Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 235: regroup

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【Charger Mode】

It is an armor form designed and developed by Tony Stark specially for frontal combat.

In fact, Tony developed this form purely in consideration of the time bomb Hulk in the Avengers.

In order to avoid no one to stop the Hulk when he loses control, this form of battle armor was specially developed for emergencies.

Not only the mode of the armor form, in Tony's design memorandum, the 'anti-Hulk-type heavy armor' is also in an orderly manner.

Bang, bang!

Under the [Charger Mode], the upper body of the Mark 8 armor is thicker, and the arms of the armor have been specially enhanced. Controlling Mark 8 and waving its sturdy steel arm, Tony smashed towards the opposite Morizuru without hesitation.


With the blessing of the steel arm, Tony's power at the moment can even be compared to the Hulk under normal transformation.

Smashing on Shouhe's body immediately splashed countless yellow sand, interrupting his 'recovery' process.

Reopening his yellow beast pupils, Shouhe looked at Tony in front of him, the civet cat had a fierce expression on his face, a red light flashed in his eyes, and a fierce aura came from it, waving his huge arm, scratching A gust of wind swept towards Tony in front of him.

Click, click!

The fierce wind blew Tony's footsteps. He controlled the Mark 8 and stood in front of Shouhe. The golden-red steel arm flickered with blue light. In an instant, a violent impact erupted, turning into a powerful and heavy one. The civet cat who hit Shouhe's head smashed down heavily.


With one punch, Shouhe's head was directly smashed into yellow sand by Tony.

However, it soon recovered quickly.

A head grew again, and Shouhe shook his new head a little unaccustomed to, looking at Tony on the opposite side, a fierce light flashed in the yellow beast's pupils, he roared, opened his mouth, and suddenly a lot of wind and sand came out. It began to gather in its mouth: "[Wind Dun Sand Shots]!"

The sand bullets that have been strengthened by wind are basically as powerful as bullets in terms of destructive power. When they hit the ground in Chinatown, they leave deep and shallow potholes. However, the main effect of sand shotguns is to suppress the opponent's movement by burying sand in the opponent's body rather than the damage it inflicts.

The rolling yellow sand spurted out from the mouth of the guard crane, and instantly buried Tony in front of him.

"Mr. Stark!"

Looking at Tony buried in the sand, there was a surprised look on the face of the little spider's mask, and he pressed the spider silk injector in his hand almost without thinking, and shot a spider silk stick on the head of the opposite Shouhe. bomb.


With a roar, he pulled the spider silk sticky bomb off his face, and Shouhe's already violent aura became more serious. Peter noticed that every grain of yellow sand on the ground began to tremble, as if conveying Shouhe's heart. The anger of his body, and the spider sense in his body, from just now, seems to have been crazy, constantly reminding the little spider that what he is encountering at this moment is a fatal danger that is enough to kill him.

"If I had known, maybe I should have followed Mr. Stark's advice and left the scene immediately."

Seeing Shouhe's three-story-high body in front of him, Little Spider couldn't help swallowing and began to regret it.

With his small arms and calves, as long as he touches Shouhe, it is enough to lose his life.

Although, his heart was thumping and he was retreating, but when Peter's eyes swept over Tony, who was buried in the yellow sand, the originally wandering eyes under the mask suddenly became firm.


Taking a deep breath, he suddenly shouted at the opposite Shouhe: "Hey, big guy, I'm here!"

Hearing Little Spider's provocative cry, Shouhe stopped his steps towards Tony, turned his head slowly, and his yellow beast pupils instantly locked on Peter who was not far away.


The moment he met Shouhe's eyes, Peter's body sensed a spider suddenly, and he hurriedly sprayed a spider silk through the spider silk launcher in his palm to stick to the sign opposite Chinatown.


Just as the little spider dodged, the sand column formed by the rolling yellow sand penetrated where he was standing before. The violent sand directly pierced the shop with holes.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous~"

Hanging on the signboard, Peter looked at the penetrating roof of the building, reached out and patted his chest, looking in shock.


However, before Peter was able to rejoice in his escape, a large number of dark clouds began to form in the air.

"Why is it so good, why did the thunder suddenly strike again?"

Looking up at the lightning in mid-air, a surprised expression flashed across Peter's face under the mask.



Amidst the thunder and lightning, Steve and the others who had evacuated the civilians in Chinatown finally arrived in front of the ruined martial arts hall.

"Is this the extraterritorial demon in the mouth of Immortal Penglai?"

Pushing the glasses on his face, Banner looked at Shouhe who was controlling the yellow sand and blurted out involuntarily.

"team leader."

Covering her arm injured by the sand shot, Natasha stuck her body out of the broken wall near the martial arts gym, gritted her teeth and said, "For the safety of New York City, we must do our best to prevent this monster from continuing to grow. "

"Don't worry, our strongest helper has arrived."

Comforting the injured Natasha, Steve looked at the huge Shouhe and said slowly.


As Steve's voice fell, a huge lightning struck Shouhe's body, causing a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, Thor, holding Thor's hammer, appeared in Chinatown.


It was at this time that Tony, who had been trapped in the sand since just now, broke free, took a deep breath, and staggered to his feet.

"Captain, you are finally here."

Tony panted, looking at Captain America coming in front of him, and then he noticed Sol who appeared on the street next to him, with an unexpected expression on his face under the metal mask: "And Sol, you actually came to Earth too. ."

"I came to see Jane on Earth, and I learned about the situation in New York from the TV, so I rushed over."

Sol waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand and said in a deep voice the reason.

Although, this reason is a little speechless.

However, thanks to this, the Avengers, which had not been fully assembled since the Great War in New York, successfully reunited again.

"Is this the guy we're dealing with this time."

After answering, Sol turned his eyes again and looked at Shouhe on the other side.

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