The latest website: After a special transformation of Hydra.

Baki's own strength has also been greatly increased, although it can't be compared with Steve, who has been injected with super soldier serum. However, it can basically be said that it is the top-notch existence among ordinary people.

All of this is under the premise of putting aside the robotic arm on him that was transformed by Dr. Zola.

If you count the power of the metal arm, Bucky's power has obviously exceeded the limit of human beings, and even a vampire like Brock Rumlow who has been transformed by a stone ghost face is not necessarily in terms of pure power. is his opponent.


However, facing the swift blow of the Winter Soldier.

Dior's bewitching face did not change in the slightest, and the corners of his mouth still had that sarcasm.

He turned his scarlet eyes and swept over Bucky's silver-white metal arm, then made a nonchalant expression, raised his fair and slender arm, and grabbed the Winter Soldier's fist effortlessly.

[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]

[From the legend of Bucky Barnes...]


Seeing that Dio blocked his attack with such ease, Bucky's calm and indifferent face showed an expression of obvious astonishment.

Turning his head to look at Dio's hand clenching his fist, although he has been brainwashed and frozen by the Hydra all the year round, he has always had a blurry mind, but he has a fairly clear understanding of the power he possesses. That's why he was surprised by how easily Dio grabbed his fist.

After all, it's not like his previous fight with Steve.

For most of his attacks, Steve uses the shield as a grid.

On the other hand, Dior directly blocked the attack of the metal arm with just one palm.

With a confused look on his face, Bucky twitched his arms.

However, the huge force generated from Dio's fingers on the opposite side gripped his fist like five nails.

He couldn't even do the simple action of twitching his arm.

Dior: "Power is good, but only good."


Seeing that even the Winter Soldier, who was the last resort, could not cause even the slightest damage to Dior in front of him, the expression on Alexander's face changed.

"Feel sorry……"

Seeing that, Alexander was about to retreat to the exit of the vault.

With a clean, sassy voice, Peggy Carter blocked his way with a straight face.

"Agent Carter?"

Seeing the familiar face of the young woman in front of him, Alexander couldn't help but blurt out.

However, after all, Alexander is one of the Hydra leaders who can hide in S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years. Even if the appearance of Peggy Carter in front of him shocked him, he quickly restrained the surprise on his face, Shen Shen sound.

"I didn't expect to meet you again under such circumstances."

Peggy Carter looked at Alexander in front of him and replied, "I didn't expect you to be a spy of Hydra, Alexander. What was the purpose that made you choose to betray S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Peggy Carter is no stranger to Alexander.

As one of the legendary agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Peggy Carter also had contact with the former S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was because of this that she was extremely shocked by the true identity revealed by Alexander.

"Let me correct you a little, Agent Peggy Carter."

Facing Peggy Carter's questioning, Alexander raised his hand to straighten the tie around his neck and replied with a grim expression.

"I didn't choose to betray S.H.I.E.L.D., but from the very beginning, I was one of the main members of Hydra infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. The emergence of the Hydra no longer allows the hydra to continue to exist, so we changed the model, retreating from the sun to the dark, drawing nutrients and growing in the dark, and at the same time choosing the most suitable object for the hydra As an object of parasitism and ingestion..."

Having said that, the original grim expression on Alexander's face was slightly put away, and he looked at Peggy Carter in front of him with a proud look: "I don't think I need to introduce more about this object, Agent Carter."


Facing Alexander's rhetorical question, Peggy Carter replied with a deadpan expression.

"That's what you've chosen."

"That's right, for the Hydra hidden in the dark, there is nothing more suitable than S.H.I.E.L.D., the most suitable infiltration target. Through decades of hard work, we have completely controlled the interior of S.H.I.E.L.D. The organization that was originally used to attack us is now completely in the hands of Hydra. I don’t know what you, as one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, have anything to say about this ending. ?"


In the face of Alexander's eloquent inquiry, the expression on Peggy Carter's face was obviously a little silent.

At the beginning of the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., one of its main purposes was to resist the existence of Hydra, but now Alexander told her that S.H.I.E.L.D., which had fought with Hydra countless times, has now been defeated by Hydra. Penetration control. It has long since deviated from its original purpose.

clap clap clap!

Here, Alexander looked at Peggy Carter's silent expression, enjoying the success of the Hydra project.

On the other hand, Dio kicked Bucky away with a casual expression.

Looking at the struggling Winter Soldier on the ground, he clapped his hands and said to Alexander: "It's a good plan, under this plan, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. will be played around by you. Compared to the nine I knew before. Snake, you are obviously smarter."

In the face of Dior's praise, Alexander's face did not seem to have any happy expression.

He looked at Brock Rumlow and the Winter Soldier who were lying on the ground, took a deep breath, then looked at the bewitching and handsome man opposite and said, "Then, tell me your purpose, Dio Brando, you Appearing here and hurting my subordinates, is it also trying to sabotage our Hydra plan!"

"Sabotage Hydra's plan?"

In addition to hearing Alexander, Dio picked up his slender golden eyebrows, and the mockery on his face became more obvious.

"You look too high on yourself. To be honest, I have no interest in the relationship between your Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. For me, regardless of whether the Hydra completely engulfed S.H.I.E.L.D. Whether S.H.I.E.L.D. eliminates the Hydra, it has nothing to do with my purpose."

As he spoke, Dior moved his pace and walked in front of Alexander step by step.

Turning his scarlet eyes, he looked at the aging man in front of him.

"Originally, I didn't ask you for ideas at all. It's just that the problem that happened in Hell's Kitchen some time ago caused a little trouble to my plan. In order to solve this trouble and make the plan go smoothly, I had to spend a little bit. Trying to find you..."

"Just didn't expect it."

Speaking of this, Dior's eyes swept over Bucky who fell to the ground: "I still meet an acquaintance here."

"What do you want Hydra to do for you?"

Hearing Dio's words, Alexander was silent for a while before speaking.

"I want you to stare at someone for me as the price I give you the power of the ghost face."



"The one who came out of Penglai? Your purpose is indeed the reincarnation of an immortal!"

Alexander is also clear about the news of Penglai and the reincarnation of the immortals.

"Looks like you know more than I thought."

In the face of Alexander's questioning, Dio's expression remained unchanged, and he replied indifferently.

"You should know, it's not easy."

S.H.I.E.L.D. still obtained the information of the reincarnation of the immortals for a considerable period of time, and the same Hydra actually tried to find the traces of this so-called reincarnation. However, as a result, neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor Hydra found even the slightest clue about the reincarnation.


In this regard, Dior did not have any surprises.

He is very clear that the appearance of the reincarnated body is completely under the control of the main body Li Ran.

Therefore, he immediately made a confident expression: "So I know very well how urgently Penglai is looking for the reincarnation of immortals. After all, they don't have so much time to wait any longer, so I believe that there is no need for too much time. After a long time, this immortal will appear, and all you need to do is to watch the people who came out of Penglai for me."

Dio's words caused the look in Alexander's eyes to change slightly.

For Penglai, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. have a strong curiosity about it.

Through infiltration, they have mastered most of the intelligence information about Penglai within S.H.I.E.L.D.

If what Dior said is true, then it means that it will not take too long for the mysterious immortal to turn around and appear.

At that time, Hydra's choice is whether to convey the information to him according to Dio's request, or to control or even take the existence of this so-called immortal reincarnation for his own use.

Between the two, in Alexander's view, the result is already quite obvious.

As an organization with great ambitions, even if the Hydra does not succumb temporarily because of Dior's danger, deep down, it is impossible to really obey his orders and not resist in the slightest.

Although the change in the expression in Alexander's eyes was secret, to be honest, there was no secret at all in Dio's eyes.

At the same time, he has also guessed his inner thoughts, even if it goes without saying.

As a well-known evil organization in the world of American comics, if Hydra really does what Dior requires, then everything will be hell.

However, this is also just right. The reason why Dio coerced Hydra to find the reincarnation body is precisely to let Hydra participate in the battle between Penglai and Jiuyou in this way.

After all, SHIELD has been relying on S.H.I.E.L.D. to gain fame before, and it's time for Hydra, as a villain, to make a little effort.

It is not clear that the thoughts in his heart have been exposed in Dior's eyes.

After confirming Dior's purpose, Alexander still pretended to have a contemplative expression on his face, and said after a moment of silence: "Okay, I understand, I will do as you say, but all this requires Wait until after Hydra's plan in S.H.I.E.L.D. is over."

From the moment Nick Fury was attacked at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Alexander took over everything inside S.H.I.E.L.D. using his identity and the Hydra spy infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. At the same time, it has also rapidly promoted the development of the "Insight Plan" and has entered a critical moment.

"no problem."

In this regard, Dio nodded slightly.

In fact, it is clear that this so-called plan of Hydra is doomed to fail.

Not only because Steve and others have been vigilant in the previous attack, but also because A Xing also participated in it.

Although he knew the final direction of Hydra's plan in his heart, Dior did not make any reminders.

Anyway, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. disintegrated, Hydra would only suffer a plan defeat.

After that, they will continue to be active, and they will also be one of the important targets for Li Ran to gain fame.

"Speaking of which, Hydra, as an extraordinary organization established by human beings, has good power. However, compared to Penglai, your power is still a little too weak." With his scarlet eyes swept over everything in the vault, Dior Suddenly, he casually commented.


In the face of Dior's evaluation, although Alexander did not want to admit it, he had to agree with his statement.

As a secret evil organization Hydra had its heyday, once controlled the power of the universe Rubik's Cube, as well as numerous undead legions, its power threatened the whole of Europe.

But now, even through the penetration of S.H.I.E.L.D., a lot of extraordinary power has been obtained.

However, Alexander is also very clear.

With these powers alone, there are still huge obstacles for Hydra to regain control of the world.

In particular, with the appearance of mysterious organizations such as Penglai, Jiuyou and the Foundation one by one, Alexander understands that the mysterious organization in this world does not know about the Hydra.

Even, let alone these organizations, even the Avengers established by Nick Fury brought them a huge threat.

It is for this reason that Alexander attaches so much importance to the "Insight Project".

As long as this plan can be started, at that time, whether it is the Avengers or the... Dior in front of them, it will no longer be a threat to Hydra.

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