Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 347: Resurrection Suit

"Another spell?"

The little spider's reminder obviously aroused Tony's memory of a certain experience, as well as a somewhat irritating picture.

Inside the steel suit, Tony shuddered unconsciously, turned his eyes from the striking statue in front of him to the other side, and soon saw the old man standing not far away from the containment specialist 【Uncle Long】 .

"Okay, I think I get it."

The moment he saw these two figures, Tony under the steel mask raised his eyebrows, which could be regarded as dispelling most of his previous doubts.

"Why, I always feel that every time I meet you, nothing good will happen, Mr. Long?"

Raising his palm, the light lit up and aimed at the resurrection statue that was just about to move below, Tony pouted and said.

"Whether it's the previous [Tiger Talisman] or [Holy Master], sometimes I wonder if all these troublesome things are deliberately planned and made by you."

"Congratulations, you unknowingly guessed the truth."

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran touched his chin subconsciously when he heard the truth that Tony had inadvertently revealed.

In the museum, the two clones showed their superb acting skills.

"It would be great if that's the case." Touching the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] on his body, the clone [Uncle Long] said with a bitter face: "Because of the successful containment of the spells many times before, the Foundation will directly contact the All the containment tasks related to spells have been handed over to me. In order to be able to find the scattered spells, I have suffered a lot during this period of time. I finally found a spell, and I also encountered this problem. I swear, this time Absolutely have to ask the Foundation to agree to a request for leave after containment is over."

"Aaron, don't forget that daddy is also with you to endure hardships."

"I know, Dad, I will also ask the Foundation to arrange a vacation for you."

"What are you talking about, Aaron, Daddy doesn't care about your poor vacation. Daddy hopes to use the power of your foundation to check some things. Recently I had a dream that I was dead. The teacher for a long time told me a prophecy, the withered triangle, the inverted sun, the ancient soul will return, and the darkness will cover the earth again. Dad, I have been thinking for a long time, and I have checked many ancient books, but I have not found anything related to the prophecy. , so I want to use the power of your foundation to help me see what the prophecy in the dream is saying?"

"The prophecy in the dream? Dad, it's most likely just that you're sleepy."


"You are confused. Dad is not confused. Aaron, never doubt Dad's words, especially the content related to magic."

"Okay, Dad."

Through his father's mouth, Li Ran successfully revealed a bit of Immorton's information and made a foreshadowing.

And through the popularity of the system data, the result of the foreshadowing was determined.

Silently taking the prophecy in the dream revealed by his father in his heart, Tony looked at the stone sculptures in the exhibition hall with increasingly bad eyes, and immediately reminded: "You two, the current situation does not seem to be suitable for your arrangements after the discussion is over. ."

"The guy in the weird magic clothes is right."

Taking back his hand knife, Dad said with a dissatisfied expression: "For the sake of the emergency, Dad, I will let you go for the time being, I need to prepare the magic of restraining spells, you must ensure that in any situation I won't disturb the preparations for my father's magic."

On the surface, Dad was talking about spells.

But in fact, this guy did remind the clone [Uncle Long] to use the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] to deal with Tony who came without notice, to ensure that this Iron Man would not affect the next plan.

Although the avatars in the museum are all from Li Ran, there have been some changes due to the integration of cards. Actions are more in line with the role of the card, so it is necessary to use Li Ran as the center to master some of their actions, so as not to deviate too much from the plan.

"Obviously, Dad, you mentioned the prophecy, that's why..."

Touching the head that had been touched by the hand knife, the clone [Uncle Long] touched the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] covertly on his body, obviously comprehending the hidden meaning in his father's words.

Following his touch, a golden light flashed from the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], and under the circumstances that no one could see it, it projected onto Tony's steel battle suit in midair.

"Sir...I feel right..."

Although the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] was hidden and not noticed by everyone present, Jarvis, who was in the steel suit, seemed to vaguely feel the unusual changes in this suit.

However, before it could remind Tony, the next moment, Jarvis felt that a strange consciousness emerging from the inside of the suit directly expelled him from the control of Mark43.

"What's the matter? Jarvis, Jarvis?"

Immediately afterwards, Tony in the steel suit only felt that the clear picture in front of the steel helmet instantly turned black.

Facing the dark vision in front of him, Tony frowned subconsciously, and instinctively called out Jarvis' name.

"...Zi, Zi...I'm sorry, sir..."

A few seconds later, the disconnected Jarvis reconnected to Tony in the museum, but at this moment the connection method he chose became the earphones on Tony's ears.

"...I suddenly lost all control of Mark43."

"Losing control?"

Hearing Jarvis' report in the headset, Tony's puzzled expression immediately appeared, but before he could ask further questions, because of the loss of Jarvis' control, the flight system originally turned on by Mark43 was automatically turned off. The flames of the jets on the soles of the feet lost their brilliance.

"Oh, **** it!"

"Mr. Stark!"

In mid-air, he felt the heaviness on his body for a moment, and Tony had only time to utter a short curse before he slammed onto the hard ground of the museum amid the exclamations of the little spider, and smashed a shallow wall. Shallow humanoid pothole.


"I bet it must hurt."

Taking a breath, looking at the steel battle suit that was not falling lightly, the bust of Roosevelt turned his head and said to Adolf beside him.

"You can see this without a bet."

With his strong accent, Adolf said coldly.

"Cough, fortunately, I shot the shock absorber in the suit before."

The frequent battles in the past have worn out the battle suit, so Tony was well prepared. The shock absorber in the steel battle suit buffered the force of the impact very well. However, controlling the battle suit to climb up from the falling pit mark, Tony still had obvious doubts on his face.

"Jarvis, what happened, why did Mark43 suddenly lose control?"

"About this, sir, I already have a rough judgment, but obviously you won't like this analysis very much."

In the face of Tony's question, Jarvis, who connected through the headset, has quickly found the possible reason, but has not waited for the artificial intelligence to pass the bad news to the manufacturer.

Inside the steel mask, the original dark picture suddenly recovered.

"Is it just a problem with the program of the battle suit?"

Looking at the picture that was lit up again, Tony's thoughts hadn't fallen, and then he felt that the Mark43 that wrapped him was automatically opened without control, and then pushed his controller directly from the suit. go out.

That's right, Tony clearly felt that he was pushed out by Mark43.

This feeling, as if Mark43 suddenly had a glimpse of his own consciousness.

Wait a minute, consciousness.

The stunned expression on his face just appeared. Tony, who had lost the protection of his battle suit, looked at the resurrection stone sculpture in front of him, and suddenly an extremely absurd but in line with the current situation emerged in his mind.

"Shouldn't it be..."

"That's right, sir."

Following Tony's conjecture, Jarvis told him his unreported analysis: "Obviously, your battle suit, like the stone sculptures in the museum, has its own life under the power of the spell."

"It's true."

Listening to Jarvis' report, Tony looked at Mark43, who was closing in front of him again and moving without his own control. The expression on his face suddenly fell into a complex and speechless emotion. He didn't expect that the so-called spell power was so powerful that it could not only revive the exhibits in the museum, but also revive his own battle clothes.

Under Tony's gaze, the resurrected Mark43 turned his body, raised his arm humanely to look at his metal palm, and then raised his golden mask to aim at the maker in front of him.

The position of the eyes flashed white light, and a voice in Mark43 that was definitely not unfamiliar to Tony sounded.

"You look a little shorter than I thought." He raised his palm and compared it to Tony, and what came out of Mark43 was also Tony Stark's standard voice, and the same pleasing voice. A distasteful tone: "Perhaps you falsely reported your height and secretly wore a booster pad."

"Hey, this is not a polite attitude towards producers, Mark43."

Hearing his own voice from another angle, even if he knew it was just a steel battle suit, Tony still felt a little inexplicable sense of sight.

"Mark43? Is that the name you gave me?"

"I don't recognize the name, or the number."

Facing Tony's response, Mark43's eyes flashed white light, and then he immediately shook his head and replied.

"Actually, I'd rather you call me - Iron Man."

"iron Man?"

Facing Mark43's answer, Tony raised his eyebrows: "You're just a suit of steel, Mark43."

"No, theoretically, I'm the Iron Man in the public's impression, and you, Tony Stark, are just a guy hiding behind Iron Man's suit."

The [Golden Monument of Resurrection] was given to Mark43 at the same time as it seemed to be given as part of Iron Man.

"If you don't have Iron Man's protection, you're just a defenseless coward, Tony, you can't even open a bottle of red wine without me."

"Congratulations, Mark43, within a few minutes of being resurrected, you managed to make me start hating you."

Under the cynicism of Mark43, Tony successfully felt the feeling of his opponent facing him in the past.

Obviously, it's not very pleasant.

"So what, you are just a mortal now, Tony."

A disdainful voice came from within Mark43. He raised his golden face to face Tony in front of him, and the white light in his eyes flickered: "Wait a minute, maybe I can make another choice, that is..."

As he said that, Mark43 raised his arm, emitting a dangerous light from the muzzle of his palm.

"That is, let there be only one Iron Man left in this world."

Youlan's shock cannons converged in the palm of Mark43's palm. This resurrected steel battle suit successfully completed its position selection in just a few minutes. Of course, Li Ran's credit was indispensable in this.

"Don't worry, Tony, I will continue to protect this world in your place."

"I don't think so."

In the face of the dangerous light emanating from Mark43's palm, the expression on Tony's face was obviously not very good.

He didn't expect that one day, the first choice made by his resurrected steel battle suit was to point the muzzle at himself.

"Jarvis, how long will it take?"

"Ten seconds, but sir, are you sure you will do this, if the new battle suit that arrives is also resurrected like Mark43?"

Inside the headset Jarvis showed obvious concern.


Jarvis's worry was obviously also what Tony was worried about, so when he heard the artificial intelligence reminder, Tony quickly responded: "Let the incoming battle suits be disassembled, only the part of the gauntlet will fly. come over."

He didn't believe that the spell could revive the battle suit with only the arm left.

"Yes sir."

Hearing the order, the steel battle suits flying fast in the night sky in the distance quickly disintegrated, and two battle armors with obvious arm parts stood out and continued to fly towards the direction of the museum.

"Tony, you seem to have forgotten that, as Iron Man, how could I be unguarded about the so-called plans in your heart."

There were only a few seconds left before the gauntlet arrived, but Mark43 was clearly prepared. He looked at Tony in front of him, and the shock cannon in his palm was fired without warning.

"Goodbye, Tony."

Seeing that, the shock gun fired from Mark43's palm was about to land on the unsuspecting Tony.

At this moment, with the sound of the chain turning, a chain wrapped in flames shot out, and the end of the extinguished chain was wrapped around Tony's body, and then the force from the other end of the chain directly pulled Tony's body in. When it was too late, he dodged the shock cannon fired by Mark43.

At this moment, the battle suit gauntlet, which had been flying fast, smashed through the glass of the museum and landed on Tony's hand, which quickly transformed into a red steel battle suit arm.



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