Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 252: Doctor Doom

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"Ghost face?"

In the nursing home, the contents of the tape left by the phantom thief have ended.

Tony's expression changed a bit. This was not the first time he heard the name Stone Ghost Face.

"Unfortunate, unlucky, unlucky, I didn't expect that this time the containment not only had a spell, but also had a relationship with the stone ghost face." Complaining in his mouth, the clone [Uncle Long] reached out and took the other half of the white old man's hand [ Tiger Charm] Take it, and put it with the charm you found from the evil Spider-Man earlier.

In the next instant, a stream of light flashed, and the spell that was originally split into two pieces was immediately combined.

Immediately afterwards, with a scream, I saw the good and evil Spider-Man standing on both sides changed back to a person again.

"I changed back?!"

Looking down at his recovery, Peter shouted excitedly.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Spider-Man Peter Parker...]

On the other side, Tony was also attracted by the scene of the two Spider-Man merging, raised his eyebrows, and looked a little surprised.

On the other hand, Li Ran in the antique shop felt a pity for everything that ended in the nursing home. After all, the end of the matter meant that the legend that could get two copies became one again.

"Son, if I were you, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now."

Looking at the excited little spider, Tony couldn't help but reminded: "After all, under the influence of the spell's ability, you caused a lot of trouble to conjure up another you."

[From the legend of Spider-Man Peter Parker...]

Hearing Tony's reminder, the expression on Peter's face, who was still excited, immediately froze.

He remembered what the evil Spider-Man had done during this period of time, especially the actions of the Daily Bugle, and he suddenly became like a concubine.

"Mr. Stark, you know, I didn't do these bad things."

Turning to look at Tony, Little Spider's expression was depressed.

"I know, but the citizens of New York don't." Tony shrugged and expressed regret.

"However, I can prove it for you, but it's impossible to guarantee the effect."

Although there is evidence of the evil Spider-Man in his hand, the impression has been formed and he wants to reverse it. Obviously, this evidence in Tony's hand can not be done alone. Especially in the Daily Bugle, the evil Spider-Man offended J. Jonah Jameson too deeply, even if there is evidence that this is not what Peter did, J. Jonah Jameson would not believe it, or simply decided it was fake.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Nodding, Peter also knew that this was the best way at the moment.

It's just that when he thinks that he has to explain things that he clearly didn't do, his mood is inevitably a little low.

"Also, Mr. Long, if it weren't for you, I'd still be troubled by the spell."

Although he was annoyed by his next superhero career, the little spider still expressed his gratitude to the clone [Uncle Long].

"Dealing with containment has always been part of my job."

In the face of Little Spider's thanks, the clone nodded, and accepted it in a grand manner, without feeling embarrassed at all. He carefully put away the [Tiger Charm] that had been remade into a piece in his hand, and turned to look at Peter and Tony in front of him.

"Since the [Tiger Charm] has been contained, my work has come to an end. Next, I really need to go back to the Foundation and tell the Foundation about the Stone Ghost Face."

"Then, Mr. Stark, Aunt May is still waiting for me at home..."

Seeing the figure of the clone [Uncle Long] leaving in a hurry, Peter hesitated for a while, and also said goodbye to Tony.

In the nursing home, Tony looked at Peter's disappearing back and fell into deep thought.

"Ghost face?"

"Jarvis, immediately collect all the information related to the stone ghost face for me."

"Okay, sir."


"Since when?"

In the laboratory, Victor looked at the busy researchers and asked coldly.

"Just last night."

Sweeping the mask on Victor's face, the researcher quickly retracted his gaze and answered cautiously: "Beginning at 12:43, an unusual energy reaction appeared inside the meteorite, and the reaction was very weak at first. But within a few hours it started to build up gradually…”

"At first, there was nothing we could do about this phenomenon, but as the experiment went on..."

Having said that, in the laboratory, a researcher in a sterile protective suit carefully placed an experimental seed next to the meteorite.

Immediately afterwards, a miraculous scene appeared in front of everyone.

The seeds next to the meteorite broke their shells in an instant, spreading out emerald green seedlings.

"We discovered this not long ago that the energy emitted by meteorites seems to have a special effect on living things."

[From the legend of Victor von Doum...]

【Legend from researchers...】

In the laboratory, Victor looked at the seedlings growing next to the meteorite, his eyes flickered under the mask, and his originally calm breathing became a little faster.

"Continuing the experiment, I need more accurate research data,"

Suppressing his excitement, he instructed the person in charge of meteorite research in the laboratory. Victor took a deep look at the meteorite in the center of the laboratory before turning around.

"Sir, you should probably take a look at this."

Seeing Victor sit over, the secretary who had been waiting on the side hurried forward and handed over the tablet in his hand.


"This is?"

Looking down, looking at the video displayed on the tablet, Victor's face under the mask showed surprise.

The scene that freezes at the beginning of the video is exactly the scene of Reed talking to Susan in the Pak House laboratory.

However, looking at the smiling Susan in the video, Victor didn't have the slightest ups and downs in his heart. The radiation of the cosmic storm in space changed his body, and it also indirectly affected his emotions. Under the influence of the gradually metalized body, Victor's emotions also became colder.

"This is the process of the experiment recorded by the monitor in the Bavarian building not long ago. Reed made a machine that can produce cosmic storms. He used this machine to conduct an experiment half an hour ago. It's just a pity The experiment was unsuccessful."

Listening to the secretary's introduction, Victor stretched out his black-gloved finger and tapped the screen in his hand.

As the video began to play, he saw Reed walk into the machine, and after a blinding white light, the door of the machine opened and Reed, who was standing inside, came out.

Seeing the appearance of Reed coming out of the machine, Victor raised his eyebrows under the mask. If he hadn't heard the secretary tell him that the experiment had failed, just looking at Reed's appearance, he almost thought the other party The experiment has been successful. The next development, just as the secretary said, a few seconds later, in the video, Reed, who was still standing in place and ignoring, soon had a problem, his face began to sag, and then the next second The arms and body also fell to the ground like melted rubber, and in the video, facing the situation he encountered, Reed continued to say to the anxious Susan: "I can do it, the machine can run, I can only do it. More energy is needed to control space cosmic storms..."

"More energy."

Hearing what Reed kept saying to Susan in the video, a strange color flashed in Victor's eyes under the mask, and he immediately turned to the secretary beside him and said, "Take Ben to the Bartlett building immediately."

Although Victor's body has begun to gradually mutate under the influence of cosmic storm radiation, the entire process of change is still too slow, and the control of lightning power is not as strong as expected. The current is far inferior to Thor, one of the members of the Avengers, and even Electric King, who caused great trouble in New York before, cannot be compared with him.

This result obviously made Victor dissatisfied.

Because, he wants to gain more power, and is not satisfied with the current situation.


Inside the Bartlett Building, a dazzling red light flickered, and a huge amount of energy gathered in the building. Even Times Square was affected, and the screen began to flicker intermittently.

After the intense experiment, the hatch of the machine opened, and Ben, who had returned to his human appearance, stumbled out.


Looking down at the arm that had changed back from the orange stone, and touching his cheek that was no longer hard, Ben couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Among the four of the Fantastic Four, he can be said to be the member who is most looking forward to restoring the human body. After all, unlike the other three, the radiation of the cosmic storm directly turned him into a monster that is not even human, because of his appearance , he even lost his lover.

After being excited, Ben pulled his loose trousers, stepped out of the machine, and shouted: "Victor, where are you, the experiment has been successful, I have recovered, and you will definitely be able to recovered."

"You're right, Ben, the machine is a complete success."

Coming out of the shadows, Victor's appearance has changed even more than when he met Ben before. After absorbing the cosmic storm energy that had reversed itself, his body was completely metalized, and he could even hear the sound while walking. to the sound of metal crashing.

"You're back in human form, and I've got your power."

"It's all arranged by you."

Seeing Victor who became even more terrifying than before, Ben suddenly woke up.

"You hate your power, but I don't."

If before, Victor might have been on guard when faced with the Stone Ben, who had powerful defensive capabilities and infinite power, but now, for Ben, who is just an ordinary person. Victor didn't even bother to cover up at all. After all, as an ordinary person, he didn't have the slightest threat to him.

Victor: "Today, I have infinite power beyond ordinary people, but you are just a downright ordinary person."

Ben: "You lied to me, Victor!"

Victor: "No, I didn't deceive you. In fact, I secretly fulfilled your dream of changing back from your will, and now, now that the dream has come true..."

As he spoke, Victor raised his silver arm that had been completely metalized, looked at Ben in front of him, and said coldly, "You can also die without any regrets."

For Victor, the Fantastic Four is a stumbling block that hinders him. Reed ruined his career. Now that he has more power, he naturally wants to take revenge, and this is the first target of his revenge. .

If Victor's blow is real, it is now just the book of ordinary people, and there is no possibility of parrying at all, and it is even very likely that Victor will kill him directly.

Seeing that the arm was about to fall, a hand stretched out from mid-air grabbed Victor's arm and quickly wrapped it around his arm.


Looking down at the arms wrapping his entire body, a cold expression appeared on Victor's face under the mask.


Extending his arm around the strange figure that appeared in the laboratory, Reed heard the sound from under the mask, and his face couldn't help showing a hint of doubt.

Because of the sequelae of the previous personal experiments, he rested on the second floor of the laboratory.

"What the **** does this happen?"

Looking at the suspected figure of Victor and the transformed Ben in the laboratory, the doubts on Reed's face deepened a bit.

"You came just in time, Reed."

Turning his arms to feel the entanglement power from himself, Victor turned his head to look at Reed, the expression on his face under the mask was icy cold.

"Reed, be careful, Victor has absorbed more power from the cosmic storm radiation and wants to..."

Seeing Reed appearing, Ben shouted anxiously.


However has not waited for him to reveal Victor's ambitions.

Victor, who was wrapped by Reed's rubber arm, raised his other arm and smashed it on Ben's body. With a dull sound, the tall Ben was smashed and flew out, hitting the shelf and disappeared instantly. Reaction, life and death do not know.


Seeing this scene, the expression on Reed's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Victor with red eyes: "Why are you doing this, Victor."

"Why should I do this?"

"Reed, you're always so self-righteous because of your self-righteousness that we had an accident on the space station, and my career suffered a devastating blow because of it, but fortunately all this has passed, and now I have won With a greater power than ever before, I shall master everything, whether it is power or your research, and you, Reed, your presence is now a stumbling block for me, and for stumbling blocks, I used to Kick it away, and now, I can just crush the stone."

"Besides, from now on, call my new title, Reed, I'm called - Doctor Doom!"

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