posture, and the direction of his swing was impressive. It was rushing towards the back of the Falcon.


"Mr. Falcon?!"

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