Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 314: self-destruct



Fo Guang turned into a golden palm print and slammed into the thigh of the mechanical aggregate, and a large number of mechanical wreckage flew and scattered everywhere.

The huge body of the 'pacifist' aggregate staggered and stepped on the ground to create huge potholes, and the only remaining mechanical wreckage in the next second seemed to be unable to support the huge 'pacifist' aggregate. The body weight is average, and it burst out with a harsh roar.

And the entire body of the 'pacifist' aggregate also fell, pouring down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Facing such a situation, Jin on the head of the 'pacifist' aggregate did not move at all. He lowered his head and did not move, only the faint red light in his eyes proved that Jin was not completely unconscious.

However, it just didn't lose consciousness. As the liquid robot's control over the mechanical wreckage continued to weaken, the originally huge and ferocious body of the 'pacifist' aggregate became a huge target at this moment. Under the palm of his hand, he was retreating step by step, unable to raise the slightest bit of counterattack strength.

In the 'pacifist' aggregate, feeling the increasingly weak power of the liquid metal robot, the red light in Jin Bing's eyes began to flicker, and even the originally clear consciousness became blurred.

In a trance, Jin Bing's memories began to intertwine, jumping back to three months ago.

three months ago.

Norway, in a secret laboratory.

"Okay, you can try to move."

Connecting his arm to the mechanical body in front of him, a middle-aged man with gray hair and exuding learning temperament spoke to a half-finished robot in front of him.

Waving its arm according to the man's request, the robot turned its exposed mechanical eyes, flashed red light to scan the black mechanical palm in front of it, and said in a mechanical electronic voice: "Thank you, Doctor, if it weren't for you, I might be right now. They are still in the nutrition cabin."

"I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do."

Facing the robot, or rather thanks to Jin Bing, the middle-aged man nodded lightly, then glanced at the data displayed by the device in his hand and went forward to adjust the connection of his arms.

"If you really want to be thankful, thank the vampire's powerful regenerative power to ensure your brain's immortality. Otherwise, the step of getting out of the nutrition chamber is enough to make you brain-dead." Reconnect the wiring in the arm. , the middle-aged man raised his head and swept the position of the robot's head, and replied indifferently.

"Although I have seen a lot of weird things, no matter how many times I watch it, the amazing regeneration ability of vampires will always make me feel shocked. Through this research on your brain, it also helps me to understand more Knowing the mystery of the existence of vampires, I will go through this discovery and try to see if I can incorporate the previous research results into it..."

While he was chattering, the middle-aged man who was called a doctor picked up a bucket of instant noodles from the laboratory table beside him, and began to eat it unceremoniously.

"do you want to eat?"

While sucking and slipping, he did not forget to ask Jin in front of him.


Facing the doctor's question, Jin Bian turned his mechanical eyeballs. Although he couldn't make any expressions, his appearance was self-evident.

"Look at my memory, I forgot that you don't have this function now."

Seeing Jin Bing's reaction, the middle-aged man patted his head with an afterthought, took a sip of the instant noodle soup, and muttered, "But don't worry, it's just a small matter, what are you waiting for? When I have time, I will design a design for you, and add a function of tasting food. Although it cannot be done 100% like the previous human beings, there are still about 60 to 70%. No, if you add vampires. …”

Looking at the doctor who was once again in deep thought with instant noodles in front of him, Jin Bing's eyes flashed red, but he was somewhat taken aback.

Since the transformation, he has seen too many such pictures.

Although he is not a researcher himself, from the respect shown by many people in the laboratory to the middle-aged man, Jin can easily judge that the man opposite is extraordinary.

Doctor is a true genius.

This is a fact that Kim Heppe learned from Dior and confirmed with his own eyes.

The red light in the mechanical eyes flickered, Jin turned his exposed mechanical head, pointed at the doctor in front of him, and asked tentatively: "Since the doctor is so keen on the power of vampires, why not ask Lord Dior to get the stone Ghost face, if you ask the doctor, Lord Dior will definitely not refuse, as long as you use the power of the stone ghost face, you will also have an immortal life, doctor."

"just forget it."

Jin Bing's remarks brought back the doctor's thoughts that had gone far. He lowered his head and took a bite of the noodles. He chewed the noodles and replied, "I like to bask in the sun. If I become a vampire, I will There's no way to go out in the sun anymore, wouldn't it be very cost-effective."

"However, if you become a vampire, you will gain eternal life. Are you not interested, Doctor?"

Jin couldn't understand the doctor's way of thinking. In his opinion, there is no comparison at all between basking in the sun and immortality.

"However, I still prefer to bask in the sun."

Ignoring Jin Bing's answer, he disposed of all the instant noodles in his hand, and the middle-aged man threw the empty noodle bucket, looked at Jin Bing's face full of metal lines, and said with a smile: "Also, the way of immortality is different. The only option is to become a vampire."



Inside the experimental base, Jin Bian opened his mouth, condensed a dazzling yellow laser and blasted out a huge hole in the opposite wall.

"Yes, it seems that you have completely controlled all the power of the 'pacifist'."

Standing behind him, watching the damage caused by the laser, the middle-aged man nodded while eating the instant noodles in his hand.

Turning his body, he swept the instant noodles in the doctor's hand.

Even though there was no expression on his face, he could still feel Jin Bing's speechlessness.

Although the doctor in front of him is an undoubted genius in research, on the other hand, he has an unusual persistence in instant noodles.

During the entire transformation experiment, Jin Bing has seen the other person appear with a bucket of instant noodles more than once. Although he has not been given the function of smell, Jin Bing has an inexplicable feeling that it is his mechanical body. It must have the smell of instant noodles on it.

The gaze in his eyes was withdrawn from the instant noodles, and Jin Bing stepped forward to the doctor.

Looking down at the gray-haired middle-aged man in front of him, he said with flickering eyes, "Doctor, about what I asked for..."

"do not worry."

Sucking the instant noodles in his hand, the doctor nodded: "I have already installed the self-destruction function you requested, but have you really thought about it?"

Facing the question, Jin Ning nodded expressionlessly.

As a former underworld emperor, Jin Ping has never been a kind being. He relied on cruelty and ruthlessness to rule his own kingdom.

He is ruthless to his enemies, and he is also ruthless to himself.

"Since you insist on doing it, then I have nothing to say."

Glancing over Jin Bing's face, the doctor shrugged and continued to focus on the instant noodles in his hand, and said vaguely while eating: "However, in addition to the self-destruction function, I'm also on your body. Installed a small program, don't know if it will come in handy in the future."


Although the doctor's voice was vague, with the powerful hearing ability of the 'pacifist', he still heard the other party's words.

It's just that Jin Bing's eyes flashed red, obviously a little puzzled by what the doctor said.



Once again hit the 'pacifist' aggregate with a golden handprint.

The violent voice accompanied by the vibration brought Jin Bian's trance-like thoughts back to the battle in front of him.

Holding up the dim red light in his eyes and aiming at A Xing and the others in front of him, Jin Bing turned his mechanical eyes that were getting darker and darker. Although the exposed broken face was expressionless, it looked more and more strange under the reflection of the many mechanical wreckage around him. ferocious.

"Since there is no way to defeat you, then die with me, defender!"

Controlling the only head of the 'pacifist' aggregate that can still be turned, making a mixed mechanical sound.

As Jin Bing's voice fell, a dazzling red light began to radiate from Jin Bing's body, and instantly penetrated the mechanical wreckage wrapped around the head of the 'pacifist' aggregate.

Obviously, after confirming that he had failed completely, Jin and launched his last resort.

Activated the self-destruction device that the doctor installed on him, trying to kill everyone who fought with him.


The moment Jinbian said the last sentence, the expression on Steve's face below suddenly changed.

However, the timing of Jin Bing's self-destruction was too decisive, and there was no time to escape at all.

As a result, whether it was Steve or the defenders, even if they realized that something was wrong, it was too late to react.

In the current situation, if Jin Ping really blows himself up.

With the power contained in Jinbing's self-exploding device, the Avengers will lose two important members, and the defenders are more likely to be destroyed directly.

Such a result is naturally not what Li Ran would like to see.


Therefore, facing this crisis, Ah Xing, who was standing at the front, took a deep breath.

Immediately, he raised his palm and aimed at the 'pacifist' aggregate that was gradually expanding under the spread of Jin Ning's self-explosive power.

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

With a light drink, in front of Steve and the defenders, and in the blurred picture of Jin Bing's mechanical eyes, a huge Buddha statue emerged from A Xing, raised the same huge palm, and slowly moved towards the wrapped Jin Bian. And the 'pacifist' aggregate pressed away.


The enormous power of [Wan Buddha Chaozong] directly caused the huge size of the aggregate of 'pacifists' to collapse instantly.

Under the huge palm force, the powerful explosion detonated by Jin Bing was like being lightly extinguished by a candle, and it was instantly suppressed.

In the end, all that remained in front of everyone was a huge palm print on the ground and the mechanical wreckage crushed under the palm print.

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Frank...】


"Are you sure, the other party mentioned Jiuyou?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury's eyes flickered as he listened to Steve's report on the battle in Hell's Kitchen.


Nodding, Steve turned his eyes to the dark face: "Compared to this, I care more about the information about the reincarnation of immortals that Jin and had mentioned before being squashed, you don't seem to have any idea about this. Too surprised, sir."

Turning his eyes and looking at Steve, Nick Fury replied expressionlessly: "You should have your own judgment on this, Captain."

"Looks like I'm the one who was concealed again."

Nick Fury's attitude has already explained a lot.

"Actually, this is extremely classified information. You are not the only one who doesn't know, and even Stark is also under secrecy."

Steve: "However, Tony already knew, and the members of the Avengers already knew it."

Nick Fury: "At least, Thor doesn't know yet."

"Why do you keep hiding information?"

Regarding Nick Fury's approach, Steve obviously had an opinion for a long time. At this moment, he finally couldn't help but burst out: "Whether it is the news of a vampire or the reincarnation of Penglai?"

"Because as an Avenger, there are more important things to do."

"Whether it is the reincarnation of a vampire or an immortal, it is not in our In the face of Steve's questioning, Nick Fury still maintains his usual calm appearance.

"There are some things that are not suitable for the members of the Avengers. The search for the reincarnation of the immortal SHIELD has started the task since getting the news, and Natasha has also joined as an important member. I don't think you can do it, captain. better than Natasha."


The attitude of Nick Fury made Steve's expression silent.

Standing in the office, he was silent for a while before he said, "However, I have already been involved because of Dior's relationship."

"The appearance of Jiuyou made everything complicated."

In response, Nick Fury's eyes flashed.


"here is?"

Norway, in a secret laboratory.

A 'pacifist' robot started with red light flashing in its eyes.

"you're awake."

Seeing the activated robot, the doctor appeared in front of him with a bucket of ramen in his hand.

"Doctor, I shouldn't have..."

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, the robot looked down at its own body and asked in a puzzled tone.

"I know, you are dead, but didn't I say it before, I installed a small program on you just in case you need it from time to time."

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