Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 276: Blast & Immortality

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Obviously, Dad's hunch was very correct.

As his voice fell, the Kun-style fighter suddenly raised his arm, and the characteristic [Explosive] power was activated.

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

"Damn," in the driver's seat, Falcon tried to control the joystick to maintain the fighter's flight direction, but the damage caused by the blasting has obviously affected the fighter's power system: "Everyone, get ready, the next landing It might be a little bumpy."

Looking at the situation outside the fighter, Falcon shouted loudly at the Avengers in the Kun-style fighter.

While shouting, Falcon Sam Weir suddenly pulled down the control stick of the fighter plane in his hand and made a forced landing towards the ground in an extremely dangerous flying posture.


With a harsh rubbing sound, the bottom of the Kun-style fighter rubbed the ground to draw a long ravine.

A few seconds later, the falcon in the driver's seat shook his drowsy head, unfastened the seat belt tightened on his body, and turned his head to ask the people behind him.

"Captain, are you all right?"

On the side, in the passenger seat, the clone [Uncle Long] also put on an anxious posture and asked.

"Dad, are you injured?"

"Aaron, although Dad is old, his skills are not old. This little trouble can't trouble Dad and me."

Following the clone's question, the father's angry voice sounded immediately.

Following Dad's answer, Steve also held the shield in his hand and replied in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Sam, we are not as vulnerable as you think."

In fact, let alone an emergency landing, even if the fighter plane did crash, Steve could use his shield to avoid most of the impact of the crash.

"That guy just now, who is..."

Seeing that everyone in the fighter plane was safe and sound, Falcon couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his words to Bakugou, who had just appeared on the Kun-style fighter plane.

"This is the power of the [Dragon Talisman]. The [Dragon Talisman] represents the fiery hot energy. The dragon with the magic power of dragon blasting can make the charm itself burst into destructive flames, burning and exploding." He took the words from Falcon's mouth. Doubtful, the old man opened his mouth and started popular science: "It seems that the [Holy Master] not only obtained the [Sheep Charm] a spell, but also mastered other spell powers."

Dad's words made the expressions of the Avengers dignified.

"The attack just now was just a simple greeting to you."

Using the power of blasting from the palm of his hand, he escaped from the Kun-style fighter and fell from the air. Bakugou looked at the people in the fighter, and grinned with a provocative smile: "Next, I will be serious, after all, Lord [Holy Master]. The order has been ordered, no matter who appears in front of him, there will only be one fate, and that is..."

As he spoke, Bakugou raised his hands and aimed at the position of the Kun-style fighter in front of him. A large amount of blasting power was condensed in his palm, rendering his palm a dazzling golden red.



Accompanied by Bakugou's roar, the blasting power condensed in his palm instantly turned into a red light and sprayed away in the direction of the Avengers.


Amidst the deafening explosions, thick fog enveloped the eyes.


When the thick fog dissipated, the scene in front of him made the originally confident Bakugou look surprised.

Captain America Steve held up his shield and blocked Bakugou's explosions in front of him.

"What kind of magic item is this that can actually resist the blasting magic of [Dragon Charm]?" Looking at the shield in Steve's hand, Dad asked in a timely manner.

"This is not magic." Hearing his father's question, Hawkeye's mouth curled into a faint smile, and then he raised his bow and arrow at the opposite Bakugou: "This is the power of technology."

As Hawkeye's voice fell, he quickly loosened the bowstring in his hand, and a sharp arrow turned into an afterimage and instantly appeared in front of Bakugou.


It was too late to suppress his previous surprise. Looking at the arrows flying towards him, Bakugou's face showed a bit of disdain, and the next moment he raised his palm, a huge blasting force came from him. Produced in his hand, a palm exploded the arrow in front of him: "Just one arrow, you want to hurt me who controls the blasting power?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Facing Bakugou's cynicism, the expression on Hawkeye's face remained unchanged. He stretched out his hand again and drew three arrows specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D. The voice that was heard muttered.


"I said, bows and arrows can't hurt me."

He raised his palms and shot down the two flying arrows in front of him. Bakugou pouted and opened his mouth to say something.


In the next instant, there was a sharp air breaking sound.

The third arrow in Hawkeye's hand has quietly appeared in front of Bakugou.


Looking at this silent arrow, the look of disdain on Bakugou's face changed instantly, and he hurriedly turned the direction of his palm to block the arrow that was so close at hand, but obviously, it seemed a little late.

On the opposite side, Hawkeye loosened the bowstring in his hand, and the expression on his face changed slightly.


However, before the expression on Hawkeye's face was revealed, a loud gunshot sounded.

"It was a dangerous moment just now, Bakugou."

Putting down the M1911 pistol in his hand, Sato narrowed his eyes and said with a smile at Bakugou not far away: "So, why don't you listen to my advice and act alone, Bakugou."

"My business is not yours to take care of."

Turning his head to look at the arrow that was hit by the bullet and deviated from its trajectory, Bakugou had a look of fear on his face, but after hearing Sato's words, he immediately became impatient.

"Baohao, don't forget Lord [Holy Master]'s order."

Facing Bakugou's impatient appearance, Sato still maintained his smiling expression, as if he was not at all miraculous because of the unfriendly behavior of the other party.

Sato's words obviously hit Bakugou, the expression on his face changed, and then he restrained the reckless look in his eyes, and took a step back with a cold face: "Well, since you said that, Mr. Sato. Well, then these guys will be left to you to solve."

"If you insist on Bakugou," Sato put away the M1911 pistol in his hand, and then replaced it with the Winchester M1897 hanging on his chest, aiming at the Avengers in front of him, squinting his eyes, as if What I did next was not a battle, but an ordinary walk: "Then I will respect it."

"There's one thing Bakugou seems to have forgotten..."

While talking, Sato took a step and looked at him, then turned his head and said to Bakugou behind him with a smile: "Here, we are never alone, in fact, we are only in numbers. It's the side with the advantage in the war."

As Sato's voice fell, inside the base, a large number of soldiers injected with the desperate virus stepped forward, directly surrounding the Avengers in front of the Kun-style fighter.

"Everyone, it seems that the next battle is not very easy to fight."

Turning his head to look at the desperate warrior who was surrounded by red light flashing all over his body, the expression on Falcon's face was not very good.

The Avengers had heard Maya Hansen's description of the Extremis virus at the base before and knew the power of this virus.

"Aaron, the next battle will be handed over to you." Seeing the menacing crowd around him, Dad immediately patted the avatar [Uncle Long] on the shoulder: "Dad is too old to participate. Come into this kind of fight-to-kill battle."

"Dad, didn't you just say that your sword is not old?"

Hearing his father's words, the clone immediately made a wry smile.

"That was just now, what's more, this is just the beginning, the [Holy Master] has not yet appeared, Dad can't waste his energy on these little scumbags." Pushing the glasses on his nose, the old man looked plausible Give reason: "Never question what Dad says, Aaron!"

"Okay, Dad, you're right."

His eyes met his father's dangerous expression, and the clone [Uncle Long] nodded decisively. He took a deep breath, looked at the desperate virus warrior on the opposite side, and immediately found a guy who clenched his fists and rushed over.


However, the clone rushes fast, and the back is also fast.

Just ran in front of the opponent, the next second [Uncle Long] was punched by the opponent, and flew back in an instant.

It slammed into the fuselage of the Kun-style fighter with a heavy bang, and the clone looked down at the clothes on his chest that had been burnt with fist marks by the desperate virus warriors, and grinned in pain and said to his father, "Father, this guy's Strength, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a little boy."

"That's your illusion, Aaron."

Facing the complaints of the clone, the old man continued to urge without understanding at all: "Aaron, don't be lazy, don't forget, [Holy Master] is our real opponent, these guys only have a little magic attack The little minions, you use the magical power of the containment in your hand to defeat them now."

"But, Dad..."

Hearing what Dad said, the expression on the clone's face suddenly turned aside, and his face was full of resistance and doubt.

"Have you forgotten how your father taught you in the past, Aaron."

The clone stood up reluctantly, and while rubbing his chest with a fist print, he replied, "Only magic can defeat magic."

"Then why don't you use magic quickly!"

Under the repeated urging of the father, the clone [Uncle Long] reluctantly took out a yellow flute from his shoulder bag.

"Balala Energy---Sarosara---Little Devil---The whole body changes..."

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

[From Extremis Virus Warrior...]

"Who can tell what happened just now?"

The corners of his mouth twitched, Falcon looked at the blue Gothic Lolita suit in front of him, his strong muscles tightened the clothes, and the avatar [Uncle Long] with a blue wig on his head, felt that his heart was affected. It was a huge shock, and it was urgent to wash my eyes.

"It should be the effect of the containment."

Looking at the appearance of the clone in front of her, Natasha kept the expression of her professional agent and replied with an unmoved expression.

If it weren't for the series of legendary numbers on the system data panel, Li Ran might have really been deceived by her.

"Do you have any special hobbies?"

Although there have been experiences of [Uncle Long] transforming before, this time, it is obviously very different.

Through the eyes of several avatars present, I can see the appearance of [Uncle Long] Balabala after transforming into an all-rounder. Even Li Ran, who was already mentally prepared, could not suppress the feeling of his hot eyes.

"Do you have any special hobbies?"

Staring at his own eyes, the other clone, Bakugou immediately scolded.

"Do you think I will, the effect of the containment cannot be changed."

Crying on his face, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately scolded Baohao back.

Obviously they are all clones, why are their abilities so cool and easy to use? When it comes to themselves, they will always be the kind with hot eyes.

"Balala energy—"

Unbalanced thinking in his heart, [Uncle Long] raised his muscular arm and waved the magic fairy flute in his hand. Compared with before, the attack of Barabara's magical power after the transformation was obviously more effective for the fighters of the desperate virus. Almost in an instant, the ropes condensed by Barabara magic bound these desperate virus warriors.

Their bodies flashed hot red However, the scorching hot energy that could fuse the steel against the magic power of Barabara seemed to have encountered an opponent, showing an evenly matched situation.

"It really works."

His eyes were withdrawn from the appearance of his avatar's hot eyes. Falcon looked at the desperate virus warrior who was subdued by the Foundation's containment expert in an instant. Even he had to admit that after using the [Magic Flute] to transform into the [Dragon Dragon] Uncle] In addition to the sharp eyes in the shape, there is no ambiguity in the actual battle.

"Aaron, look, what Dad said is correct, you have to remember, never doubt what Dad said!"

In this regard, Dad spoke again, putting on an expression that I knew.

With the transformation of the clone [Uncle Long] into a Barabara magical girl, the number of people that Sato had previously disappeared instantly disappeared.

However, in the face of such a scene, Sato on the opposite side has maintained his smiling expression, and even the squinting look on his face has not changed in the slightest.

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